• By: Mattie Cook FORT KNOX, Ky.,- Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp endured high heat indexes to learn squad battle drill tactics in preparation for their Field Leader Training Exercise (FTX) coming up in less than a week. Cadets of Advanced Camp will be returning to their universities as military science level fours and will be commissioning as Second Lieutenants when they graduate. Important for each, the ability to lead by example and tell their soldiers or fellow students they ‘why’ of training and preparation. Cadet Dustin Harper, Augusta University, GA., explained squad battle drills. “We’re out here practicing Squad Battle […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Over the course of two days, Advanced Camp 10th Regiment learned how to overcome obstacles with their squads and how to assess leadership in each other at the Field Leadership Reaction Course (FLRC). FLRC is a low elevation obstacle course designed to help squads form bonds of trust, develop communication, and determine each other’s leadership skills and style. Cadets have to form a plan to get items across the objectives within a time limit of 25 minutes. “Our goal is to build team cohesion and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses so when we get in the field for […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, executed squad battle drills in Training Area 12, July 18, during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox. Squad battle drills are simulated scenarios with specific objectives created to test Cadets in many different ways such as leadership capabilities, movement techniques, and tactical engagement performances. The first iteration was done at a ‘crawl’ pace. This is where Cadre led Cadets through step by step in objectives. The second iteration of squad battle drills was a movement to contact drill. “The training we just completed was a react to contact lane. What […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 7th Regiment, Basic Camp, Cadets practiced land navigation at Assembly Area Baker, July 17, during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox. Land navigation is a vital skill for Cadets and Cadre alike. Armed with a protractor, compass and map, Cadets must locate key points, plot a course to those points and successfully navigate to them. “We get a map, a protractor and a compass. Then, we plot the points with our protractor. Then you have to find the distance and navigate your way through the woods, find the different points to make sure you […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. –Advanced Camp 9th Regiment Cadets learned the fundamentals of Preliminary Marksmanship Instructions (PMI) July 16, during the annual Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cadets learn the fundamentals of shooting the Army’s M4 Carbine. Three stations were set up for the Cadets to cycle through, teaching them basic rifle marksmanship skills. “We split them up into three platoons, 1st platoon goes to positions and fundamentals, 2nd platoon goes to ballistics, trajectory and minute of angle and 3rd platoon goes to maintenance,” said Specialist Ronnie Cummings, 3rd Calvary Regiment. “Throughout the afternoon the platoons will rotate through […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp, 7th Regiment Cadets took on their second day in the STX Lanes, in a Cadre lead ambush against OPFOR (Opposing Forces) for their training at Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. The Situational Tactical Exercise or STX Lanes are a series of four lanes that are staged into different scenarios to help the Cadets learn. The four lanes have different scenarios, Raid and Recon, Ambush, Movement to Contact, and a lane that combines all three of those scenarios that the Cadets must go through. As it is the second day of their STX lane […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, was educated and tested on Call For Fire techniques, July 13, at Fort Knox during Cadet Summer Training. Some of the learning objectives for CFF training include: describe and learn the call for fire format, execute virtual call for fire mission, report battle damage assessment. Cadets learned the six elements involved in CFF which include: observer identification, warning order, target location, target description, method of engagement, method of fire and control. “They get a basic PowerPoint on the format for call for fire, how to make corrections, and then they’ll […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets woke up early to execute a six-mile ruck march, July 14, during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox. This was to prepare Cadets for the pass/fail 12-mile ruck march in a few weeks. “It’s important for our training so we can build ourselves up to the point where we can do 12 miles. We’re trying to make sure that everyone starts off with a good baseline,” said Cadet Samantha Frank, Texas A&M, Springbranch, Texas. “A lot of people from different schools don’t have hills like they do here in […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—44th Army Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Nadja West, visited Cadet Summer training on July 12. Lt. Gen. West gave a speech to Cadets and held a question and answer session prior to her speech. Cadets silently file into Olive Theater on a humid Wednesday afternoon at Fort Knox. They take their seats and await the arrival of the 44th Army Surgeon General, Lt. General Nadja West. General West is introduced, and everyone stands as she enters the theater. “Where’s Alpha Company?” General West asks as she makes her way to the podium on the stage. Alpha Company responds with […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, entered Hill Hall at Fort Knox, July 11, to attend branch round tables. This event was held for Cadets to explore the different branches in the Army in a more personal setting. Cadre with years of experience in each of the branch came and spoke to Cadets about available opportunities. “They’re going through the different branches prior to them making their choice on August 21 to see which branches they like, maybe don’t like, and some that may interest them or that they didn’t know about,” explained Capt. Shevez Freeman, […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Assembly Area Baker, July 10, to complete their written land navigation test during Cadet Summer Training. Land navigation involves reading a physical map and being able to navigate terrain without technology, using compasses and protractors. “The written test demonstrates their knowledge of terrain features, distance and direction on a map, the difference between grid north, magnetic north and true north,” said Capt. Ron Gooding. Cadets spent the morning studying and reviewing information before their exam. While waiting, Cadre answered questions and coached Cadets in improvised areas. Areas of […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from Fifth Regiment, Advanced camp spent their evening exploring the different branches the U.S. Army has to offer at Branch Orientation on Sunday, July 10. Branch orientation slightly resembles a career fair, where men and women with years of service in a specific field come and speak about their experience and what Cadets can expect, should they choose to go a certain route. However, where traditional job fairs are usually held in convention centers with rows of employers asking, “do you think you have what it takes?” branch orientation is devised into a three-hour rotation period […]

  • By: Mattie Cook Fort Knox, Ky., – Cadets of 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp tackled the challenges of the Field Leader Reaction Course (FLRC) on Fort Knox, Ky., July 9 in search of building trust among teammates. FLRC consists of 12 obstacles, all with varying levels of difficulty, designed to build teamwork and trust among participants. Obstacle number five, the destroyed bridge, has a record of stumping Cadets by its seemingly easy appearance. Destroyed Bridge supervisor, Sgt. Jose Montoya, 399th of Fort Knox, says the obstacle is harder than it looks. Cadet Jackson Baker, the Citadel, N.C., played a key role in […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp, successfully completed the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course at Fort Knox, July 6, during Cadet Summer Training. Despite rainy weather conditions, Cadets were still able to perform admirably during both the Confidence Course and the Rappel Tower. “The rappel tower is a 64-foot tower. It has two different sides. It has a walled side and an open side. Cadets will rappel off both sides to the ground. The walled side, you use your feet more and the open side you use more of your hand break techniques,” said Sgt. Morgan […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – On the Fourth of July, 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets gathered in Waybur Theater for a very special occasion; End Of Camp Commissioning. There, in the theater, commissioning Cadets became what they have worked for through training, 2nd lieutenants. “This ceremony marks the culmination of years of rigorous and intensive academic, military, and physical training for the Cadets seated before you today,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Dawes, narrator of the event. “The Corps has served as a test of their leadership ability and their potential to serve as commissioned officers. They have successfully emerged […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 3rd Regiment Graduation took place in the Natcher Fitness Gymnasium, July 5, as a sign to the Cadets that their training at Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky has come to an end. Advanced Camp 3rd regiment has four platoons, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta; making up over three hundred Cadet who are set to graduate. Before Cadets graduate they recognize certain Cadets who have done extraordinary during their training. They recognized four Cadets for RECONDO award. The RECONDO award stands for reconnaissance commando, the Cadets who are receiving this award achieved a 90 […]

  • by: Cpt. Samuel D. Sellers edited by: Mattie Cook Fort Knox, Ky.-U.S. Army Cadet Command Cadre members from over 20 different Senior ROTC programs and 40 recently commissioned active duty 2nd Lieutenants assembled on Fort Knox, Ky., June 11 to learn about the proper use of pyrotechnics during Cadet Summer Training (CST). Each Cadre member and newly commissioned officers represent a variety of branches within the Army. CST, comprised of Basic and Advanced camps, combines all eight brigades within U.S. Army Cadet Command and will produce the Army’s newest officers. Basic Camp cadets, comprised of Military Science one and two students, learn […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 3rd Regiment Cadets prepare to graduate by returning all their equipment to the Central Issue Facility, July 3, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The CIF building is where Cadets go to receive and return their equipment that they sign for. They go through the same 10 stations that they did when they arrived at Cadet Summer Training. Cadets received things that they didn’t think they would needed in the field and would wonder why they would need it. “The Entrenching Tool (E-Tool) I’ve never used outside of Cadet Summer Training, but I needed it pretty much […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – After 31 days of training, 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets completed Advanced Camp at Cadet Summer Training, graduating at Brooks Field at Fort Knox, June 30. “This ceremony marks the culmination of 31 days of rigorous and intensive training for these young men and women. For them, Advanced Camp served as a test of their leadership abilities and potential to be an officer. They have emerged from this challenge, confident in their ability to assume the tremendous responsibilities of being an Army officer,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Daws, commonly called ‘Pipes’, the narrator for […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Harmon Hall, the Central Issuing Facility, June 28, to return equipment and gear used during Cadet Summer Training. If gear was not issued to Cadets by their host program, the CIF issued gear and equipment so Cadets could obtain the most experience during CST. “Today, we’re basically just doing gear turn in. So, stuff that we didn’t have, they were nice enough to issue it here. Then, we have to work really hard to make sure it’s clean because, if it’s not, they will make us clean it […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Smith Gym, June 22, for Platoon photos. Cadet Summer Training is centered around the Cadets and creation of future leaders by making graduates into 2nd lieutenants. With their training almost complete, there are very few things left for them to complete. There is one thing, however, that was done that was centered around  helping others; the donation of blood. The Armed Services Blood Program held the first CST blood drive, June 22. The ASBP set up everything required in Smith Gym including chairs, interview stations, recovery stations and […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course at Fort Knox, June 26, for Cadet Summer Training. The Rappel Tower is a 64-foot tower that challenges Cadets through heights as well as rappelling skills and tying the Swiss seat. The Confidence Course is a set of obstacles for Cadets to push themselves to their limits. “Today, we are Rappelling and doing the Confidence course which is like an obstacle course where there’s different challenges and obstacles that you have to get over. There’s a lot of physically challenging stuff from climbing […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 1st Regiment, Basic Camp, attended Branch Orientation near the Patton Museum at Keyes Park, June 23, during Cadet Summer Training. During the event, different branches and specialties of the Army came to give Cadets information about the options and opportunities available to them after graduating. “It’s really just to give them a familiarization of what’s out there in the Army so they can set their expectations now rather than find out last minute what the Army has to offer. We’re just trying to educate the Cadets on what jobs are there in the Army […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from Fifth Regiment, Advanced Camp strapped on their gas masks and braved the CS chamber on June 24. The purpose of the CS chamber is to build Cadets’ confidence in the defensive equipment they would use in the case of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack. For this reason, the exercises preformed in and around the CS chamber are referred to as CBRN. “Confidence here could be the difference between life or death,” said Staff Sergeant Katie Shaw. “Cadets need to know that the equipment issued to them by the government will protect them in […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed weapons qualification at the Pells/George Blair Range, June 21, at Fort Knox during Cadet Summer Training. Weapons qualification is training where Cadets shoot live ammunition on a range at pop-up targets. “Yesterday, they did their grouping and zeroing to get their shot group closer and closer to the center of the target. Today, they’re going out onto the range and they shoot their targets and qualify,” said 2nd Lt. Michaela Bauman. Before going out to qualify their M4 Carbine Rifle, Cadets must go through several steps. “To get ready […]