FORT KNOX, Ky. — Armed with only their wits and a gas mask, Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, faced the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear chamber at Fort Knox, Ky. July 24, 2023. Many Cadets go into the chamber to challenge themselves in a different environment by preparing them for possible encounters with toxic substances in the future. “CBRN is the process and the description of being able to defend yourself from chemical warfare or any attack,” said Cadet Taylor Randazzo, Texas State. “We’re learning how to don a pro mask and how to protect ourselves against that chemical warfare [...]
FORT KNOX Ky. — Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, practiced firing their rifles during the Engagement Skills Trainer at Fort Knox, Ky., July 16, 2023. Designed to simulate a weapons qualification, EST allows Cadets to learn how to use their rifle before they go into the field. As they start their firing practice, some Cadets use their past experiences, Cadre, or family, for inspiration or advice. “EST is a training facility for us to utilize and practice our shooting skills,” said Cadet Amy Beaven, Northern Arizona University. “It’s a great way for people to either learn how to use their [...]
DOWNLOAD Program Special Awards Recipients AUSA Leadership Excellence AwardCadet Avery Duvall, Western Kentucky University Military Order of World Wars AwardCadet Robert Rupert, McDaniel College Military Officers Association of America AwardCadet Rachel Hopey, Case Western Reserve University Reserve Organization of America AwardCadet Andrea Torres, Wayne State College Bold Leader Spirit AwardCadet Joshua Muller, Middle Tennessee University First Command Financial Services AwardCadet Brady Beene, Texas A&M University USAA Warrior Spirit AwardCadet Colton Johnson, Brigham Young University Armed Forces Bank AwardCadet Dylan Dominique, Austin Peay State University Armed Forces Services Corporation AwardCadet Finn Roou, University of ColoradoCadet Jordan Schuler, University of Wisconsin – La [...]
“I packed a lot of underwear, but sometimes you don’t have time to change underwear, so I definitely recommend panty liners,” said Portis. “I go through probably like eight or so a day. You can just rip those off, change them and what not.”
“Back in Puerto Rico, while I was doing a FTX, it was very hot. Unfortunately I wasn’t hydrating enough and after two days in the field, well, I had a heat cat,” Oliver said.
FORT KNOX, KY.— “Twelve miles is a distance that most people do not normally do every day so being able to accomplish something like that is pretty rewarding,” said Cadet Hayden Martinez, from Oregon State University. Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, had this satisfaction when they completed their 12-mile road march here early in the morning on Aug. 2. Cadets stepped off the start line from Tactical Assembly Area Densberger. They spent yesterday at TAA Densberger following their final phase of the Field Training Exercises. Martinez said that the rucks [the pack they carried with their clothing and equipment] this [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY.— “Coming in I thought that everything was very black and white, but the real world is not that way. Things change, plans change and it really allows you to adapt and be a versatile leader,” said Cadet Nina Carter, from the University of North Georgia, who served as the platoon leader during a Field Training Exercise (FTX) lane. On July 30, 2019, 9th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets had to deal with plans changing during a raid mission. Things changed due to a possible weather threat, and Cadets were unable to complete a leader’s recon the night [...]
FORT KNOX, KY.— Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp put down their weapons, and picked up their med kits for First Aid training on July 18. Throughout the summer, Cadets have learned how to communicate and work with their battle buddies to keep each other safe during combat. First Aid training requires them to take on the scenario that their battle buddy has been wounded, and it’s up to them to help treat their wounds, and get them to safety. Before the Cadets can begin medical aid on their wounded battle buddy, they must first suppress fire from the enemy. Cadet [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY.— Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp stood ready with their weapons and their battle buddies for Buddy Team Live Fire training on July 17. During this training, Cadets are given blanks and must practice bounding between concealment while simultaneously providing cover for their battle buddy along the way. While advancing forward on the course, Cadets practice three movement techniques that include bounding, high crawl and low crawl. “Bounding is a three to five second rush, followed by dropping to the ground,” Cadet Ali Carroll, from Clark University said. “High crawl is crawling forward to your next [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — The sound of gun fire boomed across George Blair Range on July 14 while 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets completed their Weapons Qualification. Cadets had three days to prepare for weapons qualification. Those three days included: Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction (PMI), Group and Zero and Down Range Feedback. At PMI, Cadets learned about the fundamentals of their weapons systems in a classroom setting. On the second day, Cadets took to a range to learn how to group and zero their weapons. Cadets refined their skills on the third day in preparation for the qualification the next [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — 9th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets got the chance to learn the terrain, test out strategies and knock off the Land Navigation (Land Nav) rust that built up after the spring semester ended at the Land Nav Refresher. Land Nav Refresher requires Cadets to plot and locate two points in two hours with a map, protractor and compass. This is meant to help simulate the actual test the Cadets will be facing the following morning. However, this refresher is less strict, in that it allows Cadets to assist each other and ask questions of the Cadre. [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky., — It was a beautiful, warm sunny day for 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets to arrive at Fort Knox, for Cadet Summer Training, July 2. Once Cadets arrive they are shuttled to the Disney area of the installation, where the Cadet’s barracks are located. Cadets check in with the Cadre members first before they unpack anything. Cadets then receive what company they belong to, they collect their luggage and go to the respected area for that company. Cadres have the Cadets unpack all of their bags and lay everything out in a specific order. The Cadre [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” The Mark Twain quote used by Col. Scott Sonsalla during his speech to the Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp and their families perfectly sums up the sentiments of today’s graduation. For the group of Cadets, the ceremony marks a coming of age and one giant step closer to becoming Army Officers. The morning sun shined on the cheerful faces of the young Cadets, as they stood proudly at attention. Maj. Gen. John R. Evans, Jr. began [...]
Standing in formation, I wait. My heart, racing as I stare. Double doors open like flood gates, I am hit. A tidal wave of emotion. I see you, the sea of people. Your smiling face, my beacon. Guiding me to your warm embrace, A tight, loving hug, A tender kiss. You choke back tears in your eyes And tell me how proud you are. I am exuberant in the moment. Free.
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp spent the morning at Keyes Park, exploring all the different branches that the Army has to offer. The point of the Army’s take on a job fair, is to educate and enlighten the young Cadets so they can feel as confident as possible when creating their list of branches in the coming days. Just as this morning’s rain promised growth and new beginnings, so did Keyes Park for the Cadets of 9th Regiment. With over a dozen different branches to choose from, creating that dream list can often be challenging and scary. It’s [...]
Advanced Camp Cadets endure mud for mission FORT KNOX, Ky.– On a rainy, late July morning, Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp slide through mud to conduct a platoon attack. During the first day of their field training exercise, the clouds left no mercy on Cadets preparing for their mission. Weighed down by rucks and wet uniforms, Cadets from Alpha Company trudge through the Kentucky woods in an area of operations known as Panther. This sector of the woods gives Cadets their first taste of field training exercises that are not led by Cadre. “We moved tactically to an ORP [objective rally [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky – Before moving on to their first field training exercise, Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp ran through their final Cadre assisted situational training exercise on July 29, 2018. The Cadets’ assignment was to execute a raid, infiltrating a group of oppositional forces holding a position deep within the forests of Training Area 12. “It was initially a recon,” Cadet Joshua Westerhaus, Coastal Carolina University, stated. “Then we got a frago (a redirected order), once we got here, that we were going to do a raid…So, we went back to the ORP (Objective Rally Point), the platoon leader [...]