• FORT KNOX, Ky.—Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, complete their daytime land navigation test on Fort Knox, Ky., July 16, 2023. Land navigation acts as a tool to teach Cadets to maneuver various terrains while locating the intended checkpoints. “We’re taught a couple days before and after our exercises how to use our tools like the protractor and compass and apply them,” said Cadet Kenneth Smith, University of Dayton. “You’ve got options on how to complete this and you find a preference through the practices we do in the coming days.” This exercise pushes Cadets into scenarios that require them to [...]

  • FORT KNOX Ky. — Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, practiced firing their rifles during the Engagement Skills Trainer at Fort Knox, Ky., July 16, 2023. Designed to simulate a weapons qualification, EST allows Cadets to learn how to use their rifle before they go into the field. As they start their firing practice, some Cadets use their past experiences, Cadre, or family, for inspiration or advice. “EST is a training facility for us to utilize and practice our shooting skills,” said Cadet Amy Beaven, Northern Arizona University. “It’s a great way for people to either learn how to use their [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, complete the 8-mile ruck march during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky., July 14, 2023. The 8-mile ruck march is the Cadets’ transition into the second half of their time spent in the field before graduation. “The march is at the end of the first phase of our Field Training Exercise (FTX),” said Cadet Madison Cappellano, Virginia Military Institute. “It’s basically a culminating event that transitions to the last six days of the field for the platoon.” At this point, Cadets have been in the field for five days, completing [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 1st Regiment, Basic Camp challenged the Forest Hills Climbing Complex on Fort Knox, Ky., July 13, 2023. FHCC is a part of training to help Cadets overcome their fears and gain confidence in themselves while completing the different obstacles. “Most people would say that it’s important because it teaches you not to be scared of heights,” said Cadet Dean Grassi, Penn State University. “I think it actually teaches you to overcome obstacles like your fear.” The course is comprised of a rock-climbing wall, two vertical alpine towers, and the high ropes course. All of these [...]

  • FORT KNOX Ky.— Armed with only their wits, strength, and endurance, Cadets from the 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the confidence course at Fort Knox, Ky., July 13, 2023. During Cadet Summer Training, Cadets are faced with multiple instances in which they must exhibit both their mental and physical capabilities.  “The confidence course is an obstacle course that every Cadet at CST must go through,” said Cadet Melanie Franco, St. John’s University. “It tests basically where you’re strong, where you’re not, and if you can complete each obstacle. Designed to challenge Cadets to overcome their mental stress and push their physical [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 1st Regiment, Basic Camp, completed the Team Development Course at Fort Knox, Ky., July 13, 2023. The TDC consists of different obstacles that are designed to mentally and physically challenge Cadets. They must learn to critically think, solve problems, and work together as a team to find the solutions to the obstacles. Cadets had 10 minutes to plan and 20 minutes to execute the plan. Cadet Alex Poynter from Tarleton State University, 1st Regiment, Basic Camp, mentioned what obstacle he faced during the TDC. “We did event number four, which was the destroyed bridge,” Poynter [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Field Training Exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., July 12, 2023. During the FTX, Cadets first start the training mission at the objective rally point, where they plan for the attack using the troop-leading procedures in order to destroy or defeat the opposing forces, and seize, and secure terrain. Cadet Cassandra Pichardo from Olivet Nazarene University mentioned her role during the attack. “My role was alpha team leader,” Pichardo said. “I was taking care of my people, and making sure that they were all ready to go.” Cadets take 2-3 [...]

  • FORT KNOX Ky.—Cadets from the 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Field Leadership Reaction Course at Fort Knox, Ky., on July 12, 2023. FLRC is an obstacle course designed to challenge and grow the Cadets’ teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills. The course forces the Cadets to work together with their battle buddies to understand one another and the roles that each person takes on the team. “We’re working together as a team, using our squads, who have already been together for the past 13 days,” said Cadet Caleb Kowalewski, Cedarville University, “We’ve had time to connect and build relationships. Now, [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp participated in the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Knox, Ky., July 9, 2023. The ACFT accesses the agility, endurance, and strength of Cadets through a series of exercises as they start their Cadet Summer Training experience. “The ACFT is meant to measure the physical fitness of a cadet to ensure the preparedness of each person that serves,” said Cadet Anna Johnson, Michigan State. “It teaches resilience and dedication to what we do.” Designed to evaluate Cadets’ physical fitness, the ACFT is a tool that helps the Cadre identify the Cadets’ [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, execute their battle march and shoot training exercise on Fort Knox, Ky., on July 9, 2023. Battle march and shoot simulates the fatigue that can appear while in active duty, pushing Cadets to remain prepared for combat. “The battle march and shoot is a [roughly] four mile ruck to make us really tired, and then we get 40 rounds and put them on a target,” said Cadet Geoffrey Takacs, University of Connecticut. “It’s to make sure that we can stay calm and even after working out, being under pressure, we can [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadet Agnelo Lopes, Columbia State University, from 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, decided at a young age that he was going to serve in the Army. At around 7 years old, Lopes had traveled two miles from Jersey City, New Jersey, for a school field trip to the Statue of Liberty. The day of this field trip was September 11, 2001 — a day that changed Lopes’ life trajectory as well as the United States.  “I was actually on a field trip to the Statue of Liberty when the twin towers went down,” Lopes said. “I always wanted [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 5th Regiment Advanced camp tackled the weapons qualification on the Pells Range at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. The weapons qualification challenged Cadets to use the knowledge and training they have received over the last few days to show off their shooting abilities to hit targets at various distances.Cadet Terrence Bryant, Florida A&M University, shared his experience during weapons qualification. “I’m not a stranger behind a gun; I’ve definitely been practicing on my shooting,” Bryant said.“I know I made a few mistakes, but I was able to come on top of it and I’m [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. The ACFT consists of six events: the max deadlift, the standing power throw, hand-release pushups, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and two-mile run. “I definitely did better than I was expecting,” said Cadet McKinley Rainey, University of Hawaii at Manoa. “I think I did good because it’s a really positive environment, everybody is cheering each other on.” The ACFT is the first training event that Cadets must participate in after their arrival to camp. The ACFT tests Cadets’ physical and mental [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the field training exercise at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. The FTX trained Cadets on how to be a leader and tactically lead a platoon of forty-four Cadets in various missions. During the FTX, Cadets conducted a raid, a surprise attack where Cadets destroy or capture the opposing forces. One Cadet talked about a unique story along with his experience during the raid. Cadet Ernes Selimovic from St. John’s University New York, joined the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps because of his parents. He said that his parents came to [...]

  • Cadets Nina Huff, Loyola University Maryland, and Antonia Adipietro, Norwich University, from 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp, compared their experience with the 64-foot rappel tower to their expectations for air assault school after camp at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023.

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, spent the day planning and executing field training exercises during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky., June 26, 2023. Cadets will spend a total of 12 days in the field where they will sleep in the woods, test their leadership abilities and run missions like ambushes, raids, attacks, defense, reconnaissance and movement to contact. Cadet Madeline Bryan, Loyola University Chicago, and her platoon executed an attack on an objective. “Everybody communicated with me effectively,” Bryan said. “I got on the objective, I knew I had to shoot, I posted the [...]

  • FORT KNOX Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training in Fort Knox, Ky., June 24, 2023. The CBRN chamber is a concrete, enclosed building that creates a simulation for the Cadets to experience using their gas masks against tear gas. The production of the gas is made by burning two chemical filled capsules inside the chamber. Prior to entering the gas filled room, Cadets take in-depth classes learning about the equipment and how to properly apply it. The Cadre also ensure a proper seal of their masks beforehand. Cadre member 2nd Lt. [...]

  • The 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets prepare for Wolverine, the first phase of the field training exercises, by going through a series of stations at the warrior skills training event at Fort Knox, Ky., June 24, 2023.

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. –  On June 23, 2023., Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, engage in situational training exercises (STX) starting off at the Wolverine phase as part of Cadet Summer Training. They will move though three phases, Wolverine, Panther, and Grizzly. The STX are meant to put the Cadets in a fast-paced environment where they plan and communicate as a team to successfully complete the mission at hand. Cadets camp out in the woods for three days. STX prepares the Cadets for a bigger event called the field training exercise (FTX). Cadet Zoe Routh, University of Oklahoma, is following the [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, tested their leadership abilities at the Field Leader Reaction Course, Fort Knox, Ky., June 22, 2023.  Cadets go through five of the 16 obstacles at the FLRC choosing a new squad leader each time. This gives the ability for more Cadets to practice being leaders. Cadet Evan Harper, University of San Francisco, described the FLRC as a team building event. “We’re doing these events and different challenges together, seeing how we work as a team, and also, how we react to challenges and adversity,” Harper said. “It really shows how well [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – Cadets from the 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp, faced their fears and rappelled down the 64-foot rappel tower at Fort Knox, Ky., June 21, 2023. The purpose of the rappel tower training is to provide Cadets with the ability to overcome their fears, know how to safely rappel for the future, and build team cohesion. Cadet Kelly Godsey, University of New Mexico, felt ready to conquer the rappel tower. “I felt excited,” Godsey said. “I love rappelling, and I love doing things outside, just doing physical things, so I was really excited to do it.” Godsey has prior [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets in 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, rotate through eight stations during their warrior skills training at the Richardson Training Area, June 14, 2023. The eight stations at warrior skills training includes: hand grenades, claymore mines, troop leading procedures, range cards, route planning, direct fire planning, rehearsal types and linear danger area.  A key objective for Cadets during warrior skills training is to become accustomed with combat environments and weapons. Cadets wear protective gear such as gloves, eye protection and advanced combat helmets to ensure safety during each mission. During Cadet Summer Training, the drills that Cadets complete [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets complete their weapons qualification at Pells Range, Fort Knox, Ky., June 18, 2023.  Cadets spent the last three days preparing. Prior to making it to weapons qualifications, Cadets must go through the preliminary marksmanship instruction, the engagement skills trainer, and then, group and zero on the days leading up to qualifications day.  Cadets will complete a practice round before participating in the official qualifications round. Cadet Haley Higgins, University of Central Missouri, scored a 23 on the practice round of the qualifications. Cadets must hit a minimum of 23 out of 40 [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., – The 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets started their morning soaked in rain during the Army combat fitness test at Fort Knox, Ky., June 19, 2023.  The first physical requirement that Cadets completed was the ACFT, which measured their physical fitness. The ACFT consists of six events: the three-repetition max deadlift, the standing power throw, hand-release pushups, sprint-drag-carry, plank and two-mile run. Cadet Alexander Bradley, Texas A&M University Central Texas, is one Cadet who completed the ACFT. “Fitness is one of the most important things that the military looks for,” Bradley said. “It’s essentially a baseline for being [...]

  • Cadets of 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, conduct the battle, march, and shoot event after the marksmanship qualification to test if Cadets are ready to operate in a tactical environment at Fort Knox, Ky., June 19, 2023.