• Special Awards Recipients AUSA Leadership Excellence AwardCadet Chloe Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Military Order of World Wars AwardCadet Vincent Carney, Niagara University Military Officers Association of America AwardCadet Reiss Mika, Colorado State University USAA Warrior Spirit AwardCadet Tabitha Seigley, Newberry College Armed Forces Bank AwardCadet Chloe Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reserve Organization of America AwardCadet Malleigh Ebel , Saint Mary’s University National Guard Association of the United State AwardCadet Jaron Palmer, Southern Utah University Bold Leader Spirit AwardCadet Timothy Canane, Austin Peay State University First Command Financial Services AwardCadet Austin Gabriel , University of North Georgia Armed Forces Services Corporation [...]

  • “Initially there is always that little bit of nervousness anytime you get thrown into a leadership role,” said Cadet Jared Dieckman, a student at the University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse.

  • “We spent all day at the range and that was pretty exhausting mentally and physically and then we had to stay up and pack our rucks,” said Cadet Jamar Carlisle, a student from at Georgia State University. “That kind of played a toll, but overall I think everybody is pretty excited to get this six-miler down.”

  • “It burns,” said Ampofo. “It feels like cooking peppers and onions and a whole bunch of spices and stuff, like spicy siracha basically.”

  • “In those moments you have those negative thoughts, but in the end, I kept telling myself that I can do this," said Hoyle. "This is only the beginning of a long path, a long journey that I can continue if I’m willing to push forward and keep going and not give up.”

  • On June 7, 2021, Cadet Erin Lunt, a rising senior from Stetson University in Florida, was one of the many 2nd Regiment Cadets that completed Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction (PMI). Lunt had very little experience in weapons training, so she was very eager for this event.  “I am not too familiar with the M4 weapon or many weapons in general. So I am really excited that we get the opportunity to practice and get really high-quality training before we go out to the range in a few days,” said Lunt. The purpose of PMI training is to help Cadets become more familiar [...]

  • Cadet Akua Adu who attends Western Michigan University had never trained with grenades before coming to Fort Knox, Ky. Because this was a new experience for her, she was ready to take part in the training event.  “I am very excited. I have never done it [hand grenade training] before, so it was really nice to be able to have the experience,” said Adu. Adu will be graduating and commissioning in December 2021, and she is very motivated to learn all that she can at Advanced Camp this summer. She has enjoyed her experience at Fort Knox thus far and is [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky – During Cadet Summer Training (CST), Cadets from all walks of life take the next step to becoming future Warrior Leaders of the United States Army. These five Non-Commissioned Officers are advancing on their ‘Green to Gold’ path by completing Advanced Camp this summer.  The Green to Gold program is an educational opportunity for Active Duty Soldiers that are interested in obtaining a baccalaureate or graduate degree and commissioning as an Army Officer. There are three different opportunities for Active Duty Soldiers to participate in the Green to Gold program; through scholarship, non-scholarship, and remaining active duty.   Each [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2oYFEZ13PM[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY.– “Some [college ROTC programs] focus solely on planning, [and] some programs focus more on execution,” 2nd Lt. Megan Brown, from the University of New Haven said. “It is important to learn how to blend those two together to create a solid plan and execute well.” Cadets from the 2nd Regt. Advanced Camp were able to learn how to blend these two very different learning techniques when they went through their first day of Area of Operations (AO), Grizzly at today’s Field Training Exercise (FTX). Cadets executed a hasty raid due to weather concerns. A hasty raid [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpCvT6K_U-k[/embedyt] Cadets from the 2nd Regt. Advanced Camp were in their second day of Field Training Exercise (FTX) here at Fort Knox where they learned how to properly ambush an enemy. “This is entry-level tactic, in the Army you are expected to be able to be deployed in combat at a moment’s notice,” said Cadet Grant Leonard, from the University of Maryland. “Learning something like this is vitally important because it is the foundation of what the Army is built upon.” Cadets travel through the woods to an Objective Rally Point (ORP) so they can reassess how they will successfully [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM9d2Zvh_yc[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. — “Being brave is not about not being afraid of anything. It is about being afraid of something and going through with it anyway,” said 1st Sgt. Justin Davis, as he stood in front of the 64-foot rappel tower here. Cadets from the 2nd Regt., Advanced Camp took on the daunting tower, in what some say is the one event Cadets dread most about CST. Before Cadets conquer the rappel tower, they first learned to tie a swiss seat which is how Cadets rappelled the wall and free-fell. “[The swiss seat], is a super tight knot [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Second Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets spent the last three days on marksmanship training and put that training to the test today during Weapons Qualification on George Blair Range. To successfully qualify a Cadets must hit at least 23 of the 40 targets that pop up in their lane. Targets are as close as 100 meters and as far away as 300 meters. They pop up as a single target or in pairs. The shooter fires 20 rounds from the prone supported position and 10 rounds each from prone unsupported and kneeling position. “Today was the best I [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky – After nearly a month apart from their loved ones, 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets greeted their families and friends with smiles, hugs, and kisses on Family Day, July 9, 2018. While parents and siblings finished viewing a presentation in Waybur Theater, cadets lined up in formation outside the door. The joy was radiating off the cadets, as chatter of plans and excitement filled the air. With only 8 or 9 hours before they must return, Cadets try to make the most of their time outside the gate. “I think we might be headed to see Lincoln’s birthplace, [...]