• [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUV-GzOa37c[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 5th Regiment of Basic Camp were introduced to battle drills in preparation for their upcoming Field Training Exercise (FTX). Cadets started in a classroom setting, Cadre drawing battle drills on paper like plays on a whiteboard in a basketball game. They then moved out into the field, putting their newfound skills to the test; drill after drill after drill, the Cadets practiced flanking maneuvers and battle tactics. Cadre Strive to Help The Cadets are taught by a wide variety of people, enlisted and commissioned alike. “The lieutenants are super helpful,” Cadet Emily [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed squad battle drill training today, to prepare for their Field Training Exercise (FTX) that begins tomorrow. Squad battle drills are the first time Cadets conduct platoon-level tactics together as one unit. It gives them the chance to iron out issues, develop their platoon identity and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs). Missouri State University Cadet Sierra Goslee, and her platoon, struggled during the training. “It was rough because it was our first time working all together as a platoon to actually do a platoon attack,” Goslee said. They have only been [...]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, executed squad battle drills in Training Area 12, July 18, during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox. Squad battle drills are simulated scenarios with specific objectives created to test Cadets in many different ways such as leadership capabilities, movement techniques, and tactical engagement performances. The first iteration was done at a ‘crawl’ pace. This is where Cadre led Cadets through step by step in objectives. The second iteration of squad battle drills was a movement to contact drill. “The training we just completed was a react to contact lane. What [...]