Two soldiers are out on patrol in a combat zone walking side by side. A burst of enemy fire erupts and one falls to the ground limp. Yelling to their fallen partner, the other soldier gets no response. With no medics in sight, the soldier overcomes their nerves and gets to work. Thanks to their knowledge and training, their battle-buddy remains stable enough to make it to the nearest medical tent and makes a full recovery. Although no Cadets were actually put in harm’s way, this was the pretend scenario of 6th Regiment Advanced Camp’s Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3), part [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets completed their rigorous confidence course training, 12 July. “The objective of this training is to build confidence and teamwork within each squad,” said Sgt. Frank Marscelli from San Diego State University. “Cadets aren’t expected to be tactically proficient, rather resilient and motivated. We [cadre] want to see how the Cadets lead each other.” Throughout the course, Cadets must maneuver themselves with agility under low wires, over steep hurdles, up towering ladders and down shaky cargo nets. Sgt. 1st Class Clayton Mayberry, a cadre on the course, compared the confidence course [...]