Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” This quote can be applied to ROTC as well. It’s not always about commissioning and becoming a second lieutenant. in the United States Army. Sometimes what’s more important is the journey you took to get there. Cadets Juancarlos Simmonds and Kayin Shabazz, both from Florida A&M University, decided to take a unique journey on their path to commissioning by attending Basic Camp this summer. “My purpose for coming to camp was that I never had any experience with the military before,” Simmonds said. “I knew that whenever I come [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 5th Regiment, Basic Camp, competed in a drill and ceremony (D&C) competition today to test their marching and military bearing skills. The competition tested the basic foundations of D&C on how you march and conduct yourself in a formation. For the first portion of the competition, each platoon in the regiment created a routine that included numerous required elements and commands. Cadre graded Cadets on how well they conducted their platoon D&C routines and how well they maintained their military bearing. Maintaining a strong military bearing is holding and conducting yourself in a well-disciplined manner. [...]