FORT KNOX, Ky.—4th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets were on the Fort Knox instillation for three days before their leadership skills were put to the test on Monday during the Field Leadership Reaction Course (FLRC).
“These are situations that we have to think critically and have very limited supplies,” said Cadet Courtney Eisma, Rutgers University, South Brunswick, New Jersey. “You have to use whatever you have to your advantage and it is super important to communicate what you want very clearly to your team and get feed back.”
A team of 4th Regminet Advanced Camp Cadets work together to make sure that the their team in their FLRC scenario gets to safety across obstacles. (Photo by Breanne Ward)
Eisma and her team were at a station in the course that did not allow them to speak while trying to achieve the objective, getting a mannequin across a bridge that had been damaged.
“Communication is huge. We are with a group of people that we’ve never met before in our lives. Its been three days, and we are dealing with people from diverse communities so I think part of this is dealing with new people and learning their strengths and weaknesses and how to utilize those best in different situations and also how to communicate with people who maybe don’t have the same personality or come from the same place.” said Eisma.
Sgt. Jeff Snider, training instructor, also hoped to help the Cadets utilize their strengths and weaknesses by not allowing them to speak once they got to his rotation in the training.
A team of 4th Regminet Advanced Camp Cadets work together to make sure that the mannequin in their FLRC scenario made it across the bridge safely. (Photo by Breanne Ward)
“It makes it more challenging, but without them being able to talk, it is harder but this way you don’t have so many people stressing you out all trying to give you ideas at once.” said Snider.
Snider shared his thoughts on leadership as being able to step up to the plate, being able to assess a situation and figure a solution for that situation before taking it to subordinates and helping them through that situation.
Cadet Summer Training will bring 8,200 Cadets through Basic and Advanced Camp this summer on Fort Knox. These camps are designed to help challenge, grow and improve various skills and leadership qualities within the Cadets. If you think you have what it takes to be a Cadet or if you are interested in a job after college click the following link: