• FORT KNOX, Ky. – A dark cloud storms its way across the training area where Cadets from 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp were planning to work on their field training exercises on July 1, 2023.  Due to the frequent lightning strikes, overheard thunder, and heavy rain, the training was brought to a halt. While the Cadets were waiting underneath their soon-to-be soaking wet ponchos, they had some down time to speak on FTX and their future aspirations.  “The field training event prepares us for future leadership events and tests how we perform under distress in adverse conditions,” said Cadet Alexander Grieves, Central [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – A desolate confidence course is abruptly rushed by 5th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets ready to train, June 27. The confidence course involves a series of obstacles Cadets complete with their battle buddies prior to braving the rappel tower. “They are tested on three primary competencies: confidence, courage, and teamwork,” said Capt. Patrick O’Neil, from Central Michigan University. “It’s about maintaining squad integrity and encouraging each other.” 5th Regiment Cadets were by no means short on encouragement. While they waited for their turn to attempt each obstacle, Cadets cheered for their battle buddies who were completing their attempts. “It’s pretty [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAwCJqdPRBc[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — While the rain may have added more challenge for 4th Regiment Cadets at this morning’s Weapons Qualification, they embraced it with open arms. 2nd Lt. Samuel Tease was one of the Fort Knox Cadre overseeing the event and he noted that while Weapon’s Qualification isn’t new, having the training at the pop-up is. “We did it last year, but it was a non-qualifying event,” Tease said. “I think they realized the pop-ups gave more dynamic training than stationary targets. So, by having a way for Cadets train at varying distances with a more realistic situation. [...]

  • Name: Brock A. Crystal School: Central Michigan University Hometown: Barrytown, MI Major: Exercise Science – Health Fitness with German Studies Minor What makes this Cadet stand out from their peers? Cadet Crystal sets the bar higher for himself an his peers. Cadets within the battalion respond to his leadership because of his physical capabilities as well as his can-do-anything attitude. He has a positive attitude and comports himself as an officer. He consistently has the best grades in his MSL class, scores among the best on the APFT, and is heavily involved in extra-curricular activities such as CrossFit, Ranger Challenge, and [...]