FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment, Basic Camp had the opportunity to do branch orientation on July 25, at Fort Knox, Ky., to help them decide which branch they would like to serve in once they become Army Officers.

Basic Camp 5th Regiment gets briefed on Branch Orientation, July 25, Fort Knox, Ky. (Photo By: Jordyn McCulley)

“Basic Camp gets a minor orientation, the Cadre from each tent just give them a brief overview of what they do and this is the reason why you might want to join our branch,” said 2nd Lieutenant Matthew Booker, Alumni to Canisius College, Buffalo, New York. “Once they get to Advanced Camp they do this again but they select the branch they desire to join.”

Some of the main branches that Cadets were able to explore at branch orientation are Aviation, Military Police, Judge Advocate General (JAG), Medical Corps, Infantry Branch, Engineers, Chemical Corps, Signal Corps, Armor and Quartermaster.

“We are going around viewing the different branches to see what you like and would like to go into,” said Cadet Thomas Self, Marion Military Institute from Florence, Al. “Coming out here and learning about the different branches and I don’t know a whole lot about some of these branches so coming out here and seeing what they have to offer is pretty cool.”

The Cadets spend one day with Branch Orientation, they have several rotations so the Cadets get enough chances to see the branches they are most interested in for a career and just curious about.

A cadre shows the Cadet what they would be doing if they choose Armor branch with the M-1127 Stryer Reconnaissance Vehicle, July 25, Fort Knox, Ky. (Photo By Jordyn McCulley)

Self went into detail about why it’s important for them to learn and understand the different branches of the Army.

“Its very important to learn about the other branches, knowing different careers paths and having an all around idea and expertise of all the branches that your soldiers could possibly be in,” said Self.

Cadet Summer Training will bring 8,200 Cadets through Basic and Advanced Camp this summer on Fort Knox. These camps are designed to help challenge, grow and improve various skills and leadership qualities within the Cadets. If you think you have what it takes to be a Cadet or if you are interested in a job after college click the following link: