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FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets completed their rigorous confidence course training, 12 July.

“The objective of this training is to build confidence and teamwork within each squad,” said Sgt. Frank Marscelli from San Diego State University. “Cadets aren’t expected to be tactically proficient, rather resilient and motivated. We [cadre] want to see how the Cadets lead each other.”

Cadet Taylor Flanagan, Georgia Southern University, pushes through the incline wall obstacle at Fort Knox, Ky. July 12, 2019. | Photo by Mary Kate Griffin, CST Public Affairs Office.

Throughout the course, Cadets must maneuver themselves with agility under low wires, over steep hurdles, up towering ladders and down shaky cargo nets. Sgt. 1st Class Clayton Mayberry, a cadre on the course, compared the confidence course training to a strenuous physical training (PT) session.

“The obstacles on this course require upper and lower body strength,” said Mayberry. “Cadets will leave here today having completed an all-around workout.”

The obstacles that involve climbing ropes and ladders offer Cadets the ability to tackle some of their personal challenges and fears.

8th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadet Nami Kim, University of Alaska, completes the weaver obstacle at Fort Knox, Ky. July 12, 2019. | Photo by Mary Kate Griffin, CST Public Affairs Office.

“I’m not the best climber because I am afraid of heights,” said Cadet Perry Ofori, attending Fitchburg State University. “After a few trials, I found a climbing method that worked for me.”

Tackling the obstacles in squads develops Cadets’ team leading skills. Stanley Barbel, a Cadet at Drexel University, suggests that teamwork alleviates the burden of a challenge from a single person.

“It is easier to tackle an obstacle with a group of people rather than individually,” said Barbel.

Cadet Christina Williams from Millersville University addressed her own fear of heights and how her team was able to overcome the challenges it faced on the course.

“My team is extremely motivated and each member has different strengths and weaknesses. I am afraid of heights,” said Williams. “We continue to build each other up so that we excel. I keep faith with my squad.”

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