• FORT KNOX, Ky. – Good times never seemed so good when Cadets from C Company, 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp went through Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear training on July 19. At 7AM, the Cadets grounded their gear at the CBRN training site. The company was briefed before being separated into platoons and squads for Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear training. MOPP gear, consisting of a gas mask, gloves, boot covers, and a hooded suit, is designed to protect Soldiers in a toxic environment. Cadet Adam Minor, a student at Ohio State University, served in the 135th Military Police Company before joining […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. –  5th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets took a walk in Keyes Park, refitted into a tent city, as they weigh their career options for when they commission as second lieutenants. The beautiful, sunny weather was perfect to allow the Cadets to decompress and focus on the their futures with the US Military. Cadets consider options like the Engineer Corps, the Field Artillery branch, the Chemical Corps and the Signal Corps. Capt. Mia Williams, nurse counselor for Cadet Command, talked with Cadets about the differences between choosing active duty or the reserves, highlighting it is important to consider what is […]

  • Fort Knox, KY- Cadets of 5th Regiment, Basic Camp were deep into the woods Tuesday afternoon performing a squad level ambush against mock oppositional forces. With camouflage painted across their faces and their M4 weapons locked and loaded, these Cadets were more than prepared to accomplish the mission. Accompanied by a second lieutenant as a mentor, these Cadets waited patiently. Uneven terrain filled with heavy shrubs helped with concealment while they waited for the enemy to cross their into their area. “We have to be as silent as possible,” explained Cadet Henry Jackson III, Bowie University. “We have to get to […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp had the opportunity to hear presentations from 19 Army branches and functionaries represented at Branch Orientation on July 12. In a grassy area beside a large, black, armored Special Reaction Force vehicle, a gaggle of Cadets stood and watched as a Military Police K-9 handler demonstrated giving his dog commands. Sgt. 1st Class Travis Watkins, 14th MP Brigade out of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., explained Branch Orientation helps Cadets get a feel for different branches. He considers it an opportunity to explore branch options and figure out what will actually be […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – This morning Cadets from 6th Regiment, Basic Camp took the Army Physical Fitness Test, which consists of two minutes of push-ups, two minutes of sit-ups, and a two-mile run. The Cadets must try to complete as many push-ups and sit-ups in the allotted time and run two miles as fast as they can. Cadet Jhordyn McWhorter, a student at Marion Military Institute, said they have undergone corrective training at Basic Camp to correct and improve form, as well as to enhance endurance, in preparation for the APFT. She described corrective training as good for team building, adding […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY –  Even through inclement weather and gray skies, the Cadets of 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp managed to smile as they marched across Brooks Field for their graduation ceremony which signifies the completion of their training.The young college students from around the nation endured 31 days of rigorous training during Cadet Summer Training. Events like day and night time land navigation tested Cadets to manually navigate through various terrains, trusting their pace counts and road measurements to locate a pinpointed area. Weapon qualifications helped ensure a Cadet’s comfort level and concentration capabilities when aiming at a target up to 300 […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp graduated from Cadet Summer Training after 31 days here at Fort Knox. While most soon to be college seniors spend their summer sitting pool side, or working part time jobs, for Army ROTC Cadets, they have a very different summer experience: 31 days, in the humidity and heat of the Kentucky wilderness to better themselves as future Army Officers. “My biggest take away has been the leadership opportunities I got in the field. We were put into some very stressful situations but it helped me grow and learn as a leader,” recalled Cadet Soren Johnson, Wheaton […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – While the rest of the world slept, Cadets from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp pushed through the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) early this morning. At 5:00 a.m. sharp, Cadre members started their timers and began counting off as Cadet after Cadet completed their two minutes’ worth of sit ups and push ups before heading to the dreaded two-mile run. Tension and heavy breathing filled the pavilion as Cadets prepared themselves for the next task to come. As the drill sergeant yelled out a five-minute warning, Cadets filed into formation, prepping their watches and steadying their breathing. To start the run, the […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky.—6th Regiment, Advanced Camp conducts Situational Training Exercise (STX) Lanes to help prepare them for their Field Training Exercises. You have to walk before you can run, and you have to be able to crawl before you can walk. This idea is something that has been adopted here at Cadet Summer Training, Advanced Camp. Before Cadets can run raids, ambushes and leaders recons in the field without any assistance, they have to know the basic Army doctrine on how to conduct each step of these missions. The STX Lanes is the crawl phase. “I feel this part of training is […]

  • Fort Knox, Ky., – 7th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets challenged their fear during the Obstacle Course June 9, 2018. The Obstacle Course is one of the training events that Cadets must go through for Advanced Camp graduation in the military. Cadets have to maneuver various obstacles during the event, such as climbing ladders and ropes, walking across the wooden logs aloft, crawling backward in the sand, and many others. A lot of Cadets have done an Obstacle Course before, but most of them are really frustrated with the higher and more difficult structures today. The activities are challenging for the Cadets; however, […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets persevered through the CS tear gas in the CBRN Confidence Chamber on June 29th at Cadet Summer Training. After a morning of preparing to enter the chamber and learning how to use the equipment properly, cadets lined up to run laps and sing songs while breathing in the gas from the NBC Chamber. Cadets are briefed on the process that happens inside of the chamber, and how to gain the most of their experience. The purpose of the CBRN chamber is to build the Cadet’s confidence in their equipment and to experience first-hand, […]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets with 1st Regiment, Basic Camp conducted squad level situational training exercise lanes on June 27th, at Area of Operation Badger. They are conducting these STX lanes during their field training exercise. For the FTX, the Cadets spend five days in the woods while conducting practical classes, moving tactically, and living in patrol bases. They set up a patrol base by securing an area so that they can maintain their weapons, eat, and prepare for their missions. They maintain a level of security at all times and attempt to mitigate their signature while living in the field. In […]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets with 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp were challenged by the Field Leadership Reaction Course on June 26th. This event places a Cadet in a leadership position, where they must safely complete a given objective, while navigating an obstacle. They are dealt situations with many constraints and limited resources. “It really tests our leadership skills and ability to work as a team,” said Cadet Catherine Lynch from Mount Mary University (host school McDaniels University), “Our goal isn’t to complete the obstacles, but show our growth and ability to work together as a cohesive unit, as leaders and followers. This […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. –  1st Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets participate in the second leg of their field training exercise, bringing them closer to beds and graduation, at Fort Knox, Ky. June 26 Cadets braced for battle. After a long night of securing camp and camouflaging themselves, they were ready for the opposition forces to attack at any time. The sky appeared to break open, a bright flash and boom filled the sky. The Cadet’s exercise was put on hold. Inclement weather, heavy showers, lightning and thunder carried on for 40 minutes. When the rain stopped the Cadets felt the familiar muggy […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets of 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp completed ALT-C rifle qualifications with their M16A4 rifles on, on June 24th, at the Canby Hills Range. “I feel that I’ve had my persistence tested,” said Cadet Candace Cole from the University of Texas at San Antonio. “I personally had to retrain and shoot multiple times to qualify, and I’m glad I didn’t give up.” The ALT-C qualification is the Army’s 25-meter Alternate Course for rifle qualification. The Cadets are required to shoot at targets containing 10 silhouettes, scaled to represent distances ranging from 50 to 300 meters. They are evaluated […]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned how to make calls for fire with an electronic simulation on June 23rd. A call for fire is a request for a target to be destroyed by fire support elements such as artillery or mortars. Sgt. Liam Barry from Washington, DC said, “In the event they find themselves in combat, these future leaders will be prepared to bring the support they need to the battlefield.” The Cadet’s arrived to the training site and were taught how to use available resources to call in artillery strikes. For the simulation, the Cadets had […]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 1st Regiment, Basic Camp performed Individual Task Training (ITT) and learned how to assemble and utilize Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS). Erik Benson, an Aerospace engineering major from North Carolina State University said, “We learned how to assemble them, the battery, antenna, handset, and radio unit.” These Cadets are learning to use Combat Net Radios currently used by US and allied forces. They are designed to be reliable, secure, and easily maintained. The units weigh about eight pounds and are able to transmit data and voice communications. “The drill sergeants taught us how […]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp, conducted a Situational Training Exercise (STX) based on reconnaissance and platoon raid June 17 at Forward Operation Base Wolverine. “Right now we are in the crawl phase, where our lanes are Cadre led,” said Cadet Patrick Patterson from Augusta University. “We learned a little about the terrain and some things that will benefit us when we start doing this on our own.” After preparing and planning their mission, Cadets move out from their patrol base and set up an Objective Rally Point. At their ORP, the majority of the platoon pulled security, […]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from Alpha Company,1st Regiment, Basic Camp, were  accompanied by visiting Centers of Influence on June 13th, while overcoming their fear of heights at the Forrest Hills Complex. The Forest Hills Complex contains a three-part High Ropes Confidence Course, which includes a ropes course, alpine tower, and rock wall. The course is meant to instill self-confidence as well as encourage Cadets to trust their battle buddies and equipment. “Overcoming their fears gives them an opportunity to build confidence. It’ll help them as they move forward through life,” said Brig. Gen. John Evans, Commanding General, U.S. Army Cadet Command, […]

  • FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY – The highly motivated Cadets of 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp experienced the sensations of a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear chamber. A CBRN strike is simulated by activating tear gas in a confined space, which provides a necessary incentive to train properly. The exercise requires Cadets to don Mission Oriented Protective Posture equipment, that is used to protect Soldiers in toxic environments. They then performed safety checks on their gas mask seals, outerwear, over boots, and gloves. The Cadets file into the chamber after safety checks are completed then perform exercises to get their heartrate up and breathing elevated. They […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets of 2nd regiment Advance Camp were processed through the Central Issue Facility, Sunday June 10, to ensure they had all necessary equipment to complete their training. The Cadets need to have gear that is reliable and in good condition, as well as addresses the packing list issued before camp, that listed essential items. It’s important that these Cadets have approved rucksacks that can carry all of their equipment for the duration of their time in the field. They also require assault packs that allow for high mobility during Situational Training Exercises. “These college students are aspiring […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets from 1stRegiment Advanced Camp had high morale despite the extreme temperatures as they completed the alternate course qualification with their M4 carbines, on June 9th, at the Canby Hills Range. The ALT-C qualification is the Army’s 25-meter alternate course for rifle qualification. The Cadets are required to shoot at targets containing 10 silhouettes, scaled to represent distances ranging from 50 to 300 meters. They are timed on 3 strings of fire; one for each firing position: prone supported, prone unsupported, and kneeling. Cadets began by firing 20 rounds in 120 seconds from the prone supported […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, and 7th Regiment, Basic Camp, Cadets welcomed Ambassador John Limbert at Olive Theater, August 3, during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox. Ambassador John Limbert was invited to speak to Cadets about a variety of topics including advice for Cadets when they commission as second lieutenants as well as opening the floor for questions. In his opening statements, Ambassador Limbert thanked Cadets. “Let me thank you today for choosing a career of public service. There are rewards, frustrations and dangers, but it’s something I did … and it was never […]

  • Article by CULP Cadet. Edited by Hope Nelson. SENEGAL, Africa — If one were to spend any amount of time in Senegal, there would be a number of things that would be immediately apparent. You could see that Senegal does not have many of the same infrastructures and institutions that the United States (U.S.) possesses. You could see poverty on a greater scale than nearly anywhere in the U.S. But you could also see a land of unrequited beauty. Senegal is truly a wonder to behold. From its natural beauty to its constructed wonders and it’s amazing citizens. Senegal actively combats […]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – Centers of Influence attended the Summer of Fort Knox Visit, June 13. COIs are community partners from the eight brigades in the United States Army, which operate under Cadet Command. COIs were invited to the Summer of Fort Knox Visit with the intent to spread the word about the benefits, opportunities and options offered by Army ROTC. While at Fort Knox, COIs attended a number of informational meetings. They also participated in exercises Cadets experience during Cadet Summer Training, including the Field Leadership Reaction Course. “What’s going to be happening is they’re going to […]