By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – On the Fourth of July, 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets gathered in Waybur Theater for a very special occasion; End Of Camp Commissioning. There, in the theater, commissioning Cadets became what they have worked for through training, 2nd lieutenants. “This ceremony marks the culmination of years of rigorous and intensive academic, military, and physical training for the Cadets seated before you today,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Dawes, narrator of the event. “The Corps has served as a test of their leadership ability and their potential to serve as commissioned officers. They have successfully emerged [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – After 31 days of training, 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets completed Advanced Camp at Cadet Summer Training, graduating at Brooks Field at Fort Knox, June 30. “This ceremony marks the culmination of 31 days of rigorous and intensive training for these young men and women. For them, Advanced Camp served as a test of their leadership abilities and potential to be an officer. They have emerged from this challenge, confident in their ability to assume the tremendous responsibilities of being an Army officer,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Daws, commonly called ‘Pipes’, the narrator for [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Harmon Hall, the Central Issuing Facility, June 28, to return equipment and gear used during Cadet Summer Training. If gear was not issued to Cadets by their host program, the CIF issued gear and equipment so Cadets could obtain the most experience during CST. “Today, we’re basically just doing gear turn in. So, stuff that we didn’t have, they were nice enough to issue it here. Then, we have to work really hard to make sure it’s clean because, if it’s not, they will make us clean it [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Smith Gym, June 22, for Platoon photos. Cadet Summer Training is centered around the Cadets and creation of future leaders by making graduates into 2nd lieutenants. With their training almost complete, there are very few things left for them to complete. There is one thing, however, that was done that was centered around helping others; the donation of blood. The Armed Services Blood Program held the first CST blood drive, June 22. The ASBP set up everything required in Smith Gym including chairs, interview stations, recovery stations and [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course at Fort Knox, June 26, for Cadet Summer Training. The Rappel Tower is a 64-foot tower that challenges Cadets through heights as well as rappelling skills and tying the Swiss seat. The Confidence Course is a set of obstacles for Cadets to push themselves to their limits. “Today, we are Rappelling and doing the Confidence course which is like an obstacle course where there’s different challenges and obstacles that you have to get over. There’s a lot of physically challenging stuff from climbing [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed weapons qualification at the Pells/George Blair Range, June 21, at Fort Knox during Cadet Summer Training. Weapons qualification is training where Cadets shoot live ammunition on a range at pop-up targets. “Yesterday, they did their grouping and zeroing to get their shot group closer and closer to the center of the target. Today, they’re going out onto the range and they shoot their targets and qualify,” said 2nd Lt. Michaela Bauman. Before going out to qualify their M4 Carbine Rifle, Cadets must go through several steps. “To get ready [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, participated in weapons zeroing and weapons qualification June 12 at Canby Hill Range at Fort Knox, Kentucky during Cadet Summer Training. This training is for Cadets to better understand their weapon in terms of safety and proper use. “Right now, they’re getting qualified on the M16. They are getting confidence in grouping, zeroing and basic familiarization at this point. Some of them have never shot a weapon before and so that’s the experience that they’re getting,” said 2nd Lt. Aurora Alejos. Cadet Patrick Spencer, Texas Christian University, Indianapolis, Indiana, explained [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, performed Individual Task Testing (ITT), June 16, during Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Ky. ITT is testing for Cadets which evaluates the skills they have learned up to this point in their training. “Today, we’re getting tested on everything we’ve learned up to this point. We’re making sure we know how to load a weapons system, do system checks on it and, if there’s a misfire, how to take care of it. We’re also being tested on first aid as well as different carries and how to treat [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp Regiment 4 received their MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems) gear at Assembly Area Baker at Fort Knox, Ky. on June 15 during Cadet Summer Training (CST). MILES gear is a three-part system consisting of a sensor vest, a helmet sensor called a halo and a laser system for rifles. “There are sensors that detect lasers that are shot from the rifles and also a laser system that is attached to their rifle or the machine gun. When a blank round is fired from the weapon, it shoots a laser out,” said [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp, 4th Regiment, arrived June 9 at Fort Knox, Kentucky for Cadet Summer Training (CST). Cadet arrival is a hustle and bustle kind of day. Many things need to be accomplished upon arriving as a Cadet. Things like settling into the barracks and preparing for the training ahead. Other activities include packing and unpacking their belongings. Why? While waiting to go up to the barracks, one Cadet answered this question. “It’s just for inspection to make sure you have everything. Last thing you want, while you’re out in the field, is to not [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Ranger candidates completed the Combat Water Survival Assessments June 8 during Cadet Summer Training in preparation for Ranger School. CWSA, also called Combat Water Survival Test is comprised of three different tests which all must be passed to complete training. “We did a 15-meter swim test with keeping our rifle above the water. We did a 3-meter blind drop. So, we had a blindfold over us and we had to hold our rifle out and jump off of the high dive. Then we had an equipment ditch. So, we had our LBE (Load Bearing [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 3rd and 4th Squad Cadets of 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, were trained and tested on Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) environments June 7 during Cadet Summer Training (CST). This required training is to educate Cadets on CBRN environments should they arise during deployment. “It’s important because the current environment that we might be going into, we might face it one day. So, making sure that we’re properly prepared and ready for it is something that, I think, future officers should know when getting ready to lead their troops,” said Cadet Angel Rivas, University of [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Charlie and Delta Companies of First Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear, CBRN, training on June 4 during Cadet Summer Training, CST. This training helps educate the Cadets should they encounter a chemical environment. “Any kind of energy source that would cause a hazard, we have to be able to take care of it. Also, if you come upon an unknown substance, liquid or gas, it could cause a lot of harm. Since we don’t know everything that exists, we need to be able to prepare for it and test [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – The First Regiment Cadets, Advanced Camp, completed the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear, CBRN, training on June 2 during Cadet Summer Training, CST. CBRN is training where the Cadets are exposed to Corson Stoughton, CS, gas. CS gas, commonly known as tear gas, causes certain symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, some difficulty breathing and, in some extreme cases, vomiting. This training is required by all Soldiers of the Army. “The CS chamber is a basic level task that every Soldier has to conduct in the Army. It’s the same as taking a PT [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 2nd regiment of advanced camp Cadets arrived at Fort Knox, Kentucky on May 30 for 2017 Cadet Summer Training, (CST). Upon arrival, Cadets are required to do a gear layout to ensure that they have the equipment necessary for the training ahead of them. “It’s pretty much you take all your gear out, you put it on the ground and see what you have and what your deficiencies are. That’s the point, to ensure you have the proper equipment for the upcoming training event.” Said Cadet David Nelson, University of Alaska, from Sanford Florida. This step [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 1st regiment Cadets arrived at the Copple Center on May 26 for in processing, paperwork and assignments for Cadet Summer Training (CST) 2017. “They go through a series of events where they’re getting their gear inspected, make sure they brought everything, getting their assignments for platoon and company they’re in, getting the stuff they need to live in the barracks, getting barracks assignments, mostly administrative.” Said Master Sgt. Randy Angel. Cadets in processing, while they waited outside, went through their Cadet handbook, highlighting and putting in sticky notes in the key pages for quick reference. Some [...]