• FORT KNOX, Ky., — There is no doubt that the tactics modern troops use to move around the battlefield would surprise the early American Soldiers. Perhaps no other tactic would surprise them more than the concept of Fire and Maneuver. A squad tactic that involves the use of two elements, maneuver and fire support, Fire and Maneuver revolutionized the way wars are fought by replacing the rigid line-up tactics of the past with a dynamic approach that allows for movement, cover and concealment on the battlefield. On July 18, Cadets from 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, learned how to apply this tactical […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky., — When Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived to Fort Knox, Ky., for their Cadet Summer Training (CST) their marksmanship skill levels were at different stages of development.  From previous service special forces Cadets to Cadets that have never touched a gun in their lives, Cadre must train them all to be proficient with the M4 rifle and for the new .40 Individual Weapons Qualification. “Every program has different assets in what they can deal and train with,” said Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Kirkendall, a member from the training Cadre. “Cadets come in to CST who not […]

  • Fort Knox, Ky., —  Throughout Cadet Summer Training, Cadets learn the meaning of being a Soldier and a leader by exposing themselves every day to new experiences that help them grow. They conquer fears on the Rappel Tower, they develop confidence during Land Navigation and they learn to trust their equipment during the Confidence Chamber.   By the time Cadets arrive at the Field Training Exercise (FTX) their Regiments are a well-oiled machine that is ready to showcase the things they have learned throughout camp, but before they can do that, they must learn one final lesson: How to work with each […]

  • For millennia, humans have navigated the world using the stars and maps. Unfortunately, most people nowadays can’t find their own home without using their cellphones or some other form of assisted navigation. While many have lost or abandoned this ancestral ability, the art and talent of navigating using traditional means remains an important part of being a Soldier.  “It is a very important skill because we can’t rely too much on technology,” said Gabriel Cordero-Velasquez, a Cadet from the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez. “We’re not always going to have technology there to assist us.” Cadet Summer Training prepares Cadets to […]

  • Only ten days into Basic Camp, and 1st Regiment is beginning to adapt to life in the Army. It’s tough, but they are not alone. On July 5, 2021, 1st Regiment took their introduction to the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT. The ACFT is the Army’s new physical fitness assessment to determine a person’s general readiness for combat. It consists of six parts: deadlifts, hand-release pushups, a sprint-drag-carry, power throws, leg tucks, and finally a two-mile run. This training created a stage to display a large part of life in the Army, which is the support and bonding from peers […]

  • Imagine the tension of hanging in a roller coaster car during that slight pause at the top of the first vertical drop, anticipating the ride down. This is similar to what the Cadets of 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp experienced today on July 3, 2021, except there was no car, and they were hanging by a rope with their legs supporting them against a flat wall before jumping off and rappelling 64-feet down. The rappel tower is meant to push Cadets to overcome their fears, and to build up trust in their gear and procedures. The stakes felt high, but these Cadets […]

  • When the Cadets of 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, arrived to the Warrior Skills training site on Thursday, July 1, the excitement could be felt in the air. Smiling faces bounced around scouting every inch of the green military tents in the distance. For the Cadets, Warrior Skills is the first hands-on training event of their Cadet Summer Training, and the place where they learned to save lives and provide indirect fire support for ground troops. Cadets started the event by receiving a mandatory safety brief from the Cadre staff and later split into platoons to challenge the Call for Fire lane […]

  • On April 22, 1915, German troops wrote a gruesome new chapter in the book of modern warfare with the deployment of poison gas on the unsuspecting Allied troops defending Ypres, Belgium. Since then, the use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons became widespread among nations and have been used as recent as the 1990s when Iraqi forces deployed Nerve Agents and CS Gas against its own population to control a popular uprising. To prevent a repeat of the Ypres attack, the U.S. Military developed the Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) and trained its troops in the effective reaction against the […]

  •   Forty United States Military Academy (USMA) Cadets arrived at Fort Knox, Kentucky to join the hundreds of Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets of 1st Regiment earlier this month. The West Point Cadets trudged through a heavy rainstorm upon arrival, adding to the apprehension of spending two weeks alongside 1st Regiment for the Field Training Exercise (FTX) portion of Advanced Camp. The ROTC Cadets had already spent over two weeks at Cadet Summer Training (CST) working and training together. For the first time in history, USMA at West Point Cadets were integrated with those ROTC Cadets during Advanced Camp. The […]

  • Cadets of the 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp made the eight-mile ruck march this morning, June 24. The March Foot marches are hard work, there’s no question about it; 35 pounds on your back, decked out in full battle attire, marching for eight miles straight. They’re hard work, indeed. “Every ruck has its challenges,” Cadet Connor Sloan, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, and attending Michigan State University, said. These Cadets all train in different environments when they are back at their home university. From hills to flat land, training on a different type of land can increase the difficulty of that ruck, but that’s […]

  • University and company representatives from all over the nation came to Fort Knox this week to catch a glimpse of Cadet life. The Purpose Centers of Influence (COIs) are universities and companies that the U.S. Army deems influential in the lives of the youth. These COIs are beneficial in reaching out to and drawing in potential Cadets. Inviting them out them out to Fort Knox each year, Cadet Command allows these deans of universities and heads of companies to learn about the ROTC program and become part of it, even if only for a few days. “These are educators, marketers, folks […]

  • U.S. Army Cadets spent just over three weeks in Thailand as part of the Cadet Coalition Warfighter Program (formerly the Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program, or CULP). The purpose of this program is to immerse future U.S. Army officers in the lifestyle of another country, while forming positive relationships with that country’s military. The selected Cadets who traveled to Thailand went through the entire military deployment process. They got any necessary immunizations, completed preparatory assignments and did research on the country. Cadet Justin Humphreys, an economics major at the University of Southern Mississippi, said he didn’t know much about the country […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na9yhkK8pUQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Hundreds of Cadets of 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp simulated different combat scenarios early this morning in preparation for their upcoming Field Training Exercise (FTX). The FTX is a vital part of Advanced Camp for these Cadets. They are able to practice the various skills they’ve learned from previous training during the 14 days in the field. Capt. Patrick Harvey, a logistics officer, explained the purpose of field preparation today. “The purpose of the training today is to basically go over the squad battle drills,” he said. “What that means is the squads are breaking down […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MZcQbE3lQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Delta Co., 3rdRegiment Cadets went through the Confidence Course yesterday, June 8, with the motivation of their squad encouraging them the whole way. The Course The Confidence Course is made up of nine different obstacles meant to challenge the Cadets’ strength, both physical and mental. Each obstacle presents a new problem to overcome, and some are harder than others. Whether it’s climbing a rope to scoot across wooden planks or swinging yourself up onto a log, all encompass their own difficulties. The nine obstacles are The Tough One (known as being the most difficult), […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBGMrcIJVf8[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – If you’re a Cadet doing First Aid Training during Advanced Camp, Randy is a great partner to practice on. He’s not likely to complain or move around as you treat him. Rescue Randy is the nickname given to the mannequins used during First Aid Training. Cadets of 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp separated into small groups and surrounded a “Randy.” Then, trainers explained how to perform several different medical procedures on the life-size mannequin. First, Randy had to be treated for an arterial bleed right above the knee. Randy was in a lot of pain and […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5QkXVfclLs[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Delta Co., 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets lead their way through the Field Leader Reaction Course yesterday, June 6. The Field Leader Reaction Course (FLRC) puts Cadets, separated into squads, through obstacles that are modeled after situations that Soldiers have come across in historical American wars. To successfully complete an obstacle, the Cadets must get specific equipment through, as well as each squad member. With each new obstacle, a new Squad Leader is appointed. This offers a change in team dynamic with each different challenge. Some leaders take charge, others try to open more […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ow2VHG__nE[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Alpha and Bravo Co., 2nd Regiment Cadets, tested their night land navigation skills late Sunday night on Ft. Knox. Cadets were given a map with two points that they were to find. Points are marked with orange and white, reflective signs posted on a stake. To pass, and this is a must-pass event, they only need to find one of those points within the two-hour time limit. To make RECONDO, they need to find both points within that time limit on their first try. Along with the map, Cadets are given a compass and […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3h96knghbc[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Cadets of 1st Regiment, Bravo Company practiced a patrol base operation last night during their ninth day of Cadet Summer Training near George Blair Range. This “practice” patrol base operation prepares the Cadets for the three-phase field training exercise toward the end of Advanced Camp. Capt. Winston Simmonds, the training officer for the 2nd Platoon, explained the reason for this exercise. “Basically, it’s a stationary position for where they can continue mission prep, they can plan other missions or they can also take the opportunity to refit, work on weapons maintenance,” Simmonds said. “If […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vS1KMrXmTk[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky – The Alpha and Bravo Co., 1st Regiment Cadets moved to their third day of marksmanship during Basic Rifle Marksmanship training on Saturday morning on the George Blair Range at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Weapons training is done at a pop-up course, new this summer to Advanced Camp. Previously, Advanced Camp has been 31 days long, focusing the marksmanship training on a paper course. The paper course focuses the shooting at paper targets that are constant and unmoving. Now, Advanced Camp is 37 days long, specifically to work more on the Cadets’ marksmanship ability. This has brought […]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA90w2YDKmk[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – This summer there will be several special events and ceremonies taking place at Fort Knox highlighting the success of thousands of U.S. Army Cadets. Cadets will reunite with family members on Family Day, discover the 17 different branches of the Army during Branch Orientation and proudly graduate on Graduation Day. Previously, Fort Knox hosted a commissioning ceremony for the Cadets. This year, the commissioning ceremonies are taking place at their universities instead. Each of these ceremonies are rooted in years of tradition. Darrell Olson, Cadet Summer Training (CST) special events planner, said tradition is a […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – What started out as a calm morning in the woods turned into a high-speed attack for 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets. This morning (27 July), the Cadets were given a mission to later conduct an attack on a Linear Danger Area. With only a grid location and a time, the Cadets moved meters from the op-for and set up an objective rally point. Once they got the objective rally point set up, they sent out a leaders recon to scout out a position to get eyes on how many enemy personnel were there and what weapons they had. […]

  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned how to make calls for fire with an electronic simulation on June 23rd. A call for fire is a request for a target to be destroyed by fire support elements such as artillery or mortars. Sgt. Liam Barry from Washington, DC said, “In the event they find themselves in combat, these future leaders will be prepared to bring the support they need to the battlefield.” The Cadet’s arrived to the training site and were taught how to use available resources to call in artillery strikes. For the simulation, the Cadets had […]

  • FORT KNOX, KY – On June 6th, Basic Camp Cadets with 1stRegiment arrived at reception. As the Cadets exited the bus, they were instructed to not step on the grass while making their way to first formation. Sgt. 1stClass Otero stated, “If you are stepping on the grass, it symbolizes that you cut corners in your work.” The Cadre want to prepare these Cadets for success, by teaching them to go the extra mile. The Cadets began a layout of all their belongings, and were checked for contraband. They also had the opportunity to check in valuables for safe keeping during […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – After a rigorous 31 days, Cadets of 6th Regiment celebrated the long-awaited completion of Basic Camp with a graduation ceremony on Brooks Field August 2. Looking back, Cadet Alexander Ayres of the University of Northern Colorado says his experience at Basic Camp was more enjoyable than it was difficult all thanks to his peers in Alpha Company. “It was kind of a culture shock transitioning from my civilian life to basic summer training. I made a bunch of friends and I’ve made lots of new battle buddies and they really helped me pull through thick and thin. […]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. – Into the field they go. 7th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets are executing battle tactics out in the wilderness of Fort Knox as part of their field training exercises July 28. Cadet Micah Griffith, a Citadel student and a resident of Saluda, South Carolina, says the purpose of the field training exercise is to give Cadets a sense of what it’s like to conduct actual mission operations against enemy units.   “It gives us an idea of what we’re supposed to be doing,” Griffith shared.   Cadet Michael Vilker of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign says it’s […]