Fort Knox, Ky.- Up before the sun, the Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, prepared for their final graduation task. The long awaited, 12 mile ruck march. Throughout Fort Knox, sights of mile markers and chem lights crowded the roads. As Cadets were stepping it out for the final stretch of the ruck march, a couple of Cadets were in their Company area waiting for their battle buddies. The 12 miler is an event that should be completed in under 4 hours, however there were a handful cadets who finished before the 2 hour and 50 minute mark. Cadet Dylan Gadille, University [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – With only three days left until graduation, Cadets from 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp must begin asking themselves, “What’s next?” Lucky for them, Branch Orientation provides some answers. During Branch Orientation, Cadets rotate through various tents filled with information on each branch available to them. For some Cadets, selecting a branch is a walk in the park, but for others, selecting a branch will be the hardest decision they ever make. Cadet Anna Farmer from the University of Oregon has a decision to make. As of now, she has narrowed down her selections to Field Artillery, Military Intelligence and [...]
Fort Knox, KY– A chilly morning for the Cadets of 4th Platoon, Bravo Company, 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp as they learned the basics to conducting a raid. As Cadets took notes and listened attentively, a lane instructor walked through ‘must-do’ events for key leaders such as knowing where heavy weapons, such as the M240 machine gun and M249 squad automatic weapon are at all times, locating target reference points, terrain analysis and knowing sectors of fires for each person. According to the Cadet Hand Book, a resourceful guide issued to each Cadet at the start of their Regiment, raids are surprise [...]
Fort Knox, KY- With the sun beaming down on George Blair Range, Cadets of Delta Company, 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp are prepared to qualify with their M4s, on the afternoon of July 24. Qualifications with the air cooled, gas operated and magazine fed rifles consists of Cadets shooting pop-up targets that range from 25 to 300 meters. Cadets are given 2 out of 3 sets of 40 rounds worth of ammo to practice their shooting techniques. In the prone supported, prone unsupported positions and the kneeling positions inside of a foxhole, Cadets start using their breathing, aiming and trigger squeeze techniques to [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 7th Regiment of Advanced Camp eagerly sat through orientations for the branches of the Army that peaked their interest. With less than a year before their commissioning, these Cadets will soon have a big decision to make. Before making a choice on what branch they want to enter, the Cadets have to be properly briefed on what all a branch entails. “We can pick which branches we’re interested in or which ones we want to know a little more about and we go to them and they talk us through what you do in that branch [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – With sounds of gunfire and shouting in the distance, Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, Alpha Company, 2nd squad participated in Squad Tactical Exercises (STX) on July 28. In STX, Cadets apply the skills they’ve acquired during their time at CST to execute exercises such as reconnaissance, ambush and recovery. “We’re executing on a platoon size, which means we’re taking smaller elements and focusing on bigger sizes to see how Cadets respond to training,” said 2nd Lt. Jeffrey Prol. “The Army occupies and trains in three phases of training: crawl, walk and run,” said Prol. “Right now [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, entered Hill Hall at Fort Knox, July 11, to attend branch round tables. This event was held for Cadets to explore the different branches in the Army in a more personal setting. Cadre with years of experience in each of the branch came and spoke to Cadets about available opportunities. “They’re going through the different branches prior to them making their choice on August 21 to see which branches they like, maybe don’t like, and some that may interest them or that they didn’t know about,” explained Capt. Shevez Freeman, [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – What do you call getting woken up bright and early to navigate difficult terrain in order to successfully complete Advanced Camp? For Seventh Regiment, Advanced Camp, this is called just another day in paradise. Cadets spent the morning of July 11 completing their Land Navigation test, a must-pass requirement for Cadet Summer Training, with simply a map, compass and their intuition to guide the way – no Google Maps allowed. “Yesterday we completed the written portion of the land navigation test,” said Cadet Janine Donnelly, Washington State University. “The written part tested how well we do with [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Assembly Area Baker, July 10, to complete their written land navigation test during Cadet Summer Training. Land navigation involves reading a physical map and being able to navigate terrain without technology, using compasses and protractors. “The written test demonstrates their knowledge of terrain features, distance and direction on a map, the difference between grid north, magnetic north and true north,” said Capt. Ron Gooding. Cadets spent the morning studying and reviewing information before their exam. While waiting, Cadre answered questions and coached Cadets in improvised areas. Areas of [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from Fifth Regiment, Advanced camp spent their evening exploring the different branches the U.S. Army has to offer at Branch Orientation on Sunday, July 10. Branch orientation slightly resembles a career fair, where men and women with years of service in a specific field come and speak about their experience and what Cadets can expect, should they choose to go a certain route. However, where traditional job fairs are usually held in convention centers with rows of employers asking, “do you think you have what it takes?” branch orientation is devised into a three-hour rotation period [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp, successfully completed the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course at Fort Knox, July 6, during Cadet Summer Training. Despite rainy weather conditions, Cadets were still able to perform admirably during both the Confidence Course and the Rappel Tower. “The rappel tower is a 64-foot tower. It has two different sides. It has a walled side and an open side. Cadets will rappel off both sides to the ground. The walled side, you use your feet more and the open side you use more of your hand break techniques,” said Sgt. Morgan [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – On the Fourth of July, 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets gathered in Waybur Theater for a very special occasion; End Of Camp Commissioning. There, in the theater, commissioning Cadets became what they have worked for through training, 2nd lieutenants. “This ceremony marks the culmination of years of rigorous and intensive academic, military, and physical training for the Cadets seated before you today,” said 2nd Lt. Nathan Dawes, narrator of the event. “The Corps has served as a test of their leadership ability and their potential to serve as commissioned officers. They have successfully emerged [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived at Smith Gym, June 22, for Platoon photos. Cadet Summer Training is centered around the Cadets and creation of future leaders by making graduates into 2nd lieutenants. With their training almost complete, there are very few things left for them to complete. There is one thing, however, that was done that was centered around helping others; the donation of blood. The Armed Services Blood Program held the first CST blood drive, June 22. The ASBP set up everything required in Smith Gym including chairs, interview stations, recovery stations and [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course at Fort Knox, June 26, for Cadet Summer Training. The Rappel Tower is a 64-foot tower that challenges Cadets through heights as well as rappelling skills and tying the Swiss seat. The Confidence Course is a set of obstacles for Cadets to push themselves to their limits. “Today, we are Rappelling and doing the Confidence course which is like an obstacle course where there’s different challenges and obstacles that you have to get over. There’s a lot of physically challenging stuff from climbing [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed weapons qualification at the Pells/George Blair Range, June 21, at Fort Knox during Cadet Summer Training. Weapons qualification is training where Cadets shoot live ammunition on a range at pop-up targets. “Yesterday, they did their grouping and zeroing to get their shot group closer and closer to the center of the target. Today, they’re going out onto the range and they shoot their targets and qualify,” said 2nd Lt. Michaela Bauman. Before going out to qualify their M4 Carbine Rifle, Cadets must go through several steps. “To get ready [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp, performed Individual Task Testing (ITT), June 16, during Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Ky. ITT is testing for Cadets which evaluates the skills they have learned up to this point in their training. “Today, we’re getting tested on everything we’ve learned up to this point. We’re making sure we know how to load a weapons system, do system checks on it and, if there’s a misfire, how to take care of it. We’re also being tested on first aid as well as different carries and how to treat [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Advanced Camp Regiment 4 received their MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems) gear at Assembly Area Baker at Fort Knox, Ky. on June 15 during Cadet Summer Training (CST). MILES gear is a three-part system consisting of a sensor vest, a helmet sensor called a halo and a laser system for rifles. “There are sensors that detect lasers that are shot from the rifles and also a laser system that is attached to their rifle or the machine gun. When a blank round is fired from the weapon, it shoots a laser out,” said [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.- Advance Camp 3rd Regiment braved it out in the Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear (CBRN) gas chamber June 12, as part of the Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cadets learn the importance of their equipment before they head into the CBRN chamber. They learn the different hazardous gases they may face in the combat zone. “CBRN helps us learn the resilience of ourselves and to see how far we can push our bodies,” Cadet Catherine Gimbert, Dickinson College, McCain, Virginia. “It causes us to trust our equipment.” Cadets also learned the first aid procedures for [...]
By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 3rd and 4th Squad Cadets of 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp, were trained and tested on Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) environments June 7 during Cadet Summer Training (CST). This required training is to educate Cadets on CBRN environments should they arise during deployment. “It’s important because the current environment that we might be going into, we might face it one day. So, making sure that we’re properly prepared and ready for it is something that, I think, future officers should know when getting ready to lead their troops,” said Cadet Angel Rivas, University of [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 2nd regiment of advanced camp Cadets arrived at Fort Knox, Kentucky on May 30 for 2017 Cadet Summer Training, (CST). Upon arrival, Cadets are required to do a gear layout to ensure that they have the equipment necessary for the training ahead of them. “It’s pretty much you take all your gear out, you put it on the ground and see what you have and what your deficiencies are. That’s the point, to ensure you have the proper equipment for the upcoming training event.” Said Cadet David Nelson, University of Alaska, from Sanford Florida. This step [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The 1st regiment of advanced camp Cadets arrived for registration on May 25 for Cadet Summer Training (CST) 2017. During registration, Cadets were required to go through their clothing, equipment and other items to ensure that they packed enough for the upcoming training. This is to, “make sure they have everything they’re required to have, because if you get out in the field and suddenly you don’t have a poncho and it’s raining twelve out of fourteen days, you’re going to miss it.” Said 2nd Lt. John Altman, a Cadre member who will be training Cadets during [...]