• [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knk13datG2o[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 4th Regiment took their personal fears and tossed them away to an explosive end at a new event on the Cadet Summer Training (CST) schedule. While throwing dummy and an assortment of different tactical grenades is not something new to CST at Fort Knox, throwing live frag grenades is. Just like with Buddy Team Live Fire, Cadre go out of their way to make sure that the Cadets are safe throughout it all. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Van Houten, of the 1-41 4thID, was the Range Safety Officer, making made sure the Cadets knew exactly […]

  • Texas State! Hampton! V.M.I. ! One by one Cadets lined up and shouted their University name before completing the hand grenade qualification course at Christensen Range.  After 3rd Regiment threw their two live grenades, they returned to the practice grenades to execute a simulation on a course with six different stations. For most of these Cadets, today was the first time they handled grenades. This is true for Tazman Briganti.  The Cadet from Virginia Military Institute has never thrown a grenade before this training.  His brother, father, two uncles, and grandfather all have military careers in the Navy, but Briganti is […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFCJY15WUIM[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. – “These are just basic Soldier skills that everyone in the Army just needs to know,” said Cadet Joseph Marcos, from Seton Hall University, “Not everyone is going to be in combat but you may find yourself in that position where you may have to execute some of these tasks.” Cadets started the day by practicing with mock hand grenades then moved on to live hand grenades. After learning how to operate one, 2nd Regtiment Advanced Camp Cadets learned how to use it to their advantage. Once Cadets completed these two trainings, they went down to […]