FORT KNOX, Ky. – Maps, protractors, and binoculars covered the fold-out tables set out before Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp for a Call for Fire Trainer on July 25. Following 45 minutes of instruction, they had two hours to practice their skills in preparation for a must-pass 20-minute test. Additional time was set aside for retraining and retesting. Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Kruse explained that the purpose of today’s training is to teach Cadets how to call for, and more specifically adjust, indirect fire. Direct fire is used when the target is within the sight range of a Soldier’s weapon [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp had the opportunity to hear presentations from 19 Army branches and functionaries represented at Branch Orientation on July 12. In a grassy area beside a large, black, armored Special Reaction Force vehicle, a gaggle of Cadets stood and watched as a Military Police K-9 handler demonstrated giving his dog commands. Sgt. 1st Class Travis Watkins, 14th MP Brigade out of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., explained Branch Orientation helps Cadets get a feel for different branches. He considers it an opportunity to explore branch options and figure out what will actually be [...]