• The Occupational Physical Assessment Test, or OPAT, is a physical fitness test that has been used by the Army to determine the fitness levels of recruits for years. Although the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, is beginning to become the new norm, the OPAT is still relevant for the future. On July 14, 2021, the Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp took on the OPAT for themselves at Fort Knox, KY. “This is the test that they use to put people in their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty,)” said Major Peter Ahching of Georgia State University. “So far these guys are [...]

  • On June 9, 2021, 2nd regiment Cadets completed the Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) at Advanced Camp 2021. The OPAT consists of four different events: Strength Deadlift, Standing Long Jump, Seated Power Throw, and Interval Aerobic Run. Cadets must pass all four events of the OPAT while attending Advanced Camp. Capt. Stephen Paniati usually works as an assistant professor of military science at George Mason University in Virginia, but he currently serves as Cadre for the 2nd regiment during Advanced Camp. Paniati said the OPAT, “ tests the base level fitness of an individual looking to commission in the United States [...]