FORT KNOX Ky.- With minimal light, a map, and compass in hand, Cadets search far and wide in the thick brush of the woods for plotted points. There is no sunlight to guide Cadets and Cadre step aside to see how well they can complete their mission. Terrain Talk with Lt. Col. Sean D. Coulter “What we have today is about 320 Cadets from the Alpha and Bravo Company, 3rd Regiment Basic Camp who are getting ready to go out and do their nighttime iteration of land navigation. They finished their daytime iteration earlier today. The vast majority of them were [...]
FORT KNOX Ky.- In the depths of the woods, Cadets emerge victoriously! With minimal tools and resources, the 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets use their acquired skills of land navigation to find hidden plotted points. Terrain Talk with Captain Peter Ahching “I am an operations officer for the Cadets, so my job is to assess the quality of training that the Cadets receive from Cadre. I also assess the safety of the training, and finally monitor how well the Cadets utilize the training given to them.” “Today we are doing land navigation with the Alpha Company, 3rd Regiment. Terrain Association is [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Every exercise at CST provides Cadets an opportunity to explore the roles of leader and follower. Every one of these Cadets in 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp will take on a leadership role, then give it up to another Cadet. While negotiating obstacles at the Team Development Course, our future officers are learning how to navigate ever changing team dynamics. Throughout an officer career, they will be asked to give and follow orders. The physical challenges and constraints are stressors which test the leader’s decisiveness and followers’ humility. At “Sgt. Yestremski’s Crossing,” Cadets had 12 posts, four lengths [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Basic Camp Cadets learned the importance of the Center of the Army Profession and Ethics (CAPE) Sunday afternoon, June 11. Cadets were briefed in a classroom setting on the values of trust, morals and ethics. These are key to having a successful profession in the Army. Following the briefing, Cadets were given a scenario to put what they had learned into effect. “It’s basically a team building exercise which will continue over into the Bravo Company,” said 2LT Jessica Turner, platoon leader, of Alcorn State University, Woodridge, Virginia, “You get to see what they really think about this as [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – On the Fourth of July, 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets gathered in Waybur Theater for a very special occasion; End Of Camp Commissioning. There, in the theater, commissioning Cadets became what they have worked for through training, 2nd lieutenants. “This ceremony marks the culmination of years of rigorous and intensive academic, military, and physical training for the Cadets seated before you today,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Dawes, narrator of the event. “The Corps has served as a test of their leadership ability and their potential to serve as commissioned officers. They have successfully emerged [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 3rd Regiment Graduation took place in the Natcher Fitness Gymnasium, July 5, as a sign to the Cadets that their training at Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky has come to an end. Advanced Camp 3rd regiment has four platoons, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta; making up over three hundred Cadet who are set to graduate. Before Cadets graduate they recognize certain Cadets who have done extraordinary during their training. They recognized four Cadets for RECONDO award. The RECONDO award stands for reconnaissance commando, the Cadets who are receiving this award achieved a 90 [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp 3rd Regiment Cadets prepare to graduate by returning all their equipment to the Central Issue Facility, July 3, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The CIF building is where Cadets go to receive and return their equipment that they sign for. They go through the same 10 stations that they did when they arrived at Cadet Summer Training. Cadets received things that they didn’t think they would needed in the field and would wonder why they would need it. “The Entrenching Tool (E-Tool) I’ve never used outside of Cadet Summer Training, but I needed it pretty much [...]
By Mattie Cook Fort Knox.,- 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets spent day 13 of Cadet Summer Training (CST) out on Platoon Situational Training Exercise (PLT STX) lanes learning proper patrol and enemy engagement techniques. With faces painted, Cadets trekked through the dense Kentucky foliage in an attempt to maneuver silently and surround the enemy. Abby Kingery, University of South Florida, Fla. explains the scenario. “We just did a movement to contact. You come across an enemy and are trying as quickly as possible to use the element of surprise, surrounding them and using natural barriers like roads and hills to catch [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp, completed the Beaudoin Obstacle Course as platoons and squads, June 20, during their Cadet Summer Training. The Beaudoin Obstacle Course is a set of 13 different obstacles that challenge Cadets in many ways. These obstacles include: low crawl, the ditch, lanes to change directions, the wall, balance beam, hurdles, balance logs, maze to change direction, tunnels, low rail, fence, cargo net, horizontal traversing (also known as monkey bars). “This is a way to show them that if they put each other first and work together as a team, they can [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp practices Situational Training Exercises in prep for their Field Training Exercise June 18 at Fort Knox, Ky. During STX Cadets are given different situations to act upon. One of the situations is mock raid on the nearby village because of the intel received. Each situation was simply a simulation of what Soldiers go through when deployed. “We were area reconnaissance it to see what type of person we were looking for, a specific type of personnel. This guy named Abdul Whali, we were looking to find him on this objective and [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp Regiment 4 received their MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems) gear at Assembly Area Baker at Fort Knox, Ky. on June 15 during Cadet Summer Training (CST). MILES gear is a three-part system consisting of a sensor vest, a helmet sensor called a halo and a laser system for rifles. “There are sensors that detect lasers that are shot from the rifles and also a laser system that is attached to their rifle or the machine gun. When a blank round is fired from the weapon, it shoots a laser out,” said [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Third Regiment Advanced Camp test their Map Reading skills with a written exam June 13. Each Cadet received a Military Map, protractor, string and written test. This test was pass-fail; Cadets need to pass the test in order to pass the camp. “Today we took a written Land Navigation test, so its all about our ability to read a map. Including intersection, resection, finding where you are, finding where other things are, identifying terrain features on a map and plotting distance,” said Cadet Rebecca Dykhoph, College of St. Benedict and Saint John’s University, Maple Grove, Minn. Prior [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – 3rd Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets learned the fundamentals of Preliminary Marksmanship Instructions (PMI) June 8 during the annual Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cadets learn the fundamentals of shooting the Army’s M4 Carbine Rifle. Three stations were set up for the Cadets to cycle through, teaching them basic rifle marksmanship skills. “The three stations we have set up for the Cadets are the fundamentals and positions, ballistics and trajectory and minute of angle (MOA), and the last station is maintenance,” said, Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Baeza, 4th Squadron, 3rd Calvary Regiment, Fort Hood, Texas. [...]