Fort Knox, Ky.- Confidence is defined as “The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”. Confidence is one of the biggest goals when coming to camp. Confidence brings out the best leaders and thats what the Army intends to make. Today 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp took on the infamous Confidence Course. The Confidence Course has 8 different stations that Cadets must maneuver through. One station that has been named the “Tough One” is easily the hardest task given to Cadets throughout the course. Cadets must start with climbing up a rope, then walking across [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Instructors rattled out instructions in a well-rehearsed, free verse poem. Nervous ears listened carefully, hoping to gain only a fraction of the Cadre’s confidence. Eyes strained in the light, looking at the top of the 64-foot rappel tower. On June 28, 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets rappelled. A Cadre member leaned out and introduced himself. Then, he leaned into the “deep-seated L” position over the edge of the tower. Three bounds, and three 4-point checks later, his feet touched the ground. “Notice how they are extending their arm straight back, looking over their brake-hand shoulder,” the instructor said rhythmically. [...]
“As the Cadets graduate Advanced Camp, their next big test for them will be their Basic Officer Leadership Course, and it is paramount that they have some experience,” said Master Sgt. Patrick Saltsman from San Diego State University about the importance of the range. Cadets from 5thRegiment, Advanced Camp battled high heat and humidity, showing their true officer potential, while taking on the Handiboe Zero and Alt-C qualification course at the range. Before coming to the range, the Cadets attended Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction to learn the fundamentals of shooting. Now, they are putting theory into action with an M4 carbine assault [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets persevered through the CS tear gas in the CBRN Confidence Chamber on June 29th at Cadet Summer Training. After a morning of preparing to enter the chamber and learning how to use the equipment properly, cadets lined up to run laps and sing songs while breathing in the gas from the NBC Chamber. Cadets are briefed on the process that happens inside of the chamber, and how to gain the most of their experience. The purpose of the CBRN chamber is to build the Cadet’s confidence in their equipment and to experience first-hand, [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky.—Randy is having the worst day of his life. With sucking chest wounds and femoral artery hemorrhages, Randy’s skin has already gone rubbery and lost all color. Luckily for him, his battle buddies—every Cadet in 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp—dragged him to safety and treated his wounds. Cadets simulated real, fatal trauma and learned the TC3, Tactical Combat Casualty Care, methods needed to treat them. Every “saved” Randy helps create another competent lifesaver. On-site, approximately 28 Randy’s showcased four severe injuries. Cadre provided scenarios, and Cadets worked through treatment, announcing and explaining their decisions. At one testing station, “we are [...]
Amidst the gunfire and low-crawls, fighting in the thick of the woods, Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp fought to win back their prisoners of war. Sunday made the third and final day of the platoon Situational Training Exercise for the Cadets. During this training Cadets practiced operating as a platoon in a non-conventional war setting. The first day of STX was Cadre-led. Cadre walked and talked Cadets through each scenario and each battle drill. After this, they progressed to being Cadre-assisted. During this time, the Cadets took charge, but Cadre walked with them to assist when it was needed. The last phase was [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp continued their Field Training Exercises at Area of Operation Panther on June 27. 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company completed an attack on Objective Valhalla and then set up an area defense in preparation for a counterattack. Cadet Matthew Pelletier, a student at Norwich University, described the mission as a success, crediting the platoon leader for getting the assault and support elements on line. Pelletier served in the support element as an M240B machine gunner responsible for laying down a base of fire. Once fire superiority was established, Pelletier explained, the PL called [...]
Fort Knox, Ky. – Cadets with 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp were challenged by the Field Leadership Reaction Course on June 26th. This event places a Cadet in a leadership position, where they must safely complete a given objective, while navigating an obstacle. They are dealt situations with many constraints and limited resources. “It really tests our leadership skills and ability to work as a team,” said Cadet Catherine Lynch from Mount Mary University (host school McDaniels University), “Our goal isn’t to complete the obstacles, but show our growth and ability to work together as a cohesive unit, as leaders and followers. This [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets participate in the second leg of their field training exercise, bringing them closer to beds and graduation, at Fort Knox, Ky. June 26 Cadets braced for battle. After a long night of securing camp and camouflaging themselves, they were ready for the opposition forces to attack at any time. The sky appeared to break open, a bright flash and boom filled the sky. The Cadet’s exercise was put on hold. Inclement weather, heavy showers, lightning and thunder carried on for 40 minutes. When the rain stopped the Cadets felt the familiar muggy [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp tried their weapons at the pop-up course at the George Blair Qualification Range on June 26, having had the opportunity to qualify with still targets on the Alternate Qualification Course the day before. Cadet Ben Anderson, a student at Texas A&M University, expressed that the pop-up course is more stressful than shooting at still targets. “It’s a lot harder to locate and you feel really rushed,” described Anderson. Cadet Heather Craven, a student at Marshall University, explained the pop-up course tests the ability to move one’s body without moving one’s rifle. [...]
Through the rain showers, heat and all other obstacles, Cadets from 2ndRegiment, Advanced Camp are learning to “love the suck” as they go through squad battle drills, in the words of Cadet Andrew Fisher. Fisher, from George Washington University, explained that because of the preparations for FTX through the squad battle drill, he and his fellow Cadets are learning how the role of a squad fits into the larger picture of a platoon. He emphasized how important squads were in the entire mission of the platoon. Maj. Brent Anderson, Platoon Tactical Officer for 4thPlatoon, Delta Company, 3rdRegiment further explained that the [...]
FORT KNOX Ky.- It is not unusual that Cadets are conquering new heights each day at Cadet Summer Training. In fact, they are encouraged to go above and beyond their natural comfort zone. For some, that comfort zone may be on the ground where they feel safest. Others may be most comfortable when they are being pushed to their maximum fear. Today, Cadets were challenged to new heights at the Rappel Tower and Confidence Course. But why is it important the Cadets conquer their fear of heights? “It’s important that the Cadets learn how to rappel properly in the instance that [...]
FORT KNOX, KY – The Cadets of 4th Regiment, Advanced Camp completed ALT-C rifle qualifications with their M16A4 rifles on, on June 24th, at the Canby Hills Range. “I feel that I’ve had my persistence tested,” said Cadet Candace Cole from the University of Texas at San Antonio. “I personally had to retrain and shoot multiple times to qualify, and I’m glad I didn’t give up.” The ALT-C qualification is the Army’s 25-meter Alternate Course for rifle qualification. The Cadets are required to shoot at targets containing 10 silhouettes, scaled to represent distances ranging from 50 to 300 meters. They are evaluated [...]
Movie physics has spoiled us! Directors demand ridiculous situations to wow audiences and drive movie sales, yet inadvertently, they implant false understandings of how firearms function. “I got a lot of questions from my students back in the day, ‘Sergeant, can you curve a bullet?’” Sgt. 1st Class David Morris recollected. “Every time I shoot, the trajectory is parabolic in nature.” Which is to say, bullets do not travel left or right, but up and down. “In the past, we’ve had a couple of individuals state very firmly that they don’t believe in gravity—that the bullet moves in a straight line [...]
Fort Knox, Kentucky – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp learned how to make calls for fire with an electronic simulation on June 23rd. A call for fire is a request for a target to be destroyed by fire support elements such as artillery or mortars. Sgt. Liam Barry from Washington, DC said, “In the event they find themselves in combat, these future leaders will be prepared to bring the support they need to the battlefield.” The Cadet’s arrived to the training site and were taught how to use available resources to call in artillery strikes. For the simulation, the Cadets had [...]
FORT KNOX, KY. —“We’ve been in the woods for at least a week minimum, but I’m losing track of [the] days,” Cadet Amber Presto from Florida Southern College laughed. Presto’s Advance Camp Regiment has been in the field for 15 days. They have entered the final half of their stay here at Fort Knox. The Kentucky climate keeps Cadets damp, but they learn how to keep themselves in good spirits by savoring the small things. “There’s a lot of times when you’re just not motivated,” Abe Mitchell from Indiana University shared. “Then, the sun comes out, and you get to dry [...]
Cadets in Advanced Camp, 3rd Regiment began their Friday afternoon by stepping into the Confidence Chamber. During Advanced Camp, Cadets undergo training for Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, and Nuclear Attack. This training ultimately leads up to the Confidence Chamber, where Cadets are exposed to CS gas. This training exercise is meant to give Cadets confidence in the effectiveness of the equipment that the Army provides in case of a chemical attack. When they first enter the Confidence Chamber, the Cadets are suited up in their MOPP gear, including a mask. Then the Cadets are asked to take their mask off so that they [...]
FORT KNOX, KY. — For most students going into their senior year of college, a typical summer before their final fall semester might include landing a stellar internship, working in a research lab at their respective university, or even studying abroad in a foreign country. But for students enrolled in the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), the summer before their senior year is far from typical. Between June 4 and August 18, approximately 6,000 Cadets, or students enrolled in ROTC, will flock to Fort Knox, Ky, to spend 31 days participating in Advanced Camp. Graduating from Advanced Camp will ultimately enable [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 2nd Regiment, Advanced Camp conducted a Platoon Situational Training Exercise yesterday at Area of Operation Wolverine during the initial Cadre-led phase of Field Training Exercises. The Cadets did a run-through of the attack before going it alone. During the exercise, Cadets not currently in Advanced Camp posed as the Opposing Forces to give 2nd Regiment Cadets a realistic enemy to fight. Cadet Michael Larsen, a student at Pacific Lutheran University, explained OPFOR helps challenge the Cadets conducting missions on the STX lanes. Larsen stated the OPFOR’s mission is to defend their objective (the area they’re [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. — Today’s game of high-tech laser tag brought all the bark of a battle to 1st Regiment Advanced Camp, but none of the bite. Several scenarios ran at the same time during the field training exercises, but this one involved an illegal checkpoint. The Cadets’ goal was to raid it. An active-duty Army unit came out this summer to support CST by acting in these exercises. “These guys are meant to be bad guys who are stopping vehicles and maybe stealing stuff,” Lt. Col. Dennis Faulkner, Professor of Military Science at Indiana University, said. Cadets and Cadre used [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from 3rd Regiment, Advanced Camp went through the Field Leaders’ Reaction Course, forgoing a rain check, on June 21. The obstacles on the FLRC judge teamwork, communication, and leadership abilities, primarily of the squad leader, said 2nd Lt. Connor Wolff. If Cadets touch a restricted surface on the obstacle, they incur a time penalty and must wait 15 seconds before continuing. Staff Sgt. Aimee Nicoletti noted a big difference between a 15-second set-back on the course and a critical mistake in real life. “Here it’s for time, but on a mission it can mean a Soldier’s [...]
FORT KNOX Ky.- Call for Fire is an exercise that the Cadets are tested on and must pass the Call for Fire exercise in order to complete their summer training. The day prior to testing day, Cadets are briefed for an hour and a half on the transmissions and other details. They then have a two-hour class, followed by three hours of practical exercise. Once all of that is completed, they are ready to be tested. What exactly is Call for Fire? According to Cadet Preston Jones of Virginia Tech, Call for Fire is, “…spotting an enemy, whether it be a [...]
FORT KNOX, Ky. – Between gasps for air, coughing, and the occasional snot rockets, Cadets from 2ndRegiment, Advanced Camp, put their confidence in themselves and theirequipment to the test during CBRN training on Tuesday, June 19. “CBRN stands for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear,” explained Sgt. Christopher Robison. Through participating in CBRN, Cadets are learning to trust their equipment and their abilities by figuring out how to successfully apply their gear and build the confidence necessary to face the CS Chamber. “They’re training with the new M-50 masks, which is an upgrade from last year’s M-40 masks,” said Robison. “These [...]
FORT KNOX Ky.- Today the 2nd Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets experienced the Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear (CBRN) chamber, otherwise known as the Confidence Chamber. The Cadets are sent into the Confidence Chamber where small doses of CS gas are released. Initially, the Cadets suit up in gas masks and jump suits to protect them from the gas, but soon enough they are tested without them. Once in the chamber, they are asked to remove their mask individually and sing the Army song. This allows exposure to the gas and the side effects it causes. Once singing is completed, they are told to [...]
Fort Knox, KY.- Have you ever leaned your body over a 64-foot tower and then jumped down that same tower? Well if you aren’t a professional sky diver or constant adventure seeker then I’m guessing your answer is no. Today that’s exactly what the Third Regiment for Advanced Camp did at the Fort Knox Rappel Tower. Cadets started on a 20-foot appetizer wall before conquering the main course of 64 feet. The 20-foot wall gives the Cadets a small taste of what the 64-foot wall will be like. It also helps familiarize Cadets with the technique required to successfully get down [...]