FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, conducted a simulated raid mission as a part of their situational training exercise, known as STX, during Cadet Summer Training, at Fort Knox, Ky., June 28, 2023. At the STX, Cadets worked together as a platoon to practice various combat tactics with simulated field missions. These combat tactics included conducting a mock raid, attack, ambush, reaction to contact, and defensive positions. Cadet Nathan Taake from Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University explained the purpose of the STX lanes. “STX is to keep us trained in the fundamentals of Army tactics and leadership,” [...]
On June 19th, 2nd Regiment Cadets participated in their first Field Training Exercise (FTX) at Advanced Camp 2021. The FTX’s are separated into different stages: Wolverine, Panther and Grizzly. Cadets have to attend the three stages before leaving Fort Knox. Cadets are using the “crawl, walk, run” method of training, which guarantees that every stage is more difficult and complex than the one before. The 2nd Regiment is in the Wolverine stage. During the FTX, Cadets perform various Situational Training Exercise (STX) lanes, which are simulated combat scenarios. They have the chance to use the information and techniques they have learned [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Fort Knox, Ky. – There is a saying in the Army that practice makes permanent, but practice also makes a leader. During the Situational Training Exercise (STX) 2nd Regiment Cadets learned and practiced attack and defense procedures to prepare them for evaluation. The goal of the lane is for Cadets to learn and become proficient in the skills and procedures of attacking and defending key terrain. Capt. Ian McBride, the Officer in Charge for the Wolverine Attack Lane, said that more important than learning basic fighting skills is the leadership qualities this training event allows Cadets to show and [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets with 1st Regiment, Basic Camp conducted squad level situational training exercise lanes on June 27th, at Area of Operation Badger. They are conducting these STX lanes during their field training exercise. For the FTX, the Cadets spend five days in the woods while conducting practical classes, moving tactically, and living in patrol bases. They set up a patrol base by securing an area so that they can maintain their weapons, eat, and prepare for their missions. They maintain a level of security at all times and attempt to mitigate their signature while living in the field. In [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp, 7th Regiment Cadets took on their second day in the STX Lanes, in a Cadre lead ambush against OPFOR (Opposing Forces) for their training at Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. The Situational Tactical Exercise or STX Lanes are a series of four lanes that are staged into different scenarios to help the Cadets learn. The four lanes have different scenarios, Raid and Recon, Ambush, Movement to Contact, and a lane that combines all three of those scenarios that the Cadets must go through. As it is the second day of their STX lane [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 4th Regiment took on their final day, June 23, at the Situational Tactical Exercise lanes before heading onto more training for their annual Cadets Summer Training at Fort Knox. Cadets are on the STX lanes for four days, they sleep, eat and execute their missions all out in the woods. This lane the Cadets were training at was cadre run, Cadre are the Platoon leaders and Squad leaders. The Cadre first make sure the Cadets get a feel for the different training since the Cadets have been doing other things before getting into the field. [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 1st Regiment Cadets do a practice raid to learn Situational Tactical Exercise (STX) skills in a three-day course at the annual Cadet Summer Training (CST) June 7 at Fort Knox, Kentucky. During the three-day STX Lane course they learn three different scenarios raid, ambush and movement to contact. Before they do each lane they devise a plan, which is then executed. After they finish the lane the Cadets are evaluated on how they did and what they can do to improve. “ This is the first phase the Cadets come to get their initial training [...]