FORT KNOX, Ky. – 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets graduated on Brooks Field August 6 after completing Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Cadets completed numerous exercises to build themselves not only as leaders and teammates, but also to build their confidence in themselves and each other. After graduating and officially completing their training, Cadets expressed their feelings after walking off of Brooks Field. One Cadet was excited to demonstrate their skills learned throughout camp. “Just feeling really excited to get out of here and learn with all this knowledge that I’ve learned since I’ve been here. This is [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Six miles, two aching feet, 35 plus pounds, and Cadets of 5th Regiment only needed one thing to push them forward, each other. The six-mile road march is the first of three different marches the Cadets will be tasked with over the course of Cadet Summer training. The time limit to complete the event was two hours. For those aiming for Recondo the time to beat was 1 hour and 30 minutes. Lt. Col. Jack Toohey from Ohio State University was one of the Cadre who rucked with the Cadets, but he had an added task. He [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – The decision to join Army ROTC is one that changed Advanced Camp Cadet’s lives forever. For Cadet Matthew Clark, from Hilliard Ohio, attending Ohio State University, the decision was made in high school. Despite growing up with no military background, Clark said he always had in interest in the military and the Army. He made the decision to pursue a career in the Army through ROTC his sophomore year of high school. Clark wants to be an emergency room or trauma nurse specifically for the Army because of the experience he would gain and the ability to [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Good times never seemed so good when Cadets from C Company, 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp went through Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear training on July 19. At 7AM, the Cadets grounded their gear at the CBRN training site. The company was briefed before being separated into platoons and squads for Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear training. MOPP gear, consisting of a gas mask, gloves, boot covers, and a hooded suit, is designed to protect Soldiers in a toxic environment. Cadet Adam Minor, a student at Ohio State University, served in the 135th Military Police Company before joining [...]