FORT KNOX, Ky. — On Aug. 5, Cadets of the 10th Regiment had an early morning fighting the enemy during a defense mission at AO Grizzly. This is their last full day of the Field Training Exercises (FTX), with graduation just around the corner. Defense missions are pretty straightforward: the platoon is set up at a patrol base with borders and protection surrounding it. The Opposing Force (OPFOR) wants to take that base over, and plans to attack it. The Cadets have no knowledge of when the OPFOR are coming, but have to stay quick on their feet and maintain control [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets attended Branch Orientation, a time where the different branches of the Army hold informational briefs to showcase different career paths, July 21 during Cadet Summer Training. “They’re just giving us an overview of career paths that we can choose from along with guard and reserve options. Basically, we get to active, reserve, and guard officers about what they do and it helps us figure out what we want to do,” explained Cadet Austin Pfennig, Eastern Washington University. Cadets glean new information as they visit each branch’s tent and listen to the Cadre [...]
University and company representatives from all over the nation came to Fort Knox this week to catch a glimpse of Cadet life. The Purpose Centers of Influence (COIs) are universities and companies that the U.S. Army deems influential in the lives of the youth. These COIs are beneficial in reaching out to and drawing in potential Cadets. Inviting them out them out to Fort Knox each year, Cadet Command allows these deans of universities and heads of companies to learn about the ROTC program and become part of it, even if only for a few days. “These are educators, marketers, folks [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. – “This training is important because, you need to be prepared with whatever the Army throws at you. You need to adapt and overcome,” said Cadet Savannah Mercado, from the University of Southern California. Today, Cadets from the 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp learned how to do this when they endured the Chemical, Biological Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) chamber. The chemical used at CBRN is tear gas; when unprotected, it specifically irritates the skin, respiratory system and eyes. There were several different stations Cadets visited to learn how to properly don their mask and suit. “The instructors here [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky – “Many people celebrate their birthday sleeping in and eating cake, but not us,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Mario Terenas. Fort Knox didn’t sleep in late this morning but began it with a three-mile run and a Streamer Ceremony marking the Army’s 244th birthday. As the fog and morning dew blanketed Brooks Field, Soldiers and civilians from evert command across the base listened as Maj. Gen. John R. Evans, commanding general, U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox, gave his ‘hooah’ birthday speech. “Starting at Bunker Hill all the way through Baghdad, there’s nothing like us anywhere,” said [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – Early Tuesday morning on May 21, Cadre from different college’s ROTC programs gathered to evaluate other Cadre members as they completed a Threshold to Failure mission. They also learned how to increase or decrease stress for Cadets in these situations. The assigned squad leader was expected to lead the team through the different obstacles with an end goal of retrieving and returning an injured Soldier. Cadre were there to observe this mission and evaluate the leadership skills of the squad leader. Capt. Darren Ekey from the University of Tennessee at Martin explains, “Today’s mission is what we [...]
Radcliff, Ky. — Fort Knox and the Kentucky Department of Veteran Affairs partnered to host a Memorial Day Ceremony at the Kentucky Veteran’s Cemetery in Radcliff, Kentucky at 11:30a.m. on Monday, May 27th. Hundreds of civilians, veterans, and families gathered together to partake in the events at the Veteran’s Cemetery. The ceremony opened with music from the Ladies of Liberty, followed by The Star Spangled Banner by the 100th Army Band (USAR). Chaplain Maj. Jonathan Lee gave a short invocation before Maj. Gen. Frank Muth spoke the publics. “Memorial Day is a time-honored commitment to never forget those who served and [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets competed in a Drill and Ceremony Competition Aug. 7 during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Platoons competed against one another to earn the title for best movement. Drill and Ceremony is a long-held tradition in the Army and focuses on Soldier movement. “We have everybody up in their straight lines doing parade rest, attention, correcting salutes, and making sure that our whole formation is on cue. We’re all competing with the different platoons to fight against whoever is the best at being all squared away and tight [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — We ruck through life trying to figure out the lessons along the way, hoping we are becoming a better version of ourselves. Cadets from 9thRegiment, Advanced Camp reflect on why they’re at Cadet Summer Training and what they’ve learned during Field Exercise Training. Today, the Cadets originally planned to conduct a hasty attack. Cadets set up a defensive position and switch over to an offensive position. However, things change. “We did get ambushed,” Cadet Lauren Martinez, University of Kentucky, said. “So…that changes the plan, right? We have to think on our feet.” Field Training Exercises throw curveballs [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 7th Regiment, Basic Camp participated in a Drill & Ceremony competition on August 2. D&C consists of the proper way to move and hold oneself while in formation. The competition is a new addition to Cadet Summer Training this year. Cadet Jamie Bridenstine, who completed Advanced Camp this summer, is working as a Military Science III trainer at Basic Camp. Bridenstine, a student at the University of Wyoming, stated that D&C builds discipline and helps people work as a team. She went through Basic Camp in 2016. “We focused on D&C but it wasn’t to [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp ambushed Opposing Forces, also known as OPFOR, during Field Training Exercises on August 1, at Area of Operation Grizzly. When the Cadets woke up that morning, described Cadet Olan Field, they knew that they were going to be conducting an ambush but weren’t exactly sure where. “We had to … go and find out information and then utilize that information that we received into our next mission,” stated Field. Platoon Sergeant Cadet Perry Patton, a student at Harding University, explained that a leader’s reconnaissance element met up with a defector who [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets executed Situational Training Exercises, STXs, August 2 during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. “Today is the last day of our STX, Situational Training Exercise. Basically, we are in the crawl phase of what we’re going to do. These are all Cadre run. We’re going through the motions and letting them show us how they want the lane set up and how to properly execute the things that we’re trying to do,” explained Cadet Logan Karsteter, Purdue University, (hometown) Milan, Indiana. Each iteration, or repetition, of the exercise [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – With only three days left until graduation, Cadets from 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp must begin asking themselves, “What’s next?” Lucky for them, Branch Orientation provides some answers. During Branch Orientation, Cadets rotate through various tents filled with information on each branch available to them. For some Cadets, selecting a branch is a walk in the park, but for others, selecting a branch will be the hardest decision they ever make. Cadet Anna Farmer from the University of Oregon has a decision to make. As of now, she has narrowed down her selections to Field Artillery, Military Intelligence and [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp conducted a raid on July 30, during the third and final phase of Field Training Exercises: the Grizzly phase. During the Grizzly phase, also known as the run phase, the Cadets conduct the missions themselves as opposed to being guided through them by Cadre like in the Wolverine (crawl) and Panther (walk) phases. Cadet Marc Venditti, University of South Florida, the platoon leader for yesterday’s mission, explained that he utilizes the chain of command to communicate with his platoon. He gives information to his squad leaders, who pass it on to their [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – What started out as a calm morning in the woods turned into a high-speed attack for 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets. This morning (27 July), the Cadets were given a mission to later conduct an attack on a Linear Danger Area. With only a grid location and a time, the Cadets moved meters from the op-for and set up an objective rally point. Once they got the objective rally point set up, they sent out a leaders recon to scout out a position to get eyes on how many enemy personnel were there and what weapons they had. [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp began Situational Training Exercises on July 27, entering the crawl phase of Field Training Exercises. This phase of training is heavily guided by Cadre and serves as instruction for Cadets. Cadet Karli Ring, a student at George Washington University, called what the Cadets were being taught the “doctrine, know-how” way to carry out the mission set before them. As a small group of Cadets set off for a leader’s reconnaissance patrol, Ring explained, the Cadre had the rest of the Cadets follow and observe rather than post security, as would normally [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment, Basic Camp huddled around cell phone cameras before camp graduation on July 26, trying to see how their group photos with fellow Cadets turned out. 2nd Lt. Kasey Greenfield, a graduate of Texas A&M University, noticed an extraordinary difference in the demeanor of a lot of the Cadets – particularly their sense of pride – between the beginning of camp and graduation. Towards the end of camp, Greenfield stated, “a lot of them would stand up straighter,” and just wear the uniform a little differently. Between the homesickness, drill sergeants, and physical standards [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Maps, protractors, and binoculars covered the fold-out tables set out before Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp for a Call for Fire Trainer on July 25. Following 45 minutes of instruction, they had two hours to practice their skills in preparation for a must-pass 20-minute test. Additional time was set aside for retraining and retesting. Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Kruse explained that the purpose of today’s training is to teach Cadets how to call for, and more specifically adjust, indirect fire. Direct fire is used when the target is within the sight range of a Soldier’s weapon [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Good times never seemed so good when Cadets from C Company, 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp went through Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear training on July 19. At 7AM, the Cadets grounded their gear at the CBRN training site. The company was briefed before being separated into platoons and squads for Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear training. MOPP gear, consisting of a gas mask, gloves, boot covers, and a hooded suit, is designed to protect Soldiers in a toxic environment. Cadet Adam Minor, a student at Ohio State University, served in the 135th Military Police Company before joining [...]
U.S. Army Cadets Travel African Country to Learn Leadership, Understanding ENTEBBE, Uganda– Thirty-three Cadets, a 1st Lt., a Capt., and a Sgt. land at the Entebbe airport after over twenty-four hours of travel. With weary legs they climb into a bus with a driver named Richard. Around 1 a.m. they arrive in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, without a single clue of the experiences they are in for. KAMPALA, Uganda– The team visits the U.S. Embassy. They learn that the United States is in Uganda for two main reasons: regional stability and trafficking management. They learn about the roles of Foreign [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp had the opportunity to hear presentations from 19 Army branches and functionaries represented at Branch Orientation on July 12. In a grassy area beside a large, black, armored Special Reaction Force vehicle, a gaggle of Cadets stood and watched as a Military Police K-9 handler demonstrated giving his dog commands. Sgt. 1st Class Travis Watkins, 14th MP Brigade out of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., explained Branch Orientation helps Cadets get a feel for different branches. He considers it an opportunity to explore branch options and figure out what will actually be [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Cadets of 4th Regiment, Basic Camp, put their physical fitness skills to the test bright and early during the Army Physical Fitness Test July 2. “To be honest, it’s tough, but its nice having the other Cadets around.” said Cadet Mikayla Blaska, Princeton, “We are all going through the same thing. Its nice to have unity and be going through the struggle together.” During the APFT, Cadets are required to complete push-ups, sit-ups and a 2-mile run to complete the entire test. Cadets were required to be awake well before dawn for the APFT, which is strenuous for most. [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Cadets of 1st Regiment, Basic Camp, were introduced to new tactics on Tuesday, June 12, at the Christensen Range, Fort Knox, Ky. The training focused on small unit tactics. The training was broken down into three rotations: individual movement training (IMT), hand grenade training, and a classroom style briefing. Cadets dressed in their field gear and used camouflage face paint, branches and leaves to blend in with their surroundings. “What we are doing here today is infantry training. A lot of the Cadets are given blanks and are being put in a situation where they are going to be [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Basic Camp Cadets learned the importance of the Center of the Army Profession and Ethics (CAPE) Sunday afternoon, June 11. Cadets were briefed in a classroom setting on the values of trust, morals and ethics. These are key to having a successful profession in the Army. Following the briefing, Cadets were given a scenario to put what they had learned into effect. “It’s basically a team building exercise which will continue over into the Bravo Company,” said 2LT Jessica Turner, platoon leader, of Alcorn State University, Woodridge, Virginia, “You get to see what they really think about this as [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 6th Regiment, Basic Camp, took on the Confidence Course (High Ropes), July 31, as their time at Cadet Summer Training, Fort Knox, Kentucky comes to an end. Cadets are required to climb all three different courses; the High Ropes course that is a series of different obstacles that are suspended up in the air about 32-feet. The next one is tower that the Cadet must climb with various techniques to make it up to the top before their partner is allowed to lower them. The final course is the rock wall climb that has different [...]