FORT KNOX, Ky. — Cadets from 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed squad battle drill training today, to prepare for their Field Training Exercise (FTX) that begins tomorrow. Squad battle drills are the first time Cadets conduct platoon-level tactics together as one unit. It gives them the chance to iron out issues, develop their platoon identity and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs). Missouri State University Cadet Sierra Goslee, and her platoon, struggled during the training. “It was rough because it was our first time working all together as a platoon to actually do a platoon attack,” Goslee said. They have only been [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — On July 29, another regiment entered their final stage of the lengthy Field Training Exercises (FTX). 9th Regiment completed their first lane of AO Grizzly, which is the most challenging phase of the FTX due to the lack of Cadre assistance. However, this doesn’t mean the Cadre were just standing around. They were filling out Blue Cards, which is the Army’s way of evaluating Cadets. “Today we are watching key leadership, which is Platoon Leader (PL) and Platoon Sergeant (PSG),” 2nd Lt. Zane Knight, a Cadre member out of Campbell University, said. “Mainly, we are [...]
FORT KNOX, KY. – Obstacle Courses can bring out the best and worst in people. It definitely gives Basic Camp Cadets the opportunity to practice leadership and teamwork. Cadets from 5th Regiment, Basic Camp spent today going through the Dunagan Team Development Course at Fort Knox. “Today has been awesome,” Cadet Thais Rodriguez, from Puerto Rico, and attending the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, said. “We started a little bit rough, but it always starts rough and you get better.” As they maneuvered their way through the obstacles Cadets started noticing some struggles. “One of my biggest struggles so far [...]
With a plane full of anxious Cadets flying towards their connection in Amsterdam, with a final destination of Hungary for the Cadet Coalition Warfighter Program (CCWP), no one expected a flight attendant to ask for medical personnel over the intercom. However, for Cadet Jerrod Fedorchik from South Dakota State University, this call brought him to his feet, and without hesitation, he ran towards the back of the plane. They were twenty minutes from landing, and Fedorchik discovered the reason for the urgent announcement – a nineteen-year-old girl had collapsed in the plane’s bathroom. “She was starting to come back to, but [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX – 11th Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets’ confidence and teamwork were put to the test as they climbed, crawled and weaved their way through the confidence course, July 27. Today marked the last iteration of training on the course for Cadet Summer Training (CST) 2019. “After the Cadets complete their training here today, we [Cadre] put everything away until next summer,” said Sgt. Frank Marscelli from San Diego State University. Staff Sgt. Mark Minnmann, a reservist stationed at Fort Knox, said that being a CST instructor had been a fun experience. “I am used to working with call [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Basic Camp Cadets from 2nd Regiment spent their last morning celebrating their successful completion of Cadet Summer Training at Brooks Field. “You will fondly remember your squad leaders and team members who helped you succeed here at Fort Knox, while you battled the ticks, the bugs and probably even the occasional snake,” said Maj. Gen. Donna Martin. Martin is the commanding general of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood, and was the guest speaker during the graduation. When Cadets arrived 26 June, many of them had no military experience and after 31 days [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Many Cadets join the military to carry on the family legacy. One such cadet is Ian House. House’s family history with the military goes back to the Revolutionary War and currently extends to his father and brother who are serving in the Navy. “My dad served for 21 years, my brother is serving right now and I’m here serving,” the Snohomish, Washington native said. For a majority House’s life, his father was a Naval Aviator, but for all of his life he has been a part of the military family. This wasn’t the only reason for his [...]
Cadets from colleges across the United States have the opportunity to travel to foreign countries and immerse themselves into the culture while becoming familiar with different military training. The Cadet Coalition Warfighter Program (CCWP), formally known as the Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program (CULP), has been described as a “paid vacation” by some, but these Cadets quickly dispel this notion. Thirty-one Cadets spent twenty-one days in Malawi, while another twenty-one Cadets spent twenty-four days in Romania. Each Cadet left the U.S. with impressions of the foreign land and excitement for cultural day trips; however, they returned with a completely different outlook. [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – The only noises that could be heard this morning from the woods of AO Panther, were the chirping and humming of birds and bugs. And machine guns, as the raid began. Cadets from 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp spent the morning conducting a raid during the Panther portion of their Field Training Exercise (FTX). During the FTX Cadets have the opportunity to rotate through various leadership roles while being assessed by Cadre. Some of those roles included Platoon Leader (PL), Platoon Sergeant (PSG), Squad Leader, and Team Leader. Platoon Leader Cadet Aedon Hann, from the University of New [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 5th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets learned how to group and zero their M-4 rifles at Morgan Riley Range July 26 during Cadet Summer Training. “We started with grouping and zeroing. Grouping is just get all of your shots to be together in a little group – hence grouping. Zeroing is just trying to get them as close to the center of the target as possible,” explained Cadet Gregory Cottrell, Virginia Commonwealth University. When explaining what group and zero was, Cadets created a few different similes. One Cadet found that group and zero could be explained in [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — With graduation growing ever closer, Cadets spent today, July 26, 2019, learning about where they will be going once they receive their commission. Branch Orientation allows Cadets an opportunity to ask questions and learn all they can about their preferred branches. However, if they want to branch out and learn about others groups in the Army, they are more than welcome to explore to find new interests. Cadet Miurel Hamburger, of Miami, Florida, came to today’s training with a whole host of questions about her preferred branch and was able to find out all [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX Ky. — Cadets of the 11th Regiment Advanced Camp completed hand grenade training July 25th. An instructional trend in the Army is ‘crawl, walk, run’: a model that allows trainees (or in this case Cadets) to follow along as an instructor does a task, then to do the task themselves with guidance from the instructor, and finally to do the task with minimal supervision. “If you just walk up to someone and give them a hand grenade, they’re not going to know how to use it,” Cadet Michael Johnson of Virginia Tech said. “They’re going to look [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – 5th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets conducted training on the First Aid techniques July 25 during Cadet Summer Training. 5th Regiment Cadets learned Combat Life Saving (CLS) techniques and first aid. These skills taught today makes the Cadets take another step towards becoming a professional Soldier. Furthermore, as stated by the lane Cadre, this training saves lives and is almost more important than any other training. Cadets are instructed at different stations and rotate to new stations to be tested or receive more instruction in order to ensure the lesson has been understood. This training [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 4th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets progressed through training as they were introduced to Small Unit Tactics July 25 at Mill Creek Range during Cadet Summer Training. “We just went through the IMT lanes (Individual Movement Tactics) that’s basically you moving in the buddy system. The first buddy is supposed to yell out ‘Cover me while I move,’” explained Cadet Tanner Delphin, Northwestern State University. “They move and the other buddy is supposed to simulate cover fire and once that first buddy who moved is set, they’ll say ‘Set.’ Then the buddy who was laying down cover fire [...]
[embedyt]–NpQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — On July 24, 4th Regiment Basic Camp Cadets practiced their teamwork and leadership skills at the Dunagan Team Development Course (TDC), where six unique obstacles required them to think outside the box to find solutions. Similar to the Field Leaders Reaction Course (FLRC) at Advanced Camp, these objectives are impossible to complete alone. Cadets were briefed on the situation at hand, were given a few materials (such as wooden boards and ropes) to work with, and typically had to transport the team from one side of the obstacle to the other without touching any forbidden [...]
[embedyt]–NpQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — US Army Medics from across the country took part in a validation exercise to stay prepared in case anything should happen during Cadet Summer Training (CST). The training today, July 24, 2019, focused on validating the steps medical personnel have in place when a patient needs evacuation. This scenario found four soldiers badly wounded after a truck had flipped and each soldier launched onto the side of the road leaving them in dire need of help. Medics who arrived on scene had to make sure the patients on the ground were taken care of, [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – After a long and tasking 37 days, Cadets of the 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, graduated this morning, July 24. Advanced Camp puts MS3 (Military Science level 3) Cadets through over a month of trials and challenges that they are graded on. From the tactical to the instinctive, all skills are honed and then tested. Cadets are trained in Basic Rifle Marksmanship, physical fitness, land navigation, first aid and other events to build resiliency. Three Things Lt. Gen. Stephen Fogarty, the commanding general of the U.S. Army Cyber Command and the guest speaker for this morning’s [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Throughout Cadet Summer Training, Shower and Laundry Specialists from Puerto Rico standby to provide warm showers and clean laundry for Cadets who are training in the field. For many of the specialists, this summer is their first time at Fort Knox. The nature of Cadet Summer Training (CST) operations provides a unique experience for them as their mission is uninterrupted by tactical operations. “We have had assignments in places where we needed to have security,” said 1st Lt. Bianca Viruet, referring to combat deployments the 430th Quartermaster Co. participated in over the years. “Tactical situations [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The sun shining down, a light breeze blowing through, sounds of laughter and rejoicing filled the air. Tears streamed as Cadets of the 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, were reunited with their families at long last. From Near and Far Family Day is a moment of love and appreciation for what you have; as cliché as that may sound, there is simply no other way to put it. To see the face of your loved ones right in front of you rather than on a screen, is a time where love can do nothing but thrive. From near [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 7th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets achieved one of the final must pass events July 23 during Cadet Summer Training – the 12-Mile Road March. “For CST, we have to complete several must pass events. Today was our final must pass event of CST and that was the 12-Mile Ruck March,” explained Cadet Jake Beretta, Slippery Rock University. “As a company, we marched all the way to the finish line from where we were placed out in Grizzly.” The road march was considered tactical for this event, which, according to Cadet Courtney Craig, University of Central Florida, [...]
FORT KNOX, KY.— “The Army has a lot of high-tech tools, but if something were to happen, we need to know how to navigate through the land, figure out terrain and be able to stick together to help each other out,” said Rachel Hickey, from Carson-Newman University. On July 23, 2019, 5th Regiment Basic Camp Cadets got a hands-on learning experience on how to navigate through woods and terrain. These classes help prepare Cadets for their Land Navigation tests later in the day. The Day Land Navigation test will occur after lunch and Cadets must locate four out of five points. [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets from 10th Regiment, Advanced Camp learned first aid at Heard Park, July 23. The Army teaches Advanced Camp Cadets the basics of Tactical Combat Casualty Care while at camp. After they commission as second lieutenants they will receive more in-depth medical training. Cadet Nicholas Newel, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, was a prior enlisted soldier participating in training. “We are going over how to stop the bleeding,” Newel said, “and how to save someone’s life. That is the overall goal.” After going through the large group lecture Cadets were split into groups of five. Newel [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets spend a very humid morning, July 22, out at George Blair Range to qualify on the M-4 rifles as part of their Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. To qualify on the M-4 rifle, Cadets must go through multiple days of training. They start out at group and zero where they learn to group their shots together both with and without a laser. They then move on to qualifying the weapon. Cadets shoot 40 rounds at different distanced pop-up targets. To make Marksman, they must hit the target at least 23 times [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — First Regiment, Basic Camp, Cadets graduated today, completing the final event of their 31 days of training. Cadets sent to Basic Camp learned about different Soldier and leadership skills they will need as future Army Officers. “Basic Camps purpose is to give people who are interested in the Army a start,” Cadet Celeste Doiron, from Monument, Colorado, and attending California Polytechnic State University, said. “It kind of gives them a taste of the Army and [helps them decide] if it is something they want to do in the future.” “Get Up There and Lead” Some Cadets came [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Rappelling may not have been in the repertoire of all 10th Regiment Cadets prior to Advanced Camp, but each one of them bounded down the 60-foot rappel tower, July 22. 1st Lt. Jason Keniston, the 10th Regiment chaplain, explained how the rappel training at Advanced Camp readies Cadets for their career as commissioned officers. “The rappel training prepares Cadets for combat situations but primarily demonstrates how overcoming fear is feasible,” said Keniston. “Everyone goes up the tower with some sort of fear. All Cadets have to do is trust their leadership, trainers, equipment and the [...]