• For millennia, humans have navigated the world using the stars and maps. Unfortunately, most people nowadays can’t find their own home without using their cellphones or some other form of assisted navigation. While many have lost or abandoned this ancestral ability, the art and talent of navigating using traditional means remains an important part of being a Soldier.  “It is a very important skill because we can’t rely too much on technology,” said Gabriel Cordero-Velasquez, a Cadet from the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez. “We’re not always going to have technology there to assist us.” Cadet Summer Training prepares Cadets to [...]

  • “Initially there is always that little bit of nervousness anytime you get thrown into a leadership role,” said Cadet Jared Dieckman, a student at the University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse.

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihy-87vdX1o[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 5th Regiment, Alpha Co., Advanced Camp made their way to the Woods II Range this morning, June 25, for their first day of Buddy Team Live Fire training. A New Experience For many of these Cadets, this event is their first time moving while they fire. Most are accustomed to a pop-up range or unmoving paper targets. Both options allow the Cadets to be still on the lane. The first day consists of a run using blanks rather than live ammunition. “This was really something new for me,” Cadet Spencer Rapp from [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets of 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp completed ALT-C rifle qualifications with their M16A4 rifles on, on June 24th, at the Canby Hills Range. “I feel that I’ve had my persistence tested,” said Cadet Candace Cole from the University of Texas at San Antonio. “I personally had to retrain and shoot multiple times to qualify, and I’m glad I didn’t give up.” The ALT-C qualification is the Army’s 25-meter Alternate Course for rifle qualification. The Cadets are required to shoot at targets containing 10 silhouettes, scaled to represent distances ranging from 50 to 300 meters. They are evaluated [...]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned how to make calls for fire with an electronic simulation on June 23rd. A call for fire is a request for a target to be destroyed by fire support elements such as artillery or mortars. Sgt. Liam Barry from Washington, DC said, “In the event they find themselves in combat, these future leaders will be prepared to bring the support they need to the battlefield.” The Cadet’s arrived to the training site and were taught how to use available resources to call in artillery strikes. For the simulation, the Cadets had [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets from 1st Regiment Basic Camp learned basic rifle marksmanship and completed ALT-C rifle qualifications with their M16A4 rifles on June 20th, at the Morgan Riley Range. The ALT-C qualification is the Army’s 25-meter Alternate Course for rifle qualification. The Cadets are required to shoot at targets containing 10 silhouettes, scaled to represent distances ranging from 50 to 300 meters. They are timed on 3 strings of fire; one for each firing position kneeling, prone supported, and prone unsupported positions. “A lot of the Cadets felt pressured by the time limit, but I would advise them [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY – The highly motivated Cadets of 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp experienced the sensations of a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear chamber. A CBRN strike is simulated by activating tear gas in a confined space, which provides a necessary incentive to train properly. The exercise requires Cadets to don Mission Oriented Protective Posture equipment, that is used to protect Soldiers in toxic environments. They then performed safety checks on their gas mask seals, outerwear, over boots, and gloves. The Cadets file into the chamber after safety checks are completed then perform exercises to get their heartrate up and breathing elevated. They [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – With five days remaining in Advanced Camp, Cadets of 10th Regiment became acquainted with the different branches the Army has to offer at branch round table at Hill Hall August 11.   Branch round table helps Cadets to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing their military career path.    Lt. Col. Stewart Van Buren, an adjutant general (AG) officer at Human Resources Command and a presenter at branch round table , advises Cadets to remember that despite whatever branch they find themselves in, their first priority is bigger than themselves. “Regardless of what branch [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Hidden in the forests behind the rappel tower looms its counterpart, the confidence course. Made up of several different obstacles like The Tough One, The Weaver and The Confidence Climb, the course rightly performs its purpose: instilling true confidence in the Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp August 8. That statement is more than true for Cadet Milynel Ortiz, a student from the University of Central Florida. While working through The Weaver, a towering, pyramid-like obstacle that doubles as a ladder, Ortiz carried herself with accuracy and speed to the top.  She said having some innate confidence [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets rotate through more than 20 tents set up at Keyes Park August 9.  In each tent, Cadets are briefed on a specific branch the Army has to offer.  From military intelligence to air defense artillery to the Nurse Corps, the choices and opportunities for the Cadets are wide-ranging.  Of the 18 branches showcased, three received the biggest draws: armor, aviation and infantry. With her eyes set on commissioning as an infantry officer upon graduation from the University of Oklahoma, Cadet Annie Ryan said her decision to pursue infantry was made when she [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – “Incoming!” When Cadets hear that, they know to immediately repeat the message to warn their peers around them and hit the ground in a covered position.  Seconds after, several loud and booming bangs are simulated through speakers to represent an enemy artillery round. They then return to the mission at hand once they hear, “All clear!” The simulation helps the Cadets of 7th Regiment, Basic Camp remember to focus on everything going on in their surroundings, helping them to maintain situational awareness while implementing individual movement techniques (IMTs) to move from one end of the terrain to [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadet Tori Richison, a student at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, says she feels well-prepared for the mission that’s sure to be a challenge: land navigation. “It’s a little nerve-wracking just because you’re on your own, and it’s at night, too,” the Osceola, Wisconsin native said. Richison, along with the other Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, is required to successfully navigate alone from one location to another through the daunting, critter-infested forests of rural Fort Knox. She says knowing how to physically lead through any type of terrain is “very important.” “As a platoon leader, [...]