• FORT KNOX, Ky.—9th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their last required event prior to their graduation: the 12-mile ruck march. Despite the early morning Kentucky humidity and heat, Cadets lined up to complete the event. “It’s the last big thing we do before we graduate. It was tough, we got up at like 1:30am but we got through it,” said Cadet Joshua Bell, Liberty University. Even though the 12-mile ruck march is the last thing that Cadets do prior to graduation, most Cadets say it is one of the most physically and mentally demanding aspects of Advanced Camp. Cadets ruck through some of [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—7th Regiment, Basic Camp completes their 31 days of training here at Fort Knox. As family and friends of Cadets filled the stands that surround Brooks Field, the Regiment begins to form up just a few hundred feet away and the Cadets’ excitement to go home builds. “I’m really excited to finish up Basic Camp, it’s been a blast,” said Cadet Lewis Pack, The Citadel. “I was an Air Force ROTC Cadet prior to this and this was much more fun and I really like the Army life.” Cadets choose to participate in Basic Camp, which is a stepping-stone to [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—7th Regiment, Basic Camp completed their 10k Ruck March in the early hours of a cool Kentucky morning. Beginning 0300, the Cadets of 7th Regiment Basic Camp formed up by companies to complete their 10k, or 6.2 mile, ruck march. Unlike Advanced Camp, the Basic Camp ruck march is a one-way walk and Cadets do not have a time limit for completion. The Cadets from Basic Camp also ruck in a two-line formation. “Everyone is feeling great. We just came off our field training exercises and we are just about done with training so that means we get to go home,” [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—6th Regiment, Advanced Camp participated in Branch Orientation, where they learn about the Reserves, the National Guard, and all 17 branches the Army has to offer to new 2nd Lts. “Our job is to bring the branch to the Cadets,” said Capt. Austen Boroff, Office of the Commandant Field Artillery Proponent Office. “We try to give them a greater understanding of what we do.” Branch Orientation is a lot like speed dating. Cadets go to tents set up by all 17 branches, as well as the Army Reserves, and the National Guard. At each tent, Cadets normally watch a short hype-up [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—9th Regiment, Advanced Camp completed their chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear, otherwise known as CBRN, confidence training—but this time with a birthday twist. CBRN confidence training is where Cadets learn about MOPP gear and then they go through the gas chamber. MOPP gear consists of boots, pants, a jacket, a gas mask, and gloves. Cadets have to be able to dawn all of the equipment in less than eight minutes and they have to be able to properly seal their mask in less than two minutes. Once inside the chamber, Cadets are lead through a little bit of PT. Once [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—10thRegiment, Advanced Camp completed their Army Physical Fitness Test. On a cool and clear morning, 10thRegiment, Advanced Camp lined up and waited to take their PT test. The current APFT is made up of three events: two-minute push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed two-mile run. The APFT is a must pass event for Advanced Camp and a Cadet must score a minimum of 60 points in each category. “It’s exciting to get up this morning and do something physical since we’ve been in-processing for two days,” commented Cadet Roderick Jamieson, Boston University.

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—6th Regiment, Advanced Camp puts their skills to the test at the largest part of their training here at Fort Knox: Field Training Exercises. The FTX is the largest part of the training Cadets take part in during their time at Cadet Summer Training. The FTX is designed to be the “run” stage of their tactical knowledge. Prior to coming to the FTX, they complete the crawl and walk phases at the STX Lanes. FTX is where all the missions Cadet leadership run have to be done all on their own. Cadets receive operational orders from Cadre about the missions [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—6th Regiment, Basic Camp took on their obstacle course with high morale, loud chants, and multiple sets of squats. At this point during their training, 6th Regiment, Basic Camp is 16 days into their 31 days of training here at Fort Knox. During this time, morale can sometimes run low and motivation has the tendency to drop even lower. However, this wasn’t the case for 6th Regiment as they took on the obstacle course in the pouring rain. “I’m from an island in the Pacific and back home we do a chant and it pumps up our people and gets their mind [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp graduated from Cadet Summer Training after 31 days here at Fort Knox. While most soon to be college seniors spend their summer sitting pool side, or working part time jobs, for Army ROTC Cadets, they have a very different summer experience: 31 days, in the humidity and heat of the Kentucky wilderness to better themselves as future Army Officers. “My biggest take away has been the leadership opportunities I got in the field. We were put into some very stressful situations but it helped me grow and learn as a leader,” recalled Cadet Soren Johnson, Wheaton [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—6th Regiment, Advanced Camp conducts Situational Training Exercise (STX) Lanes to help prepare them for their Field Training Exercises. You have to walk before you can run, and you have to be able to crawl before you can walk. This idea is something that has been adopted here at Cadet Summer Training, Advanced Camp. Before Cadets can run raids, ambushes and leaders recons in the field without any assistance, they have to know the basic Army doctrine on how to conduct each step of these missions. The STX Lanes is the crawl phase. “I feel this part of training is [...]

  • Fort Knox, KY—As 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp’s time at Fort Knox comes to a close, a small group of 44 cadets earned their commission as 2nd Lieutenants in the United States Army. On a sunny and very hot Monday afternoon here at Fort Knox, inside the cool air of the Waybur theater, family members and friends of about to be commissioned Cadets chatted and milled around as they waited for the ceremony to begin While most Cadets traditionally commission at their universities a day before they graduate, some Cadets for various reason such as injury, sickness, or emergencies, are unable to [...]

  • In my year working with Cadet Command, I have had many opportunities to talk to Major General Christopher Hughes in passing. I was lucky enough to hear him give several speeches, both at Cadet Summer Training and outside of CST at various events at Fort Knox. Not only is he an immaculate speaker, but he is also down to earth and genuine; he cares greatly about his command and the people in it, no matter how small their role. I knew that I had to have a sit-down interview with him prior to his retirement and change of command. The following [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—This year at Cadet Summer Training (CST) Commanding General Christopher Hughes has reinstated mandatory Cadet evaluations. These evaluations are given on blue cards. What is a blue card? A blue card is a card given to cadre members for evaluation of a Cadet. The card has multiple sections for comments to be written. The first section is background. This section gives background to the circumstances the Cadet was given, their leadership position, and any behaviors that are monitored. Cadre members encouraged to elaborate on the behaviors and the context in which they saw the behaviors. Then there are sections [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Advanced Camp 10th Regiment completed Land Navigation where they put their traditional navigation skills to the test. “In today’s society, we all want to use a GPS to get us some place. Land Nav is a traditional, no-technology situation where you have to rely on your own skills, and that’s a big challenge,” explained Cadet Michael Murphy, The Citadel. Cadets are given three hours to find four points spread over a two-mile square course. They are given a compass, a map, and a protector to navigate the course. In order to receive a passing grade for Land Nav, they [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—10th Regiment Advanced Camp completed CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) training at the CBRN chamber. Cadets begin their CBRN training by first being trained on how to put on their MOP gear. MOPP (mission oriented protective posture) gear consists of rubber gloves and boots, a jacket, pants, and a mask. Cadets have to be able to successfully get their mask on in less than eight seconds, and all of their MOPP gear in less than eight minutes before entering the chamber. “CBRN is used to simulate engaging an enemy in a chemical warfare situation,” said Cadet Devante Spears, Central [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Advanced Camp 10th Regiment went through preliminary marksmanship instruction (PMI) and group/zeroing training prior to their qualification exercise. Over the course of two days, 10th Regiment learned the basics of shooting and caring for their weapon at PMI, and then they put those basics to the test at group/zeroing before they would move on to qualification. “PMI goes through all the steps of how to shoot an M4 rifle,” explained Cadet Karoline Schenosky, University of Southern California. “We cover safety, loading, shooting, and then clearing the rifle.” Aside form teaching the basics, PMI is also designed to get Cadets [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Over the course of two days, Advanced Camp 10th Regiment learned how to overcome obstacles with their squads and how to assess leadership in each other at the Field Leadership Reaction Course (FLRC). FLRC is a low elevation obstacle course designed to help squads form bonds of trust, develop communication, and determine each other’s leadership skills and style. Cadets have to form a plan to get items across the objectives within a time limit of 25 minutes. “Our goal is to build team cohesion and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses so when we get in the field for [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—Advanced Camp 10th Regiment was issued equipment in order to complete their missions at Cadet Summer Training (CST). Cadets arrived from all over the U.S. and it’s territories for CST. Many of these Cadets come with some of the necessary equipment for CST, while others are missing some or a majority of this equipment. The Central Issues Facility (CIF) is where Cadets go to make sure that they have all of the proper and necessary equipment in order to be successful in their time here at CST. “To accomplish the mission you need to be prepared. You can’t be [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY—44th Army Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Nadja West, visited Cadet Summer training on July 12. Lt. Gen. West gave a speech to Cadets and held a question and answer session prior to her speech. Cadets silently file into Olive Theater on a humid Wednesday afternoon at Fort Knox. They take their seats and await the arrival of the 44th Army Surgeon General, Lt. General Nadja West. General West is introduced, and everyone stands as she enters the theater. “Where’s Alpha Company?” General West asks as she makes her way to the podium on the stage. Alpha Company responds with [...]

  • FORT KNOX, KY– Basic Camp 6th Regiment Cadets work in groups to tackle the obstacles from the Team Development Course (TDC). The purpose of TDC is to improve and build on team working skills, and confidence in your team.   “Its designed to bring different minds together to get a task accomplished,” Cadet Mardarius Gibson, Albany State University.   While at TDC, Cadets are broken into teams of 10 people and they have to complete five different obstacle stations. The stations vary in difficulty, time allotted, and task. Each station is marked with yellow parts that the Cadets are not allowed [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—Advance Camp 1st Regiment continues their weapons qualification with several Cadets from A Company 1st Platoon trying to achieve expert marksmanship. Basic rifle marksmanship tests Cadets skills in hitting the target and all of the fundamentals of shooting. The standard for basic rifle marksmanship is a 23 of 40. For a Cadet to qualify for expert marksmanship, they have to shoot a 36 of 40. Cadet Cooper Glenn of Valley Forge Military Academy and College was one of the Cadets hoping to achieve expert marksmanship. Earlier in the day, Glenn had shot a 31 and in his final round [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—Advance Camp 1st Regiment went out to George Blair Range for weapon qualification. Qualification is an exercise in which the cadets are given 40 rounds of ammunition, then presented 40 targets. Cadets have to hit a minimum of 23 of the 40 targets in order to pass the qualification exercise, and graduate from Advance Camp. This standard of 23/40 is a standard for all Soldiers in the Army. “It’s very important that these future leaders be able to pass qualification since it is the most basic skill to have as a Soldier. It’s important that they take it seriously [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—Advance Camp 1st Regiment headed out to Morgan Riley Range for their zeroing and down range feedback exercises on May 30. “As a soldier its important to know how to fire your rifle accurately. This is a skill that can go dry, so it’s important to keep up those skills,” said Cadet Nick Nolan from Florida State University. The zeroing exercises require cadets to hit a stationary target three times, but the shots have to be within 25-millimeter circle. The down range feedback exercise is where cadets will shot at pop-up targets. For some cadets, these exercises are the first [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—Cadet Summer Training (CST) 1st Regiment Basic Camp arrived at Fort Knox to begin their training. Upon arrival to Fort Knox, the Cadets depart the buses and group up around Col. Jason Halloren, Task Force Warrior Commander for CST Basic Camp. Nearby, other Cadets unload packs and bags. After a short motivational speech by Halloren, the cadets line back up and go through the rest of the check-in process. The purpose of Basic Camp is to build basic skills, confidence, and for Cadets to learn the basics of the Army. If a Cadet decides to stay with the ROTC [...]