FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 9th Regiment, Advanced Camp graduated and parted ways this morning, August 8. Advanced Camp is a long, tasking 37 days long; challenges present themselves at every corner and Cadets are expected to address and overcome them. Their graduation ceremony is a very welcome event, reuniting them with their family and friends and sending them on their way home. Knowledge that Sticks Out of all they learn at Advanced Camp, many Cadets have something in particular that sticks with them. “The most important thing I’ve learned is just to listen to others and not be [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 11th Regiment of Advanced Camp completed their 8-mile ruck march this morning, August 3. Between release-ruck marches and formation-ruck marches, each Cadet has their preferences; most prefer the release as they can go at their own speed, do their own thing. A formation-ruck march keeps Cadets orderly, a tactical move that ensures they hone their field skills while they march. Cadets are told to keep silent, save the sound of their boots hitting the ground. While the ruck march may seem to drudge on slowly, Cadets find ways to keep themselves entertained. A Rucking [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the Delta Co., 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their third and final day in the AO Wolverine FTX this morning, August 2. Wolverine is the “crawl” phase of three field-training exercises (FTXs) the Cadets are put through, Panther and Grizzly being the other two. Panther being the “walk” and Grizzly being the “run” phases, the two are more difficult, forcing the Cadets to rely more on their own independent leadership. The next two phases also start evaluations for the Cadets, so Wolverine gives them time to prepare. A Little Room to Grow From [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 5th Regiment of Basic Camp were introduced to battle drills in preparation for their upcoming Field Training Exercise (FTX). Cadets started in a classroom setting, Cadre drawing battle drills on paper like plays on a whiteboard in a basketball game. They then moved out into the field, putting their newfound skills to the test; drill after drill after drill, the Cadets practiced flanking maneuvers and battle tactics. Cadre Strive to Help The Cadets are taught by a wide variety of people, enlisted and commissioned alike. “The lieutenants are super helpful,” Cadet Emily [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 11th Regiment, Advanced Camp, completed their first ambush this morning, July 31, in the AO Wolverine FTX. AO Wolverine presents Cadets with the “crawl” portion of their time in the field; Panther will be their “walk” stage, Grizzly, their “run.” Each stage gives Cadets different benefits, honing skills they previously had and gaining new skills in the process. The crawl portion grants Cadets the most help from their Cadre. Crawling is a Necessity “Today, we’re doing the crawl phase of the crawl, walk, run method of teaching,” Cadet Anthony Burgess, a Richmond, [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – After a long and tasking 37 days, Cadets of the 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, graduated this morning, July 24. Advanced Camp puts MS3 (Military Science level 3) Cadets through over a month of trials and challenges that they are graded on. From the tactical to the instinctive, all skills are honed and then tested. Cadets are trained in Basic Rifle Marksmanship, physical fitness, land navigation, first aid and other events to build resiliency. Three Things Lt. Gen. Stephen Fogarty, the commanding general of the U.S. Army Cyber Command and the guest speaker for this morning’s [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – The sun shining down, a light breeze blowing through, sounds of laughter and rejoicing filled the air. Tears streamed as Cadets of the 6th Regiment, Advanced Camp, were reunited with their families at long last. From Near and Far Family Day is a moment of love and appreciation for what you have; as cliché as that may sound, there is simply no other way to put it. To see the face of your loved ones right in front of you rather than on a screen, is a time where love can do nothing but thrive. From near [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 8th Regiment Advanced Camp completed their final day in the Panther FTX site today, July 22, before moving onto Grizzly. Their morning began with a Movement to Contact drill, a mission in which Cadets maneuver through the FTX area in search of their enemy. Once the enemy is spotted, the fire begins. Mental Agility There’s a lot that goes into making an FTX mission successful; from keeping your squad’s spacing in tact to ensuring communication between the platoon is clear, there’s a lot that can be learned from these drills. Perhaps the most important [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of 10th Regiment Advanced Camp qualified with their M-4 Carbine Rifles on the George Blair Range this morning, July 19. Cadets at Advanced Camp go through various forms of weapons training during their Basic Rifle Marksmanship training; Grouping and Zeroing is one example. The shooting done at the George Blair Range is different, though. There, they shoot at pop-up targets, appearing at random on their lane. This is the range where they train for their qualification, this is the range where they qualify. Stick to the Basics “I’ve shot quite a bit through my [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of 2nd Regiment Basic Camp started their first official day of FTX training this morning, July 18. They begin their training in the field with lecture style classes, Cadre explaining to them the tactics they’ll be using. From there, they move onto physically going through those mission and utilizing those tactics themselves. From crossing an LDA (Linear Danger Area) to proper flanking techniques, Cadets were taught it all. The Benefits of the FTX “We’ve been going over things like squad tactics, missions and learning how to do attacks and ambushes,” Cadet Katelyn Bolden, a student at [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Rain pouring down, a cloudy, overcast sky watched over the gobbling turkeys making their way across George Blair Range the morning of July 17. Cadets of the 10th Regiment of Advanced Camp spent their morning qualifying on their M-4 Carbines. While qualifying is difficult even on a bright, clear-sky day, the rain brought with it some extra challenge. This wouldn’t stop the Cadets from reaching success, though. With the quote of the day being, “I’ll be hooah my whole life,” said by Cadet Cady Carpenter, attending the University of Texas at El Paso, the challenge [...]
Cadets of the 10th Regiment of Advanced Camp completed the six-mile ruck march in the early hours of this morning, July 14. Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” ringing through their ears, Cadets were able to find some pretty interesting ways to stay motivated. Some may even call them quirky. What’s Your Quirk? “For both my rucks and the two-mile run I sing ’99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall,’” Cadet Josh Hopingardner, from Yorktown, Virginia, said. “I sing all the way down to one and then I work my way back up.” Hopingardner, attending University of Montana, said singing helps to keep his [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Cadets of the 4th Regiment of Basic Camp were taken through the General George Patton Museum of Leadership the afternoon of July 12. Artifacts from a time long lost, but not quite forgotten, inhabit the museum grounds. From armor to uniforms, an old dog collar to a 48-Star American flag, protest art to a firetruck used in 9/11, the Patton Museum has it all. A Moment of Inspiration For many of the Cadets, this experience was one that would shape them as future Army Officers. “I am the first person in my family to be in the military,” Cadet [...]
Barrels pointed down-range, the Cadets shot in three separate positions at three different distances: kneeling, prone unsupported and prone supported at 50, 100 and 300 meters. Cadets of the 9th Regiment of Advanced Camp completed their last day of M-4 Carbine training before qualifying this morning, July 11. Feedback While they shot at the pop-up targets, a sensor was reading how their shots were moving and landing. This gave them what’s called “down-range feedback.” “They’re doing, essentially, a fixed-distance range,” Maj. Jason Martos, leading the 3rd Platoon of Alpha Co., said. “The computer will read where the rounds are impacting and [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Cadets of the 3rd Regiment of Basic Camp completed their intro to the M-4 Carbine this morning, July 8. Taking Classes Taking them through the proper way to dismantle their weapon, the regiment drill sergeants taught Cadets where their gun would get the most grime, and where they’d need to clean a little more in depth. They were also taught the terminology of the parts of their M-4 Carbines. “They’ve already taught us how to clear the gun, and I never even knew that,” Cadet Hailey Cook, from Houston, Texas, and attending Marian Military Institute, said. “I never knew [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 6th Regiment of Advanced Camp entered into their third day in the field this morning, July 6. Spending their days in classes, these Cadets are preparing for their next FTX (Field Training Exercise) site where they will be leading ambushes and attacks. Field Work “It’s going. It’s hot, but it’s going,” Cadet Alexis Molina, from Schererville, Indiana, and attending Purdue University, said. “So far we’ve taken a bunch of classes, just refreshers before actually heading into our big FTXs where we get evaluated.” Molina’s platoon went through their first field mission today, [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 2nd Regiment of Basic Camp completed the High Ropes Confidence Course at the Forest Hills Climbing Complex this morning, July 5. Climb On The Forest Hills Climbing Complex is comprised of three different courses: The Alpine Tower, the Rock Wall and Rudder’s High Ropes Course. Each obstacle comes with its own challenges. Some challenges may be easier to fight through than others, but the mental challenge of overcoming those obstacles can be the toughest that the Cadets encounter at this event. Sgt. Dylan Dalton, with the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment in Fort Carson, [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets in the 3rd Regiment closed out their training time at Advanced Camp with the 12-mile ruck march this morning, July 3. It was a victorious moment; cadences were shouted, hands were raised to the sky in triumph, smiles were plastered on every face. From Cadet to Cadet, words of encouragement were shared as they marched nearer and nearer to the “Mission Accomplished” banner that flew at their ending point. With “Eye of the Tiger” playing, the 3rd Regiment crossed the finish line. Rucks were plopped on the ground as Cadets fell to their knees in relief. [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Sun beaming down, heat category rising, Cadets from the 8th Regiment, Delta Co., of Advanced Camp were training for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3) nonetheless. Monday morning, July 1, brought 8th Regiment Cadets their first real day of Advanced Camp training. In-processing over with, it was time to get into the nitty gritty of the U.S. Army. TC3 brought them that grit. How to Save a Life “We do a scenario where they take fire and their battle buddy goes down,” Lt. Col. Danielle Rodondi, professor of military science at Augusta University and the Officer in Charge (OIC) for [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Basic Camp Cadets of the 1st Regiment, Bravo Co., completed the High Ropes Course at Forest Hills Climbing Complex this morning, June 30. The Climb With the sun beaming down, Cadets were divided out amongst three obstacles: the Rock Wall, the Alpine Tower and the Rudder’s High Ropes Course. Each obstacle presented its own challenges, and each Cadet overcame those challenges in their own way. From swinging a certain way to leaping off one section of an obstacle to a completely new section, Cadets tackled every single task. “It’s a mixture of, they’re learning about themselves, they’re obviously nervous, [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets of the 5th Regiment, Alpha Co., Advanced Camp made their way to the Woods II Range this morning, June 25, for their first day of Buddy Team Live Fire training. A New Experience For many of these Cadets, this event is their first time moving while they fire. Most are accustomed to a pop-up range or unmoving paper targets. Both options allow the Cadets to be still on the lane. The first day consists of a run using blanks rather than live ammunition. “This was really something new for me,” Cadet Spencer Rapp from [...]
Cadets of the 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp made the eight-mile ruck march this morning, June 24. The March Foot marches are hard work, there’s no question about it; 35 pounds on your back, decked out in full battle attire, marching for eight miles straight. They’re hard work, indeed. “Every ruck has its challenges,” Cadet Connor Sloan, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, and attending Michigan State University, said. These Cadets all train in different environments when they are back at their home university. From hills to flat land, training on a different type of land can increase the difficulty of that ruck, but that’s [...]
University and company representatives from all over the nation came to Fort Knox this week to catch a glimpse of Cadet life. The Purpose Centers of Influence (COIs) are universities and companies that the U.S. Army deems influential in the lives of the youth. These COIs are beneficial in reaching out to and drawing in potential Cadets. Inviting them out them out to Fort Knox each year, Cadet Command allows these deans of universities and heads of companies to learn about the ROTC program and become part of it, even if only for a few days. “These are educators, marketers, folks [...]
[embedyt][/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from the Alpha Co., 4th Regiment were hand-grenade trained today, June 18, each of them booming with excitement. An Add On Handling and throwing live grenades is an entirely new addition to Advanced Camp. “It’s part of a series of events that are being brought in an attempt to replicate aspects from Basic Training,” Capt. Daniel Snow, assistant professor of military science for Kansas State University, said. The Commanding Gen. of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) has decided that all soldiers, enlisted and commissioned alike, should train in the same tasks, [...]
The night of June 14 was one for the books, as the U.S. Army marched into its 244th year, commemorating the day with the annual cake cutting. Each year, the Army’s birthday is celebrated with the cutting of a birthday cake, done by the youngest and oldest soldiers present. This year, 18-year-old Pfc. Zachary Partridge and 61-year-old Chaplain (Col.) Timothy Walls were given the honor of wielding that saber. Celebrating the Army’s birthday is about much more than age, though. “I think it’s important that we remember the Army colors, the guide on that has the United States Army’s emblem on [...]