• When the Cadets of 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived to the Warrior Skills training site on Thursday, July 1, the excitement could be felt in the air. Smiling faces bounced around scouting every inch of the green military tents in the distance. For the Cadets, Warrior Skills is the first hands-on training event of their Cadet Summer Training, and the place where they learned to save lives and provide indirect fire support for ground troops. Cadets started the event by receiving a mandatory safety brief from the Cadre staff and later split into platoons to challenge the Call for Fire lane [...]

  • There is a lot that goes into being a warrior, and it isn’t always what you’d expect. This is what the Cadets of 5th Regiment Advanced Camp made apparent in their ‘Warrior Skills’ training. The two halves of Warrior Skills training are Call for Fire and Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3). Although not all Cadets are going into infantry service, these infantry skills are vital to becoming an officer. Call for Fire involves using radio communication to artillery positions. Cadets worked in pairs with their battle buddies to demonstrate their abilities. “What we’re doing here is getting the basics down, so that if we ever find [...]

  • As the morning light shines down on 4th Regiment at Fort Knox, Cadets pair together and kneel in front of a small pile of sandbags while preparing to be tested by Cadre on Call for Fire. Call for Fire is when Soldiers call for support through a radio from field artillery units, or a Fire Direction Center, to suppress an enemy with cannon fire by giving target location and description. Cadets from 4th Regiment exercised their Call for Fire skills during a warrior skills training on June 12, 2021 at Cadet Summer Training Advanced Camp in Fort Knox, Ky. Whether they [...]

  • Cadets from Alpha and Bravo Companies in 1st Regiment got to experience two exercises on May 28 during Advanced Camp’s Warrior Skills at Fort Knox, KY: First Aid and Call for Fire.  First Aid helps train Cadets on what to do in emergency situations on the field, along with teaching them about some of the tools needed. Call for Fire is calling for support from field artillery units to suppress an enemy with cannon fire by giving target location and description.  “It’s like finding a piece of a puzzle,” said Cadet Aaron Wagner, Bravo Company, 1st Regiment, from University of California [...]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Not many Advanced Camp training exercises are held in a traditional classroom setting. Call for Fire training is. Cadets from 5th Regiment spent Tuesday morning going through the Call for Fire training. This includes an instruction course in which Cadets are taught the proper procedures to call for effective fire, some practice simulations and then a must-pass exam. The training is often the first exposure Cadets have to the Call for Fire process. “I came into it kind of green and didn’t know exactly what we were doing but now but now that we have run it [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_6-kvoCZR8[/embedyt] Fort Knox, Ky.– Call for Fire is a simulation training event in which Cadets are taught how to call in artillery fire on an enemy. The training begins with a 45-minute classroom session. After that, Cadets are given the chance to practice before being given a written exam. “We start from the beginning and we give them 45 minutes on how to employ artillery fire,” Maj. Ryan Kurris said. “Within the next hour or two we give them a practical exercise and a simulation using artillery fire to adjust on to a target and then we test them to [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Maps, protractors, and binoculars covered the fold-out tables set out before Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp for a Call for Fire Trainer on July 25. Following 45 minutes of instruction, they had two hours to practice their skills in preparation for a must-pass 20-minute test. Additional time was set aside for retraining and retesting. Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Kruse explained that the purpose of today’s training is to teach Cadets how to call for, and more specifically adjust, indirect fire. Direct fire is used when the target is within the sight range of a Soldier’s weapon [...]

  • FORT KNOX Ky.- Sixth Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets completed their session of Call for Fire! What exactly is Call for Fire and is it an important skill to master? After speaking to a few Cadets who successfully completed the exercise, we have those answers. John Atwood from Auburn University explained in his own words what Call for Fire is. “Today we worked on Call for Fire. We’ve had a few classes on Call for Fire before, but nothing as in depth as what we just learned in there. Basically, they split us up into eight groups and we take classes and [...]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned how to make calls for fire with an electronic simulation on June 23rd. A call for fire is a request for a target to be destroyed by fire support elements such as artillery or mortars. Sgt. Liam Barry from Washington, DC said, “In the event they find themselves in combat, these future leaders will be prepared to bring the support they need to the battlefield.” The Cadet’s arrived to the training site and were taught how to use available resources to call in artillery strikes. For the simulation, the Cadets had [...]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, was educated and tested on Call For Fire techniques, July 13, at Fort Knox during Cadet Summer Training. Some of the learning objectives for CFF training include: describe and learn the call for fire format, execute virtual call for fire mission, report battle damage assessment. Cadets learned the six elements involved in CFF which include: observer identification, warning order, target location, target description, method of engagement, method of fire and control. “They get a basic PowerPoint on the format for call for fire, how to make corrections, and then they’ll [...]