• FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their land navigation qualification at Fort Knox, Ky., July 28, 2023. Armed with a compass, protractor, pencil, map, and a list of coordinates, the Cadets set out, fueled by determination, to find each of their points in under 4 hours. “Today we’re conducting a day land nav., where we are supposed to find three to four points on the course,” said Cadet David Nevarez, Middle Tennessee State University. “When I first got my points, my goal was to make some type of plan to get from my first point to [...]

  • 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp ROTC Cadets conducted movement to contact in their situational training exercise (STX) lane. Each Cadet was required to wear a vest equipped with a Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System, commonly referred to as MILES gear.  Upon being fired, the M4 carbine released a laser which was recognized by the sensors located on the vests of the Opposing Forces (OPFOR) if contact was made.  “But if the OPFOR shoots them, then they know that they need to work on like cover and concealment,” 2nd Lt. Jackson Graham from Auburn University said. “They need to be better at covering [...]

  • DOWNLOAD Program Special Awards Recipients AUSA Leadership Excellence AwardCadet Caleb Scully, Norwich University Military Order of World Wars AwardCadet Nicholas Vaughn, Northeastern University Military Officers Association of America AwardCadet McKenna Brown, Brigham Young University Reserve Organization of America AwardCadet James Barker, Virginia Tech Bold Leader Spirit AwardCadet Michael Beall, Austin Peay State University First Command Financial Services AwardCadet John Shanahan III, Texas Christian University USAA Warrior Spirit AwardCadet Michael Hoffman, Virginia Military Institute Armed Forces Bank AwardCadet Ryan Erk, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs Armed Forces Services Corporation AwardCadet Abraham Poku, Western Kentucky UniversityCadet Bryan Odberg, Baylor University National Guard [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., — When teenagers turn 16 in America, some parents go out of their way to make sure this day is a special one. Parties, limousine rides and expensive gifts are not a rare sight on this day. AnnaLee Reid’s Sweet 16 was just a little different. Reid, a Cadet from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, who attends Central Washington University, received a present that unknowingly started her on the road to become a U.S. Army Officer. “My parents for my 16 birthday took me out and taught me how to shoot a handgun,” said Reid.  “That was like the [...]

  • On the morning of July 21, 2021, the Cadets of 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp were set loose in the forests of Fort Knox, Ky. with a map, a set of coordinates, and a time limit. “They’re somewhere in the woods—find them using plotted points,” said Cadet Orkhun Ismayil of Virginia Tech. “You’re given four, and you have to get at least three in four hours.” The four grid coordinates that were given to each Cadet corresponded to a real-world objective, which were comparatively small orange and white squares suspended about six feet above the ground on a street sign post. Each [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAmJ_fCjJOg[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. – It was a perfect morning for 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets to march 12-miles back to base to prepare for graduation in a few days. Cadets woke up around 1 a.m., they grabbed their 35 pounds, or more, rucksacks and got into formation. Noise was at a minimum. “The silence was a challenge, not being able to talk and motivate each other through the ruck was rough,” said Cadet Cameron McNeil, from Virginia Military Institute. McNeil wasn’t the only one who found it hard to stay silent. Cadet Alex Garner, from Sacramento State University, and his [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp got to shower and rest before embarking on their 12-mile foot march from TAA Densberger to their barracks, August 6. Before arriving at TAA Densberger, Cadets conducted their field training exercise (FTX) in the dense woods for over a week. There was a refit opportunity between each of the FTX lanes for Cadets every few days which allowed them to organize their rucksacks and relax before continuing their training. “Today is our first time taking a shower in four days,” said Cadet Zachary Suchy. With graduation in sight, the Florida Southern [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcko90yshPQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Rappelling may not have been in the repertoire of all 10th Regiment Cadets prior to Advanced Camp, but each one of them bounded down the 60-foot rappel tower, July 22. 1st Lt. Jason Keniston, the 10th Regiment chaplain, explained how the rappel training at Advanced Camp readies Cadets for their career as commissioned officers. “The rappel training prepares Cadets for combat situations but primarily demonstrates how overcoming fear is feasible,” said Keniston. “Everyone goes up the tower with some sort of fear. All Cadets have to do is trust their leadership, trainers, equipment and the [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB8qOtaHaZg[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of 10th Regiment Advanced Camp qualified with their M-4 Carbine Rifles on the George Blair Range this morning, July 19. Cadets at Advanced Camp go through various forms of weapons training during their Basic Rifle Marksmanship training; Grouping and Zeroing is one example. The shooting done at the George Blair Range is different, though. There, they shoot at pop-up targets, appearing at random on their lane. This is the range where they train for their qualification, this is the range where they qualify. Stick to the Basics “I’ve shot quite a bit through my [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y1HjOfDnRQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Rain pouring down, a cloudy, overcast sky watched over the gobbling turkeys making their way across George Blair Range the morning of July 17. Cadets of the 10th Regiment of Advanced Camp spent their morning qualifying on their M-4 Carbines. While qualifying is difficult even on a bright, clear-sky day, the rain brought with it some extra challenge. This wouldn’t stop the Cadets from reaching success, though. With the quote of the day being, “I’ll be hooah my whole life,” said by Cadet Cady Carpenter, attending the University of Texas at El Paso, the challenge [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edXQDjZFLNY[/embedyt] FORT KNOX Ky. — Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed the Field Leader Reaction Course on July 16. The course challenges Cadets’ leadership skills while also encouraging squad growth. Cadets were given just barely enough material and time to complete the obstacles they faced. It was a challenging task. But growth doesn’t come in complacency. “The purpose [of FLRC] is to basically team build and also to develop critical thinking skills,” Cadet Jack Lacy of Texas A&M University, said. “So you can solve problems faster and know how to communicate more effectively and efficiently in a stressful situation.” [...]

  • Cadets of the 10th Regiment of Advanced Camp completed the six-mile ruck march in the early hours of this morning, July 14. Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” ringing through their ears, Cadets were able to find some pretty interesting ways to stay motivated. Some may even call them quirky. What’s Your Quirk? “For both my rucks and the two-mile run I sing ’99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall,’” Cadet Josh Hopingardner, from Yorktown, Virginia, said. “I sing all the way down to one and then I work my way back up.” Hopingardner, attending University of Montana, said singing helps to keep his [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqKGF7S5DbM[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY –Tenth Regiment, Advanced Camp, Cadets arrived Sunday afternoon at Fort Knox, Kentucky, on Day Zero to start their Cadet Summer Training (CST). About 600 Cadets arrived to start their 37 days of CST. Upon arrival, Cadets began with checking-in, organizing and accounting for their belongings. Over the course of the next 37 days, 10th Regiment Cadets will take part in various events such as the Rappel Tower, the Land Navigation course, Field Training Exercises (FTX), the CBRN Confidence Chamber, Hand Grenades and Weapons Qualification. What Cadets will learn most, though, is to hone in on their leadership [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets wander from tent to tent in Keyes Park hunting for the perfect branch, as graduation and commissioning ceremonies are in the next few days. 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets spend a cloudy and rainy morning exploring job opportunities, equipment, and military vehicles related to their top branch choices. For some, like Cadet Jacob Van Dyke, Virginia Military Institute, this is a time to learn about branches they have not considered before. “I haven’t really considered the armor branch,” Cadet Van Dyke said. “Just now I had a brief orientation to it, and it seems like something I’d [...]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp role-played as the Opposing Forces, also known as OPFOR, during Field Training Exercises, FTX, Aug. 5 at Area of Operation Panther. The OPFOR Cadets were conducting a defense mission against American forces that are trying to take the mortar tubes they have at the OPFOR patrol base. This helps the Cadets who are the American forces learn how to properly carry out and complete an objective and mission. Also, it teaches the OPFOR cadets proper defense techniques when they are in the offensive side. Prior enlisted Cadet Mike Powell, from University of [...]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets executed Situational Training Exercises, STXs, August 2 during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. “Today is the last day of our STX, Situational Training Exercise. Basically, we are in the crawl phase of what we’re going to do. These are all Cadre run. We’re going through the motions and letting them show us how they want the lane set up and how to properly execute the things that we’re trying to do,” explained Cadet Logan Karsteter, Purdue University, (hometown) Milan, Indiana. Each iteration, or repetition, of the exercise [...]

  • Ft. Knox, Ky. – Every summer, Cadets from all over the nation join together to defeat mock enemy forces at Fort Knox. Cadets are assigned to destroy peers that are dressed in a black button down and phased out uniforms. The question is, who exactly are these enemy forces? As Cadets from 3rd Platoon, Charlie Company, 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp were practicing how to conduct a raid during a situational exercise, the opposing forces were patiently waiting. OPFOR, which consisted of rising MS3 juniors explained why participating as the bad guys has been a very rewarding experience. “I volunteered for OPFOR, [...]

  • By Mattie Cook Fort Knox,Ky.- Cadet Summer Training (CST) 2017 came to a close Aug. 16 with the graduation of 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp. The Maj. Gen. James E. Rudder Regiment sounded a big Hooah as they marched off of Brooks Field for the final time, as 17 Regiments have done before them. Cadet Nathan J. Woodcock, Saint John’s University New York, received the regiment’s only RECONDO (Reconnaissance Commando) Award. The RECONDO is given to Advanced Camp Cadets who have scored a 90 or above in various scored events, received a first time “GO” in first aid, call for fire and [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – With five days remaining in Advanced Camp, Cadets of 10th Regiment became acquainted with the different branches the Army has to offer at branch round table at Hill Hall August 11.   Branch round table helps Cadets to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing their military career path.    Lt. Col. Stewart Van Buren, an adjutant general (AG) officer at Human Resources Command and a presenter at branch round table , advises Cadets to remember that despite whatever branch they find themselves in, their first priority is bigger than themselves. “Regardless of what branch [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – With sounds of gunfire and shouting in the distance, Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, Alpha Company, 2nd squad participated in Squad Tactical Exercises (STX) on July 28. In STX, Cadets apply the skills they’ve acquired during their time at CST to execute exercises such as reconnaissance, ambush and recovery. “We’re executing on a platoon size, which means we’re taking smaller elements and focusing on bigger sizes to see how Cadets respond to training,” said 2nd Lt. Jeffrey Prol. “The Army occupies and trains in three phases of training: crawl, walk and run,” said Prol. “Right now [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—10th Regiment Advanced Camp completed CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) training at the CBRN chamber. Cadets begin their CBRN training by first being trained on how to put on their MOP gear. MOPP (mission oriented protective posture) gear consists of rubber gloves and boots, a jacket, pants, and a mask. Cadets have to be able to successfully get their mask on in less than eight seconds, and all of their MOPP gear in less than eight minutes before entering the chamber. “CBRN is used to simulate engaging an enemy in a chemical warfare situation,” said Cadet Devante Spears, Central [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Over the course of two days, Advanced Camp 10th Regiment learned how to overcome obstacles with their squads and how to assess leadership in each other at the Field Leadership Reaction Course (FLRC). FLRC is a low elevation obstacle course designed to help squads form bonds of trust, develop communication, and determine each other’s leadership skills and style. Cadets have to form a plan to get items across the objectives within a time limit of 25 minutes. “Our goal is to build team cohesion and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses so when we get in the field for [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Advanced Camp 10th Regiment was issued equipment in order to complete their missions at Cadet Summer Training (CST). Cadets arrived from all over the U.S. and it’s territories for CST. Many of these Cadets come with some of the necessary equipment for CST, while others are missing some or a majority of this equipment. The Central Issues Facility (CIF) is where Cadets go to make sure that they have all of the proper and necessary equipment in order to be successful in their time here at CST. “To accomplish the mission you need to be prepared. You can’t be [...]