• Article by CULP Cadet. Edited by Hope Nelson. SENEGAL, Africa — If one were to spend any amount of time in Senegal, there would be a number of things that would be immediately apparent. You could see that Senegal does not have many of the same infrastructures and institutions that the United States (U.S.) possesses. You could see poverty on a greater scale than nearly anywhere in the U.S. But you could also see a land of unrequited beauty. Senegal is truly a wonder to behold. From its natural beauty to its constructed wonders and it’s amazing citizens. Senegal actively combats [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 2nd Regiment Commission ceremony took place, June 29, at the Waybur Theater on Fort Knox, Ky. The commissioning ceremony starts off with the Cadets marching up to the stage to be sworn in with the Oath for Commissioning Officers. After they finish the oath and they are sworn in the cadets march back to their seats where they begin the process of pinning the Cadets Gold bars, which represent the rank and position they received. By tradition the silver dollar is the only coin given in exchange for the first salute. To new officers it [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced and Basic Camp 2nd Regiments, gathered together at the Olive Theater, Fort Knox, Kentucky, to hear Brian Pauling give an influential presentation about leadership.   Pauling opened up with asking which person are you, a prisoner, the person is who was forced to attend the briefing, the Vacationer, the person who is glad to be here because it’s it means they don’t have to do their work, or the person who is willing to learn from this experience? Most of the Cadets answered with Vacationer, Pauling had a mission to change those Cadets minds in hope [...]