FORT KNOX, Ky.- Advanced Camp 5th regiment collected items, June 15, from the Central Issue Facility that they will need for their annual Cadet Summer Training, Fort Knox, Ky.

A Cadet repacks his duffle bag after a shakedown by Cadre members at the Central Issue Facility (CIF) to ensure that the Cadet has all of the equipment that he signed for, June 15, Fort Knox, Ky. (Photo by Amber Vincent)

CIF is a warehouse that Cadets go to collect items that they were unable to bring from their home station It’s a quick and easy process, the Cadets first line up in alphabetical order, then by groups of five they enter the warehouse where there are stations for them to go through.

“It’s hard to tell what they will need to use in the field, its important for them to have these essential items… to ensure they have whatever they need to complete the mission,” said newly commissioned 2nd Lt. Tyler Beckman, Lakeland, Fla.

Overall, there are 10 stations the Cadets must visit that issue all the items listed on their packing lists. Once the cadets have stopped at all of the stations they will check into the last station to ensure that they have received all the equipment they need for training and they have properly signed for it.

Advance Camp 5th Regiment waits in line to go through the Central Issue Facility (CIF) to recieve the equipment needed to complete their packing list. June 15 at Fort Knox, Ky. (Photo by Amber Vincent)

“For the Platoons that have gone all the way through CIF, wait for the rest of the company before they are able to leave to go to training. While they wait they are studying and reading up on information that they will need later on,” said Beckman.

The Cadets draw their equipment on day two of their 31 day CST mission. The equipment the Cadets draw will help them complete training missions as well as several new missions that have been added to the program this year such as competing for the Recondo badge, a badge earned by individual Cadets that have scored the highest in several qualification events, and a pool survival and confidence event.

Cadet Summer Training will bring 8,200 Cadets through Basic and Advanced Camp this summer on Fort Knox. These camps are designed to help challenge, grow and improve various skills and leadership qualities within the Cadets. If you think you have what it takes to be a Cadet or if you are interested in a job after college, click the following link: