• FORT KNOX, Ky. — Fifth Regiment, Advanced Camp Cadets completed rappel tower training today to push themselves to tackle fears and improve personal courage. Cadets were required to complete three variations of the rappel tower; the slight incline, the wall and the open face rappel. They were meant to not only teach the Cadets but test them as well. “Each one is building up off of what we previously did,” Cadet John Manning, from Overland Park, Kansas, and attending Marquette University, said. “The slant tower is to make sure we know the basic skills. The wall side is so we can [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKpqAJ7qPEA[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from the Alpha Co., 4th Regiment were hand-grenade trained today, June 18, each of them booming with excitement. An Add On Handling and throwing live grenades is an entirely new addition to Advanced Camp. “It’s part of a series of events that are being brought in an attempt to replicate aspects from Basic Training,” Capt. Daniel Snow, assistant professor of military science for Kansas State University, said. The Commanding Gen. of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) has decided that all soldiers, enlisted and commissioned alike, should train in the same tasks, [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTLwTI4FNMs[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, KY. – “Do not think about it, just go,” said Cadet Bennett Weyhrauch, from Pacific Lutheran University. Today, 3rd Regt. Advanced Camp Cadets had to do just that when they faced the 64-foot Rappel Tower here at Fort Knox. It might have been wet and raining before hand, but that did not stop Cadets from overcoming this monstrous obstacle. Before making their way up the tower, Cadets learned how to properly tie a swiss seat so they could go down the wall safely. Once cadets get up to the top, they must tell the rappel master which [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky – With all due respect to country-superstar Garth Brooks, the thunder rolled and the lightning struck while the 5th Regiment, Advanced Camp put their bodies to the test during the Army Physical Fitness Test today. The weather did not put a damper on the Cadets spirits. “Being super hype and getting everyone else hype as well, I was able to exceed that mental barrier and just push as hard as I could beyond the physical capability that I had,” said Michael Vieda, a Cadet from Florida Atlantic University. Before the APFT, Vieda was a bit nervous with how [...]

  • U.S. Army Cadets spent just over three weeks in Thailand as part of the Cadet Coalition Warfighter Program (formerly the Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program, or CULP). The purpose of this program is to immerse future U.S. Army officers in the lifestyle of another country, while forming positive relationships with that country’s military. The selected Cadets who traveled to Thailand went through the entire military deployment process. They got any necessary immunizations, completed preparatory assignments and did research on the country. Cadet Justin Humphreys, an economics major at the University of Southern Mississippi, said he didn’t know much about the country [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuUvbaZKYzQ[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — With Buddy Team Live Fire finished, the Cadets of 2nd Regiment, Charlie and Delta Company, prepare for their final task of Cadet Summer Training (CST), the FTX. Buddy Team Live Fire tasked each Cadet to trust their battle buddies as they moved down a lane towards a goal. And with it now completed they get a chance to reflect on all their training and time here at CST before they leave the comfort of their barracks and head to the woods for FTX. Kyle Delaney, an Elon University Cadet, is one of the many Cadets [...]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – Fourth Regiment Cadets spent their morning wandering through the woods during the daytime portion of Land Navigation. Cadets received a map, a compass and a protractor to help them locate specific points. After plotting their points they were released into the woods to navigate to those points. Cadets had four hours to find at least three of the four points. Land Navigation Officer in Charge (OIC) Capt. Deshon Sims said the training not only taught Cadets navigation skills, but also confidence and perseverance. “It is important because it teaches them the skills to plan, time management, to [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky – As the sun peeked out from the rain clouds at Fort Knox, 2nd Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets focused their eyes on their target as they fired their weapons during basic rifle marksmanship training yesterday. Keeping platoon integrity, Cadets in Alpha and Bravo Company were separated into two groups on Canby Hill and Handiboe Shooting Ranges. To be successful during the day’s training, each Cadet was required to group together five rounds of ammunition in the diamond located in the center of their target sheet. Regardless of how long it took and how well they did in their [...]

  • Fort Knox, Ky. – The decision to join Army ROTC is one that changed Advanced Camp Cadet’s lives forever. For Cadet Matthew Clark, from Hilliard Ohio, attending Ohio State University, the decision was made in high school. Despite growing up with no military background, Clark said he always had in interest in the military and the Army. He made the decision to pursue a career in the Army through ROTC his sophomore year of high school. Clark wants to be an emergency room or trauma nurse specifically for the Army because of the experience he would gain and the ability to [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVjwphfhd8g[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — During the Daytime Land Navigation training the Cadets from 2nd Regiment Alpha and Bravo Companies were tasked today to find three of four points provided to them in the approximately 1800 sq. km. training area and be back at their starting point in four hours. In one word, describe this training. Capt. Deshon Sims from the University of Arkansas was one of the Cadre members overseeing the course. He was one of the many who found this event built on more than just the crucial navigation skills. “It builds confidence for them to know how [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3h96knghbc[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. – The Cadets of 1st Regiment, Bravo Company practiced a patrol base operation last night during their ninth day of Cadet Summer Training near George Blair Range. This “practice” patrol base operation prepares the Cadets for the three-phase field training exercise toward the end of Advanced Camp. Capt. Winston Simmonds, the training officer for the 2nd Platoon, explained the reason for this exercise. “Basically, it’s a stationary position for where they can continue mission prep, they can plan other missions or they can also take the opportunity to refit, work on weapons maintenance,” Simmonds said. “If [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vS1KMrXmTk[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky – The Alpha and Bravo Co., 1st Regiment Cadets moved to their third day of marksmanship during Basic Rifle Marksmanship training on Saturday morning on the George Blair Range at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Weapons training is done at a pop-up course, new this summer to Advanced Camp. Previously, Advanced Camp has been 31 days long, focusing the marksmanship training on a paper course. The paper course focuses the shooting at paper targets that are constant and unmoving. Now, Advanced Camp is 37 days long, specifically to work more on the Cadets’ marksmanship ability. This has brought [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzM8-BpwDIg[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction (PMI) is just the beginning of the cornerstone skill for every Soldier in the United States Army, rifle marksmanship. Cadets from 1st Regiment Alpha and Bravo companies met with Cadre from U.S. Army 4th Regiment Infantry Division for PMI, the beginning portion of Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) training. Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Kirkendall, a military science and ROTC instructor at West Virginia State University but a cavalry scout by trade, gave a brief overview of what PMI included. All Cadets would leave the training today being able to use weapon systems, disassemble [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQupA8KlWz0[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky. — The Confidence Course is just one of the many different events Cadets will face during Cadet Summer Training, but this event focuses more inward than outward. The course is made up of nine different events that challenge Cadets physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout each of them, and May 29, 2019, Cadets from 1st Regiment Charlie and Delta companies had a chance to overcome each one. One of these events known as ‘The Weaver’ challenges Cadets to move themselves over and under boards without ever touching the mat below. And for many of the Cadets this [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_6-kvoCZR8[/embedyt] Fort Knox, Ky.– Call for Fire is a simulation training event in which Cadets are taught how to call in artillery fire on an enemy. The training begins with a 45-minute classroom session. After that, Cadets are given the chance to practice before being given a written exam. “We start from the beginning and we give them 45 minutes on how to employ artillery fire,” Maj. Ryan Kurris said. “Within the next hour or two we give them a practical exercise and a simulation using artillery fire to adjust on to a target and then we test them to [...]

  • Fort Knox, Ky.– Cadet Summer Training has officially begun as 1st Regiment Advanced Camp Cadets arrived yesterday and inprocessed today. Cadets and Cadre members alike are excited for the coming days ahead. “I am the most excited for the hand grenade range,” said Cadet Jacob Ratton, from Northern Michigan University. “I have never thrown a hand grenade before so it should be a good first experience.” Live hand grenade training is being added to Advanced Camp for the first time ever this summer. The training was added so that Cadets will have the same training as the enlisted Soldiers they will [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSBkuEYRUYs[/embedyt]FORT KNOX, Ky. – Cadets from Delta Co., 1st Regiment Advanced Camp underwent Tactical Casualty Combat Care (TC3) training here Monday. With the help of many medics, the Cadets undertook one of their first must-pass events. Cadre and medics teaching each platoon did their best to reiterate that this event was not about speed, it was about efficiency. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast,” they would say. The act of slowly walking themselves through the process would help them memorize the most efficient way to treat a combat injury. Acting out a simulation in which their battle buddy has suffered different [...]

  • FORT KNOX, Ky. — “CBRN stands for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear, so what we’re training these cadets here to do is to react primarily to a chemical and biological attack,” 2nd Lt. Johnathan Marcelli said about CBRN training. Marcelli is a recent graduate and commissionee from Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. He will be joining the 59th Chemical Company in Fort Drum, New York. He is one of many who have traveled far and wide to train this year’s Cadets. CBRN training takes Cadets through a few different stations, including a hands-on teaching session that covers eight critical tasks, a [...]

  • [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzJZGRK93ic[/embedyt] FORT KNOX, Ky.– Today Cadre processed incoming Cadets who are here for the 1st Regiment, Advanced Camp. The Cadets started by going through all of their belongings to make sure they had everything required. Cadets who had items missing were sent to the Central Issue Facility (CIF). 2nd Lt. Tyler Sisson from Enterprise, Al. said inprocessing is important to have a successful summer. It lasts about two days, and this is also when Cadets learn who are in their companies and platoons. If Cadets do not have all of their gear, “it could harm their capabilities when they are [...]

  • Name: Miles Keane School: Virginia Tech Hometown: Ridgewood, New Jersey Major: Political Science What makes this Cadet stand out from their peers? CDT Keane stands miles ahead of his fellow MSII peers. As soon he arrived at Virginia Tech and the New River Battalion (NRB), CDT Keane proved to be the hardest working Cadet in his class. He is a key team member on the Ranger Challenge Team. As an MSI, he had the fastest 5-mile time in the 1st Brigade Ranger Challenge competition. From there, CDT Keane has consistently maxed his PT test and contributed to the growth and development [...]

  • Name: Kyle Wolfe School: Baylor University Hometown: Parker, Colorado Major: Environmental Health What makes this Cadet stand out from their peers? Kyle Wolfe is the number one Cadet in the Baylor Bear Battalion. Consistently ranked at the top of his class by his peers, Cadet Wolfe competently and faithfully displays all the virtues of an excellent leader. As a member of the Baylor Ranger Challenge Team, Cadet Wolfe has been a reliable member of a dedicated team and has competed in several Ranger Challenge Competitions. Moreover, as a member of the greater Bear Battalion, Cadet Wolfe has taken it upon himself [...]

  • Name: Kellie A. McCauley School: University of Cincinnati Hometown: Orange Country, CA Major: Health Science What makes this Cadet stand out from their peers? Cadet Kellie McCauley is an extremely driven and highly motivated MS II who, through her determination to succeed and confidence, is an example of a present and most qualified junior Cadet with the potential to exceed standards and become an exceptional officer. Cadet McCauley began the semester immediately knowing that her future lied within the Army. Within a matter of two months she gathered and completed all documents to include 104-R, insurance, 139-R, DODMERB physical and with a [...]

  • Name: Brock A. Crystal School: Central Michigan University Hometown: Barrytown, MI Major: Exercise Science – Health Fitness with German Studies Minor What makes this Cadet stand out from their peers? Cadet Crystal sets the bar higher for himself an his peers. Cadets within the battalion respond to his leadership because of his physical capabilities as well as his can-do-anything attitude. He has a positive attitude and comports himself as an officer. He consistently has the best grades in his MSL class, scores among the best on the APFT, and is heavily involved in extra-curricular activities such as CrossFit, Ranger Challenge, and [...]

  • By: Madison Thompson FORT KNOX, Ky. – 8th Regiment, Basic Camp Cadets competed in a Drill and Ceremony Competition Aug. 7 during Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Ky. Platoons competed against one another to earn the title for best movement. Drill and Ceremony is a long-held tradition in the Army and focuses on Soldier movement. “We have everybody up in their straight lines doing parade rest, attention, correcting salutes, and making sure that our whole formation is on cue. We’re all competing with the different platoons to fight against whoever is the best at being all squared away and tight [...]

  • THE STORY OF THE FIRST ORTHODOX JEW AT ADVANCED CAMP AT FT KNOX FORT KNOX, Ky.— Cadet Michael (Aryeh) Urist from 8th Regiment, Advanced Camp, carries more than the standard weight in his rucksack during his time at Cadet Summer Training. Urist carries a week’s worth of MRE’s and the pressure of maintaining his religion in the field. Urist is an Orthodox Jew, meaning he adheres to the Torah. He follows strict jewish law on Shabbos, the Jewish Sabbath. He is the first Orthodox Jew to complete Advanced Camp since camp has been hosted at Fort Knox. He eats a kosher [...]