•   FORT KNOX, Ky. – 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets graduated on Brooks Field August 6 after completing Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Cadets completed numerous exercises to build themselves not only as leaders and teammates, but also to build their confidence in themselves and each other. After graduating and officially completing their training, Cadets expressed their feelings after walking off of Brooks Field. One Cadet was excited to demonstrate their skills learned throughout camp. “Just feeling really excited to get out of here and learn with all this knowledge that I’ve learned since I’ve been here. This is [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky – “Many people celebrate their birthday sleeping in and eating cake, but not us,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Mario Terenas. Fort Knox didn’t sleep in late this morning but began it with a three-mile run and a Streamer Ceremony marking the Army’s 244th birthday. As the fog and morning dew blanketed Brooks Field, Soldiers and civilians from evert command across the base listened as Maj. Gen. John R. Evans, commanding general, U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox, gave his ‘hooah’ birthday speech. “Starting at Bunker Hill all the way through Baghdad, there’s nothing like us anywhere,” said [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – After a rigorous 31 days, Cadets of 6th Regiment celebrated the long-awaited completion of Basic Camp with a graduation ceremony on Brooks Field August 2. Looking back, Cadet Alexander Ayres of the University of Northern Colorado says his experience at Basic Camp was more enjoyable than it was difficult all thanks to his peers in Alpha Company. “It was kind of a culture shock transitioning from my civilian life to basic summer training. I made a bunch of friends and I’ve made lots of new battle buddies and they really helped me pull through thick and thin. [...]