“Gas! Gas! Gas!” yelled Cadre. Much like a boxer taking a surprise upper-cut, Cadets scrambled to react. They only had nine seconds to let technique take over. “It punches you in the face as soon as you take that mask off,” said Cadet Jakob Jasperson of Pittsburg State University, Kansas. “My face burns, almost instantly you start crying, and your nose, it just runs so fast … you start coughing, and you can’t control your breathing.” Cadets of 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp were trained to be ready for the worst on the morning of June 17th, 2021. CBRN (commonly pronounced “see-burn”) [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets persevered through the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Confidence Chamber July 16 during Cadet Summer Training. “We had our classes where we learned how to trust our gear and how to utilize it properly. Then, the proper steps if we were ever in the environments and need to use it,” explained Cadet Brandon Milburn, Norwich University. “After that, we did the practical application of it where we went inside the gas chamber and were exposed to the chemical substance.” During the introductory classes, Cadets were shown a demonstration of what the Chemical [...]