• Only ten days into Basic Camp, and 1st Regiment is beginning to adapt to life in the Army. It’s tough, but they are not alone. On July 5, 2021, 1st Regiment took their introduction to the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT. The ACFT is the Army’s new physical fitness assessment to determine a person’s general readiness for combat. It consists of six parts: deadlifts, hand-release pushups, a sprint-drag-carry, power throws, leg tucks, and finally a two-mile run. This training created a stage to display a large part of life in the Army, which is the support and bonding from peers [...]

  • Unlike most college students on summer break who likely sleep in, Cadet Erin Gustafson from Texas A&M University finished her Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) at 5:30 a.m on June 21. Gustafson, who is part of Alpha Company, 4th Regiment, is currently attending Advanced Camp, which is part of Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky.  The ACFT is the newest physical test for the Army, replacing the previous Army Physical Fitness Test. The new test revolves around combat-related stresses, such as being able to jump over obstacles, reacting quickly to fire, or pushing a disabled vehicle. Most Cadets are training [...]