• FORT KNOX, KY.— “The Army has a lot of high-tech tools, but if something were to happen, we need to know how to navigate through the land, figure out terrain and be able to stick together to help each other out,” said Rachel Hickey, from Carson-Newman University. On July 23, 2019, 5th Regiment Basic Camp Cadets got a hands-on learning experience on how to navigate through woods and terrain. These classes help prepare Cadets for their Land Navigation tests later in the day. The Day Land Navigation test will occur after lunch and Cadets must locate four out of five points. [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDi28OHqS14[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. — Two minutes of push-ups, two minutes of sit-ups, and a two-mile run, that is how 10th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets started off their morning during their Army Physical and Fitness Test (APFT). APFT tests a Cadet’s physical fitness to see how well he or she might handle being in the field. Lyndsey Fisher, a student at Texas Christian University, said pacing herself was harder than she expected. At her school, there is an Olympic track where she runs eight laps, rather than two. Although she passed her test, Fisher did not do as well as [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from Advanced Camp, 3rd Regiment, worked as a team to complete the confidence course obstacles, June 17, to build certainty in themselves. The course consisted of nine obstacles the Cadets must overcome. The Tough One, the Incline Wall, Low Belly Over, the Confidence Ladder, Six Vault, Swing-Stop-and-Jump, Low Wire, High Stop Over and the Weaver. Between the Tough One and the Weaver, Cadets have the hardest time overcoming these obstacles. During today’s session, the Tough One was out of service due to weather. The Weaver still held up its reputation and challenged the Cadets physically. A University [...]

  • The Cadets from A Co., 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp completed the Hand Grenade Qualification Course June 11, 2019. Sgt. 1st Class James Nichols, from 4th Infantry Division, described the course. He said, “This course is the hand grenade qualification course. They are going to have one lane with six stations, they need to get a go, that is (passing) four out of six stations. It’s all graded on a go or no-go basis, depending on alternate throwing positions from knock out a bunker, to knock out a mortar pit, to taking out a vehicle.” The Cadets were optimistic about completing the [...]