For the first couple of days of Cadet Summer Training, Cadets spend most of their time taking care of paperwork, getting to know each other and preparing for the challenging days ahead. These initial events build their teamwork and morale, and teach them how to lead and follow. The Rappel Tower and Confidence Course is the first, but definitely not the last, event that tests all of this. Rappelling is an event that requires a two person team: a Rappeller and a Belayer. The Rappeller is the person who descends and is in full control of the ropes while the Belayer [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. — “Being brave is not about not being afraid of anything. It is about being afraid of something and going through with it anyway,” said 1st Sgt. Justin Davis, as he stood in front of the 64-foot rappel tower here. Cadets from the 2nd Regt., Advanced Camp took on the daunting tower, in what some say is the one event Cadets dread most about CST. Before Cadets conquer the rappel tower, they first learned to tie a swiss seat which is how Cadets rappelled the wall and free-fell. “[The swiss seat], is a super tight knot [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from the 2nd Regiment Advanced Camp overcame their insecurities and became more self-assured at the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course today. In order to complete their training at Fort Knox, Cadets must complete these two events. While Company C began learning how to tie a Swiss seat harness for the Rappel Tower, Company D began its day at the Confidence Course. Through each of the nine obstacles on the Confidence Course, Cadets tested not only their mental endurance, but also used their upper-body and core strength. Some obstacles included The Weaver, where one has to maneuver [...]
Fort Knox, Ky.- It’s a tale as old as time….You can always find the beauty in the beast and that’s exactly what Cadets did when they took on the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course. Today 6th Regiment Advanced Camp went to the Rappel tower and the Confidence Course. For the Rappel Tower, Cadets started on a 20-foot starter wall before conquering the 64-foot wall. The 20-foot wall gives the Cadets a small taste of what the 64-foot wall will be like. It also helps familiarize Cadets with the technique required to successfully get down the wall. The 20-foot wall is perfect for [...]