• Trudging through the mud and ducking under thick branches, the Cadets of 2nd Regiment, Basic Camp spent the morning of July 18, 2021 in the forests of Fort Knox, Ky. doing their Buddy Team Land Navigation training. The purpose: teaching Basic Camp Cadets how to use maps, compasses, and other simple objects to find precise locations in rough, off-road terrain. Cadets were sent out in small teams with the objective of finding pre-placed posts hidden in the forest, marking the locations, and returning to base camp for evaluation within a limited time frame. 2nd Regiment took this training with a fair [...]

  • On June 14, 2021, 4th Regiment Cadets attended Fire and Maneuver training at Fort Knox, Ky. Every Cadet learns how to effectively provide cover from enemy fire, for themselves and their battle buddy, using suppressive fire and maneuver techniques. Though live rounds are not used for this exercise, Fire and Maneuver training ensures that, if ever faced with a real combat situation, Cadets would know how to efficiently communicate and provide cover for a comrade in arms.  Cadet Marcellus Forbes said, “It gives us a better perspective to what our troops will be doing in real life.” When he’s not attending [...]

  • By: Amy Turner and Kyle Crawford Fort Knox KY — Despite an unprecedented past year and a half, Cadet Summer Training (CST) is well underway training future U.S. Army officers. COVID-19 precautions have been put into place such as requiring Cadets to wear masks for a 10-day monitoring period. Cadets will also be tested upon their arrival to Fort Knox. Before exiting the 10-day monitoring period, pool testing methods are used. Pool testing is a method that tests various Cadets from groups composed of the people that interact most closely together. If a certain group has multiple people testing positive then [...]

  • Cadet Akua Adu who attends Western Michigan University had never trained with grenades before coming to Fort Knox, Ky. Because this was a new experience for her, she was ready to take part in the training event.  “I am very excited. I have never done it [hand grenade training] before, so it was really nice to be able to have the experience,” said Adu. Adu will be graduating and commissioning in December 2021, and she is very motivated to learn all that she can at Advanced Camp this summer. She has enjoyed her experience at Fort Knox thus far and is [...]

  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. – 6th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets examined their potential future career paths during Branch Orientation at Keyes Park August 14, 2019, during Cadet Summer Training. “We’re going around to all of the various branches, 17 in total, of the Army and we’re just seeing which ones we might be interested in, learning more, and, for me especially, I know very little about the Army and what the branches do. So, I’m just taking this as an opportunity to dive into a bunch of them and learn a bunch of stuff,” explained Cadet Reiss Becker, a student at [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 5th Regiment, Basic Camp, competed in a drill and ceremony (D&C) competition today to test their marching and military bearing skills. The competition tested the basic foundations of D&C on how you march and conduct yourself in a formation. For the first portion of the competition, each platoon in the regiment created a routine that included numerous required elements and commands. Cadre graded Cadets on how well they conducted their platoon D&C routines and how well they maintained their military bearing. Maintaining a strong military bearing is holding and conducting yourself in a well-disciplined manner. [...]

  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. – 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets graduated on Brooks Field August 6 after completing Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Cadets completed numerous exercises to build themselves not only as leaders and teammates, but also to build their confidence in themselves and each other. After graduating and officially completing their training, Cadets expressed their feelings after walking off of Brooks Field. One Cadet was excited to demonstrate their skills learned throughout camp. “Just feeling really excited to get out of here and learn with all this knowledge that I’ve learned since I’ve been here. This is [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — On Aug. 5, Cadets of the 10th Regiment had an early morning fighting the enemy during a defense mission at AO Grizzly. This is their last full day of the Field Training Exercises (FTX), with graduation just around the corner. Defense missions are pretty straightforward: the platoon is set up at a patrol base with borders and protection surrounding it. The Opposing Force (OPFOR) wants to take that base over, and plans to attack it. The Cadets have no knowledge of when the OPFOR are coming, but have to stay quick on their feet and maintain control [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — “COVER ME WHILE I MOVE!!!” “I GOT YOU COVERED!!!” These two phrases were a common consistency on Aug. 4 at Mill Creek Range, when 6th Regiment of Basic Camp went through the Fire Team Movement drill. Similar to the Buddy Team Live Fire exercise Advanced Camp Cadets undergo, the Fire Team Movement drill requires Cadets to take turns advancing along different points of cover, with their partners providing cover fire behind them. It is performed to grow Cadets’ communication skills, increase their confidence in advancing to cover, and progress the relationships of battle buddies. One group of [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — After 24 days at Basic Camp, 5th Regiment Cadets took on the 10k Foot March this morning to test their physical and mental endurance. Foot marches challenge Cadets with walking long distances at a fast pace with weight in their rucksacks. “It is mostly mental,” Cadet Mason Aldridge, from Birmingham, Alabama, and attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said. “Coming out here and doing this ruck march is to prove that you can go further than you think you can.” The Cadets began the march at 4 a.m. The purpose of this was to not only [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — On August 3, nearly 600 Cadets stood in formation as Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford delivered some parting words to end their Advanced Camp journey. After 37 days of facing fears such as heights or hand grenades, pushing through mental challenges such as land navigation and map reading, and going survival-mode in the Field Training Exercises, the 8th Regiment has finally reached the end of their training at Fort Knox. One of the main reasons Cadets work to pass Advanced Camp is the gateway it provides to becoming a 2nd Lieutenant. This is why the Cadre constantly challenged [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVrJrDR9tmQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — Fourth Regiment, Basic Camp, Cadets put their marching skills to the test today during the platoon and regimental drill and ceremony (D&C) competition. Cadets competed in two different competition; a platoon-level D&C competition, where the six platoons from 4th Regiment performed in front of Cadre who chose the wining platoon, and a regimental D&C competition, where Cadets are individually competing to win. Over the past 28 days, Cadets learned Army customs and courtesies, how to march and conduct themselves in a professional manner. “The purpose of this competition was to test the culmination of everything [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJJCu3PLbSE[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the Delta Co., 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their third and final day in the AO Wolverine FTX this morning, August 2. Wolverine is the “crawl” phase of three field-training exercises (FTXs) the Cadets are put through, Panther and Grizzly being the other two. Panther being the “walk” and Grizzly being the “run” phases, the two are more difficult, forcing the Cadets to rely more on their own independent leadership. The next two phases also start evaluations for the Cadets, so Wolverine gives them time to prepare. A Little Room to Grow From [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG_zAZ_2GNE[/embedyt]   FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 6th Regiment, Basic Camp spent the day at the range to get the first-time experience of sighting and shooting their M4 rifles. This training may seem basic to many, but it reinforces the idea that no matter where the Cadets end up, they are a rifleman first. Eastern Washington University Cadet Justin Mebes, may not be new to shooting, but his take on the mantra, “Every Soldier, a rifleman,” drew an interesting comparison to another. “I want to be a Ranger,” Mebes said. “My dad was a Ranger, and they say that [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUV-GzOa37c[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 5th Regiment of Basic Camp were introduced to battle drills in preparation for their upcoming Field Training Exercise (FTX). Cadets started in a classroom setting, Cadre drawing battle drills on paper like plays on a whiteboard in a basketball game. They then moved out into the field, putting their newfound skills to the test; drill after drill after drill, the Cadets practiced flanking maneuvers and battle tactics. Cadre Strive to Help The Cadets are taught by a wide variety of people, enlisted and commissioned alike. “The lieutenants are super helpful,” Cadet Emily [...]

  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. — 3rd Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets attended Branch Orientation at Keyes Park July 30 during Cadet Summer Training. “We are at Branch Day. So, we are getting an opportunity to visit with representatives from each of the basic branches that we may choose or put on our lists after we commission,” said Cadet Karen Yurek, Queens University of Charlotte. Master Sgt. Christopher Parker, Senior Military Instructor at Florida International University, explained that Cadets have a certain number of branches they must visit. “They’ll have nine rotations in which two of the rotations they must visit the Reserve [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed squad battle drill training today, to prepare for their Field Training Exercise (FTX) that begins tomorrow. Squad battle drills are the first time Cadets conduct platoon-level tactics together as one unit. It gives them the chance to iron out issues, develop their platoon identity and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs). Missouri State University Cadet Sierra Goslee, and her platoon, struggled during the training. “It was rough because it was our first time working all together as a platoon to actually do a platoon attack,” Goslee said. They have only been [...]

  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. — 5th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets learned how to group and zero their M-4 rifles at Morgan Riley Range July 26 during Cadet Summer Training. “We started with grouping and zeroing. Grouping is just get all of your shots to be together in a little group – hence grouping. Zeroing is just trying to get them as close to the center of the target as possible,” explained Cadet Gregory Cottrell, Virginia Commonwealth University. When explaining what group and zero was, Cadets created a few different similes. One Cadet found that group and zero could be explained in [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets progressed through training as they were introduced to Small Unit Tactics July 25 at Mill Creek Range during Cadet Summer Training. “We just went through the IMT lanes (Individual Movement Tactics) that’s basically you moving in the buddy system. The first buddy is supposed to yell out ‘Cover me while I move,’” explained Cadet Tanner Delphin, Northwestern State University. “They move and the other buddy is supposed to simulate cover fire and once that first buddy who moved is set, they’ll say ‘Set.’ Then the buddy who was laying down cover fire [...]

  •   FORT KNOX, Ky. — 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets achieved one of the final must pass events July 23 during Cadet Summer Training – the 12-Mile Road March. “For CST, we have to complete several must pass events. Today was our final must pass event of CST and that was the 12-Mile Ruck March,” explained Cadet Jake Beretta, Slippery Rock University. “As a company, we marched all the way to the finish line from where we were placed out in Grizzly.” The road march was considered tactical for this event, which, according to Cadet Courtney Craig, University of Central Florida, [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — First Regiment, Basic Camp, Cadets graduated today, completing the final event of their 31 days of training. Cadets sent to Basic Camp learned about different Soldier and leadership skills they will need as future Army Officers. “Basic Camps purpose is to give people who are interested in the Army a start,” Cadet Celeste Doiron, from Monument, Colorado, and attending California Polytechnic State University, said. “It kind of gives them a taste of the Army and [helps them decide] if it is something they want to do in the future.” “Get Up There and Lead”  Some Cadets came [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8AopQVoQHU[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — Freshman and Sophomore Army ROTC Cadets stand in as the Opposing Force, or OPFOR, that play the enemy for Advanced Camp Cadets when they go through their different Field Training Exercises (FTXs). These first and second year military science students, also known as MS1s and MS2s, come from different ROTC programs from colleges across the country to help train this year’s Advanced Camp Cadets. While they’re assisting training, these MS1s and 2s also get a chance to catch a glimpse of what’s in store for them in the coming years at Advanced Camp. Cadet Kelsey [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets attended Branch Orientation, a time where the different branches of the Army hold informational briefs to showcase different career paths, July 21 during Cadet Summer Training. “They’re just giving us an overview of career paths that we can choose from along with guard and reserve options. Basically, we get to active, reserve, and guard officers about what they do and it helps us figure out what we want to do,” explained Cadet Austin Pfennig, Eastern Washington University. Cadets glean new information as they visit each branch’s tent and listen to the Cadre [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — Spirit and morale were high within 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp, Bravo Company, 4th Platoon yesterday, as they completed another Field Training Exercise mission and took another step toward graduating. Cadets performed a platoon-level deliberate attack on an enemy strong point. Penn State University Cadet Brian Hobbs, from Fairfax, Virginia, said his platoon’s mission went according to plan, with only a few hiccups. He claimed it could not have gone that smoothly without the platoon’s teamwork. “I had a lot of support from all of my peers so that made it all run a lot smoother,” Acting Platoon [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets studied and performed practical application of first aid and care under fire July 20 during Cadet Summer Training. “We’re learning how to do combat first aid, apply tourniquets, work with chest wounds, stopping bleeding, detecting burning, and any other first aid needs to get someone help before the medic could arrive,” stated Cadet Chad Crook, Western Oregon University. Cadets were presented with a hypothetical scenario where a Cadet and their battle buddy are on patrol and are suddenly under fire. Then the battle buddy is hit, explained Cadet Brooke Thompson, Westminster College [...]