FORT KNOX, Ky. – Basic Camp Cadets kicked off the first Land Navigation of the summer, on June 6.
The Land Navigation course is designed to train Cadets on how to Navigate from one point to another using just a map, compass and protractor. The Cadets teamed up in to teams of two and headed out.
The Cadets have four hours to find four key points that are located within the perimeters of the course. Cadets are graded on how may points they located. One point for every location they find. Cadets need at least three of the four to pass the course. Each Cadet was given a tracker to carry with them. The tracker’s purpose is to help the Cadets learn from their mistakes from the course.
“Right now we are teaching them the fundamentals, so that they can use these skills in real life,” said Captain Anthony Francisco, Land Navigation Committee at Cadet Summer Training, from Claremont McKenna University in California.
“This is the foundation for anything we learn in the future, as well as something every Soldier should know how to do,” said, Cadet Joseph Cantu, University of Texas in Rio Grande, Texas. Learning Land Navigation helps the Cadets in their future career.
By having the Cadets learn Land Navigation it produces efficient, confident and competent Cadets. When Cadets become Officers, they’ll be handed a mission and they need to be able to find points without modern technology.
Cadet Summer Training will bring 8,200 Cadets through Basic and Advanced Camp this summer on Fort Knox. These camps are designed to help challenge, grow and improve various skills and leadership qualities within the Cadets. If you think you have what it takes to be a Cadet or if you are interested in a job after college click the following link: